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Advice as you progress to a faculty position Summary of best advice I received 4 years ago  Develop a 5 year vision plan Create a pipeline of students.

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Presentation on theme: "Advice as you progress to a faculty position Summary of best advice I received 4 years ago  Develop a 5 year vision plan Create a pipeline of students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advice as you progress to a faculty position Summary of best advice I received 4 years ago  Develop a 5 year vision plan Create a pipeline of students to help you realize the plan Very important for the interview – potential employers want to see what is new on the horizon aside from your PhD  Treat this vision in a similar manner as a start-up University start-up package is your venture capital Students are your employees; treat them well! Funding agencies and program committees are your customers Web page, professional networking are your marketing tools Papers and ideas are the currency of the market Chairs and Deans should be your Board of Directors

2 Advice as you progress to the defense Common Trend: Avoid a thesis that tries to “Solve all of the world’s problems” Set a realistic timeline Be proactive, and know your advisor’s “style” If you desire an academic or research position, realize the level of competition and the need to publish your results  Candidates with multiple journal pubs and over a dozen total pubs

3 Resources to Consider Summary of Recommended Books Best place to find an academic job listing  Preparation for becoming a faculty member  CRA Academic Career Workshop  Dan Berry’s Advice on Getting a PhD  David Patterson’s (ACM President) Bad Career Advice 

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