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Competitive intelligence in Brazil Gilda Massari Coelho S&G Gestão Tecnológica e Ambiental SLA 2007, DENVER,

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1 Competitive intelligence in Brazil Gilda Massari Coelho S&G Gestão Tecnológica e Ambiental SLA 2007, DENVER, CO

2 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Relative certainty A forseeable world Uncertainty A complex world Globalisation New technologies (ICTs) Hypercompetition Hyperinformation New global players (China) Industrial societyKnowledge society Based upon Salmon & Linares, 1999.

3 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Relative certainty A forseeable world Uncertainty A complex world Globalisation New technologies (ICTs) Hypercompetition Hyperinformation New global competitors (China) Industrial societyKnowledge society Based upon Salmon & Linares, 1999. BRAZIL A dictatorship (1964-1985) A nationalist government A protected market No real competition Democracy Open market

4 From formal to informal From past to future From operational to strategic Source: H. Dou New information paradigm

5 Competitive Intelligence Systematic process of gathering, organizing, analyzing and disseminating information about the competitive environment to help decision making and to reach the organization goals.

6 Intelligence Model Intelligence Knowledge Information Data Quantitative Qualitative Analize Organize Act Know

7 Present knowledge Information Future knowledge (tacit) Past knowledge (explicit) Data Knowledge sharing Intelligence Model

8 Time factor Now! Short term Medium term Long term Competitive environment scanning Explicit knowledge Tacit knowledge Time

9 STRATEGIC INFORMATION: HOW DO THEY COME TOGETHER ? Knowledge Management Organizational Knowledge Appropriation Foresight Future Vision Competitive Intelligence Competitive Environment Scanning Decision Networks

10 Competitive Intelligece, Knowledge Management and Foresight Knowledge Management Organizational Knowledge Appropriation Foresight Future Vision Competitive Intelligence Competitive Environment Scanning Decision Networks Future Past/ Present Present/ Future

11 Planning and coordinating Disseminating Analyzing Gathering Organizing Creating intelligence from information Feedback Identifying Intelligence needs Identifying and gathering information sources Competitive Intelligence Creating the knowledge base Disseminating intelligence for decision and action Based upon J.Herrin

12 The intelligence value Source: Marti & Martinet Pertinence and quality of information sources Good evaluation of intelligence needs Quality of analysis Security Dissemination & Feedback Intelligence value = XX X X

13 THE SITUATION IN BRAZIL IN MID 90`S Lack of data about CI Lack of dissemination among Brazilian firms Lack of research actvities Association to espionage and anti-ethic practices Problems with the word intelligence

14 THE QUESTIONS How could we help Brazilian organizations to use CI? What could be done in relation to human resources training on CI ? How could we structure the contents of a course on CI? How could we put together things that were related to different knowledge fields: management, information science, marketing, information technology? Which previous experiences could help us?

15 HUMAN RESOURCES TRAINING The difficulty to define the model The difficulty to define the contents The difficulty to identify the teachers The difficulty to define the students profile

16 WHAT HAPPENED? In 1996, the National Institute of Technology - INT signed an agreement of cooperation with the Marseille University and its Centre de Recherches Retrospectives de Marseille - CRRM (France), aiming to transfer the technology developed in the area of competitive and technological intelligence to Brazilian institutions and companies. The Marseille University and, in particular, the CRRM received delegation from the French Government to constitute a center of excellence in the area of competitive intelligence and a PhD course has been offered since 1985.

17 A PROJECT FOR BRAZIL Creation of a center of excellence in Competitive Intelligence at the National Institute of Technology to guarantee the development of high level teaching and research. Implementation of CI courses, aiming to have CI knowledge multipliers in the country. Stimulating research on CI to adapt it to Brazilian culture and resources. Creation of a Brazilian intelligence network. The project was carried out by the National Institute of Technology, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and by an agreement with Marseille University, in France.

18 The project involved different types of organizations : Government: INT, IBICT, MCT Federal Universities: Rio, Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte, Minas Gerais Industries: Petrobras, Telebras ONGs: FBTS Foreign experts: CRRM/Marseille University/France, Georgia Tech/USA A PROJECT FOR BRAZIL

19 INT/ UNIVERSITY OF MARSEILLE AGREEMENT The activities contemplated in the INT/Aix-Marseille Univ. agreement aimed at the improvement of CI in Brazilian organizations, and this resulted in the elaboration of a project integrating INT and two Brazilian companies: Petrobras and Telebrás. The activities began in 1996 with the course of Strategic Information, whose content was the same of the DEA offered by the CRRM, with the participation of 12 professionals working for the three organizations. This first course was given by French professors, who taught to the Brazilian students CI methodologies and the usage of tools developed by the CRRM for Competitive Intelligence and Technological Watch. From 1997 on the courses were given by Brazilian teachers – from Brazilian Universities, Research and Development institutes and firms – as well as French partners.

20 POST GRADUATION COURSE ON COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE The creation of the Post Graduation Course on Competitive Intelligence, in Brazil, is an excellent example of networking. Network - reseau de complices, according to the French author Jakobiak -, a group of people and institutions with complementary abilities that decided to work together in benefit of a common goal: to spread the concepts and practices of Competitive Intelligence, aiming to incorporate them in Brazilian organizations management.

21 THE BENEFITS OF CI PROGRAM Post-graduation courses favor methodological aspects, but they do not allow research development nor the direct application of the results in industry. Specific agreements were made between INT, different Brazilian universities and the University Aix-Marseille, so that a research program involving academy and industry could be developed in Brazil. The Brazilian students had to present a memoire (thesis) at the same time practical and theoretical, preferably an application or knowledge transfer to industry. This was a first step to research and PhD degree. On the other hand, the results of the works developed by the Brazilian students were capitalized and disseminated by Internet, which contributed to recognition CI in Brazil.

22 THE CI PROGRAME Lato sensu Specialization Course 400 hours class INT + Brazilian universities Stricto sensu DEA (master)ThesisUniv.Marseille PhDDissertationUniv.Marseille

23 Competitive Intelligence Systems Trends in CI Intelligence Cycle Planning and working with CI Marketing Intelligence Technological Intelligence Networking Planning and Competitive Strategies Strategic Planning Competitive Strategies Scenarios Information and Communication Systems Communication Systems Networks and Information Systems Information Sources Patents and Intelectual Property Knowledge Management Data bases Datawarehousing Data Mining Analysis Technology Opportunities Analysis Competitor Analysis Benchmarking CONTENTS OF CI POST-GRADUATION COURSE

24 INTEGRATION OF COURSE CONTENTS TO CI SYSTEM Planning and coordinating Disseminating Analyzing Gathering Organizing Competitive Intelligence Strategic Planning Competitive Strategies Scenarios Knowledge Management Data bases Datawarehousing Data Mining Technology Opportunities Analysis Competitor Analysis Benchmarking Communication Systems Information Systems Information Sources Patents and Intelectual Property Trends in CI Intelligence Cycle Planning and working with CI Marketing Intelligence Technological Intelligence Networking


26 Post Graduation Course Short Courses Courses organized by INT

27 RESULTS The papers, books, articles, memoires, thesis and dissertations written by the students, have contributed for the creation of a Brazilian bibliography on the subject, practically inexistent before. Many students have presented papers in congresses in the country and abroad, four books have been published by former students, as a result of works developed during the course. The Brazilian Association of Competitive Intelligence Analysts – ABRAIC was created by former students. It has, now, more then 600 members.

28 RESULTS Since 1997, conferences, seminars, workshops and congresses have been organized by governmental and private institutions. In 2003, the financing agency of the Ministry of Science and Technology - Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / FINEP – launched the first prize for innovation in CI.

29 CI TODAY The following universities offer post-graduation courses focused or related to CI: CRIE/UFRJ, Estácio de Sá, Cândido Mendes, in Rio de Janeiro; IPEN, in São Paulo; UnB, in Brasília; PUC-PR, in Curitiba. Short courses are offered by many institutions and also as a component of Post-Graduation Management Courses. Due to a mission change, decided by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2001, INT/IBICT/UFRJ post-graduation course faced great difficulties and has been discontinued since then.

30 CI TODAY Nowadays there is a relevant number of firms using CI in Brazil. A recent research* shows that: The companies know and manage very well secondary sources (newspapers, reports, data bases) and find it extremely necessary. They have solid internal CI structures, with human resources dedicated to CI activities. They do not have a systematic evaluation of CI results. The CI networks are still incipient. The IT solutions are mainly based upon commercial software as Access, Excel or Lotus Notes. * L.Rangel, 2006.

31 CI TODAY A group of students/entrepreneurs at Genesis Institute Incubator (Catholic University in Rio) created the first Brazilian system designed for CI: Cortex Intelligence. Former students developed different CI applications: security, oil industry, pharmaceutical, banking etc. Brazilian government is using more and more foresight methodologies for long term planning.

32 CONCLUSION The keyword for what happened in Brazil is also the keyword for CI: NETWORKING. Without the willingness and sharing capacity of so many people, nothing would have happened. The results we have got must be shared with a lot of people and that is what is wonderful about it. Information in itself is not power. Sharing, using wisely and putting into action makes it powerful!

33 Thank you! Gilda Massari Coelho

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