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Welcome to 7th Grade Science Please find your Science Folder from the crates and pick up a Calendar. Do NOT write on the Folders! Take your seat, then.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 7th Grade Science Please find your Science Folder from the crates and pick up a Calendar. Do NOT write on the Folders! Take your seat, then."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 7th Grade Science Please find your Science Folder from the crates and pick up a Calendar. Do NOT write on the Folders! Take your seat, then get your pencil out.

2 How do we start class? Every day well begin class by going to the crate for your period. This will be where you get your science notebook and sit down. Read Lets Get Busy & take out a pencil, fill out calendar and journal. You will have 5 min. Be in your seat before the last bell rings.

3 Fill out your Calendars Fill out the top portion of the Calendar. 1. Name -- First and Last 2. Teacher –- Mrs. Higginbotham 3. Period 4. Room -- 168B 5. Class– Science 6. Quarter – 1st

4 August MonTue Wed ThFri 2625 19 18 292827 15 22 21 20 12131411

5 Assignment Calendar Wednesday 8/13/08 Classroom procedures HW: Signed Student/Parent Info. Sheet due Friday!

6 Journal Fill in first and last name & period in upper left corner. Fill in the date and day for first journal entry. –Friday, Aug. 15 will be your first journal question.

7 Journals Put your Journal in your science folders. You will do a Journal entry everyday. Your JOURNAL Answer needs to be a complete sentence For example: The number of bathroom passes per quarter is ???????........And, if you turn them in at the end of the quarter you get ??????......

8 Your Journal is a grade each day. If you are absent you must see me to get the question you missed to make it up. Each Day is worth 5pts. You must have a complete sentence and you must answer the question to receive any credit. If you dont, you receive a zero for that day.

9 Quality is: Completely finished The best you can do On time

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