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Crystals. Found in minerals and have a regular geometric shape.

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Presentation on theme: "Crystals. Found in minerals and have a regular geometric shape."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crystals

2 Found in minerals and have a regular geometric shape.

3 Geologists

4 Scientist who study rocks and minerals to help us learn about the formation of the earth.

5 Granite

6 Rock composed of the minerals: Quartz, Mica, and Feldspar.

7 Hardness

8 How resistant a mineral is to being scratched.

9 Igneous rocks

10 Formed from minerals that have melted deep within the Earth.

11 Luster

12 The way a mineral reflects light.

13 Magnetic minerals

14 Minerals which show magnetic properties. Two examples are magnetite and hematite.

15 Metamorphic rocks

16 Formed from igneous, sedimentary, or other metamorphic rocks which contain minerals that have been changed by heat, pressure, or chemical action.

17 Mineral

18 Occur in nature and have definite chemical compositions and physical properties. They are the raw materials of rocks.

19 Mohs Scale

20 Used by geologists to classify a given minerals hardness.

21 Rock

22 Earth materials made up of different kinds of minerals.

23 Scratch test

24 Used to determine the hardness of a mineral.

25 Sedimentary rocks

26 Formed as particles settle to the bottom of oceans and lakes.

27 Streak color

28 When an unknown mineral is rubbed against a streak plate, (unglazed piece of porcelain) it may produce a colored line if it is softer than the streak plate.

29 Streak plate

30 Unglazed porcelain material that is used to determine the streak color of a mineral by rubbing a mineral over its surface.

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