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Sochi Olympics Your Name Today’s Date Insert picture.

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Presentation on theme: "Sochi Olympics Your Name Today’s Date Insert picture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sochi Olympics Your Name Today’s Date Insert picture

2 Sochi, Russia Include 3 bulleted facts and a picture

3 Total Medal Count as of 2/12 Insert a column graph for top 7 countries according to how many total medals they have

4 Gold Medal Count as of 2/12 Insert a column graph for top 5 countries according to how many gold medals they have

5 Medal Count as of 2/12 Insert a line graph for top 4 countries according to how many total medals they have. Graph only how many gold, silver and bronze medals they have.

6 Kim Yu Na Include 3 bulleted facts and a picture

7 Jamaican Bobsled Team Include 3 bulleted facts and a picture

8 Shani Davis Include 3 bulleted facts and a picture

9 Winter Olympic Events Winter Olympic Events Ice Hockey Speed Skating ?? Add 3 more circles with olympic events – 7 total

10 21 st Century Olympics Winter 2002 ? 2006 Torino, Italy 2010 Vancouver, Canada 2014 Sochi, Russia 2018 ?

11 21 st Century Olympics Complete same graph as before (Slide 10), this time for the summer games from 2000 - 2020

12 21 st Century Winter Games Insert a column graph for the population of the 4 cities to host the winter olympics so far this century.

13 21 st Century Summer Games Insert a column graph for the population of the 4 cities to host the summer olympics so far this century.

14 Hyperlink names on slides 2, 5, 6 and 7 to their web or wikipedia page Add a 5 second automatic transition to all slides

15 Total Medal Count as of 2/13 Insert a column graph for top 5 countries according to how many total medals they have

16 Gold Medal Count as of 2/13 Insert a column graph for top 4 countries according to how many gold medals they have

17 Medal Count as of 2/13 Insert a line graph for top 4 countries according to how many total medals they have. Graph only how many gold, silver and bronze medals they have.

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