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2015-16 Extended Learning Program Training Fall 2015 Grantee Meetings.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-16 Extended Learning Program Training Fall 2015 Grantee Meetings."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-16 Extended Learning Program Training Fall 2015 Grantee Meetings

2 Topics to be Covered 2015-2016 Program dates Federal Uniform Grants Guidance Fiscal management guidelines SMART Goals and Objectives Programming Opportunities –Family Engagement –Project AWARE SWORPs Update

3 2015-16 Project Dates to Remember Due DateActivity or Report September 30, 2015Budget submitted and approved by TDOE First reimbursement request due November 20, 2015State issued student ID’s entered in SWORPS All students flagged in student management systems December 18, 2015Mid Year report due May 13, 2016End of Year report due June 30, 2016End of the fiscal year, end date for project expenses June 30, 2016Final Expenditure Report (FER) for projects not having summer programs August 15, 2016Final Expenditure Report (FER) due for projects having summer programs

4 Uniform Grant Guidance What is it? –Document that streamlines and consolidates eight existing Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars What does it do? –Strengthens oversight –Targets waste, fraud, and abuse –Increases flexibility for and accountability by grantees Source: Implementing the Uniform Guidance. Presentation by US Department of Education for 21 st Century State Education Agency Coordinators, July 2015

5 Uniform Grant Guidance Key Changes for State Grant Management –Provide sub-award information to grantees including the indirect cost rate for the Federal award –Perform a risk assessment for the purpose of grantee monitoring –Verify that every grantee is audited (as required by the Single Audit Act) Source: Implementing the Uniform Guidance. Presentation by US Department of Education for 21 st Century State Education Agency Coordinators, July 2015

6 Uniformed Grant Guidance Pre-award Risk Assessment Categories –Indicator 1: Significant Fiscal Personnel Changes (5 points per item) –Indicator 2: TDOE Single Audit (A-133) Findings (1 point per item) –Indicator 3: Financial Statement Audit Report 4+ findings (1 point per item) –Indicator 4: Monitoring Fiscal Compliance Action Plan items not cleared by deadline (1 point per item) –Indicator 5: Office of Inspector General (OIG) Audit; Suspected Fraud / Waste / Abuse (10 points per item)

7 Uniformed Grant Guidance Indicator 6: Failure to Expend and draw down grant funds per the grant requirements (5 points per item) Indicator 7: Failure to enter student participation data into SWORPS by deadline (3 points) Indicator 8: Failure to serve the expected number of students based on the grant award (3 points) Source: Tennessee Department of Education, Suggested Pre-Award Indicators

8 Fiscal Management Review the TDOE Extended Learning Fiscal ePlan webinar PowerPoint or Grant Handbooks with key staff so everyone has an understanding of proper use of funds. Obtain the appropriate permissions for Project directors to upload documents into ePlan and view the budget.

9 Fiscal Management A Personal Activity Report (PAR) should be submitted for staff whose salary is partially paid for through the grant Timesheets that reflect the actual time worked in the program. –District personnel who work before or afterschool time should be paid for actual time worked in the program.

10 Budgeting Adequately plan for an entire school year. Be good stewards of the grant funds. Draw funds out of ePlan on a monthly basis and be sure to follow the agency approval chain on budget reimbursements and revisions. Submit budget revisions as needed in ePlan and provide detailed explanations in the narrative. Look for the TDOE Extended Learning approval or returned not approved comment after submitting budgets and revisions.

11 Budgeting Administrative costs should be reasonable given the number of students served in the program. –For example, a program budget that includes the salaries for 5 full time staff members but only serves 75 students would be unreasonable. Expenses that are covered in Indirect Costs should not be included in another line item. –For example, if an agency uses indirect cost to cover publication and printing, then there should not be a separate line item for that expense.

12 Allowable Expenditures Salaries and benefits for program staff Professional development workshops that are required and/or relate to grant objectives, including travel Educational equipment required for implementing program activities Materials and supplies associated with hands-on, active, and project-based learning Student transportation

13 Non-allowable Expenditures Promotional or marketing items such as flags or banners Decorative items Bonuses or incentives for personnel including cash or material items Incentives for students including banners, plaques, t-shirts, prizes, and clothing Entertainment such as amusement, diversion, and social activities Non-academic field trips Gift cards Activities that take place during the regular school day Textbooks and workbooks to be used during the regular school day Unhealthy food

14 Non-allowable Expenditures Expenses not directly or clearly related to the program Facilities or vehicles Furniture Salary of any type paid to the school superintendent or non program employees Travel expenses for individuals not involved with the project Lobbying Grant writing services Interest rates on credit cards Late fee payments on credit cards New construction or capital improvements such as permanent fixtures or renovations

15 Technology Requests Requests should be sent to the Extended Learning Director prior to purchase beginning September 20 Technology requests should come from the project director not individual site staff. Some examples of requests that will not be approved –LCD Projectors –Camcorders –Laptop or desktop computers that are over $1,000 each

16 Staffing Find the best people. Consider using annual contracts with people who work in the program. Develop basic job descriptions and handbooks for your project staff. Staff according to the number of students participating in the program

17 Communications Things to Consider: –Communication between the project director and site staff –Communication between the project director and Extended Learning Program staff –Plan of succession when a project director leaves –Communication between the project director and school district personnel

18 Creating SMART Goals and Objectives SMART goals are: S = Specific, Consider who, what, when, where, why, how M = Measurable, have numeric or descriptive measures A = Attainable, consider needed resources, be realistic R = Relevant, Rigorous, Results Focused T = Timely and can be Tracked with a realistic deadline

19 Creating SMART Goals and Objectives Example of a good SMART goal: To provide a supplemental Reading/Literacy Program to include student/adult tutoring using scientifically researched based programs that will enable students to show growth of one year or more in Reading/Language Arts. Example of a good objective: 35% of regular attendees will achieve one year of growth in Reading/Language arts by April 2016 as measured by STAR assessment data.

20 SWORPS Update Upcoming survey about developing a self-assessment tool that programs can use to reflect on a commonly agreed set of quality standards. Survey link will go out during the week of August 31 st. New SWORPS site is going to be field tested before general release. Firefox or Chrome is the preferred browser to access SWORPs Please keep rosters as updated as possible for the new SWORPS app. Promote, add, delete participants frequently.

21 FRAUD, WASTE or ABUSE Citizens and agencies are encouraged to report fraud, waste or abuse in State and Local government. NOTICE: This agency is a recipient of taxpayer funding. If you observe an agency director or employee engaging in any activity which you consider to be illegal, improper or wasteful, please call the state Comptroller’s toll-free Hotline: 1-800-232-5454 Notifications can also be submitted electronically at:

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