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Auditing Oracle Lisa Outlaw CISA, CISSP, ITIL Foundation

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1 Auditing Oracle Lisa Outlaw CISA, CISSP, ITIL Foundation
IS Audit Supervisor, North Carolina State Auditor

2 Objective To explain the following: Key Oracle Audit Areas
Risks in each Audit Area Controls that should be implemented Audit procedures to evaluate controls

3 Audit Areas Data Dictionary Privileges Parameters
Default Users Accounts Profiles Roles Links Audit Trail

4 Data Dictionary Contains all the information about the structures and objects of the database Tables, columns, users, data files, etc. Owned by the Oracle account “SYS” This is the most powerful account in Oracle Contains all the security data Tables, users, tab privs., etc

5 Data Dictionary Risks Attackers can gain valuable information about the database including accounts and encrypted passwords. Attackers could destroy the database by deleting key tables.

6 Data Dictionary Controls
Ensure Access to the data dictionary is limited to only those accounts that need access to fulfill their job duties. Normally, only the database administrators should have access to the data dictionary.

7 Audit Procedure to evaluate controls over Data Dictionary
O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY=FALSE this is a database initialization parameter that controls access to objects in the SYS schema. Set this to FALSE to prevent users with EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE and SELECT ANY DICTIONARY from accessing objects in the SYS schema. If set to TRUE, accounts with "ANY" privileges could get access to objects in the SYS schema, hence the data dictionary. SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT * FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE UPPER(NAME)=‘O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY’;

8 Privileges Privileges are Types of privileges
the tasks that accounts or roles are allowed to perform. used by the database to determine if access to resources will be allowed or denied. Types of privileges System Privileges - Apply to the entire database Schema Object Privileges -Apply only to a portion of the database

9 Risks of Powerful Privileges
Excessive access to system tables and critical application tables may lead to: Unauthorized changes to data Denial of database services

10 Controls over Powerful Privileges
Privileges should be granted based on the need to know, need to use basis. Polices, procedures, and standards should support privilege granting decisions.

11 Controls over Powerful Privileges
Privileges on system and database objects should be carefully assessed, documented, and granted to the proper accounts and roles Typically end-user accounts should not be granted system privileges except create session Insert, Update, Delete on critical tables should be limited to required users

12 System Privileges System Privileges allow an account to perform a particular action on any schema Ex. Read (Select) any table in the database SELECT ANY TABLE privilege Over 150 different system privileges in Oracle

13 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over System Privileges

14 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over System Privileges
Ensure that only authorized personnel has system privileges in critical databases. Therefore, all system privileges except for CREATE SESSION should be restricted to the Database Administrators (DBA) SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT * FROM DBA_SYS_PRIVS WHERE PRIVILEGE <> 'CREATE SESSION'; Ensure REVOKE ALL <PRIVS> FROM <USER>;

15 Example of Script Output

16 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over System Privileges
Prevent granting privileges for the entire catalog of objects prevent granting of privileges that contain the keyword ANY. The ANY keyword grants the ability for the user to set privileges for the entire catalogue of objects in the database. Check for any user or role that has the ANY keyword and revoke this privilege where possible. SQL Command to Evaluate Control REVOKE ALL <PRIVS> FROM <USER>; SELECT * FROM DBA_SYS_PRIVS WHERE PRIVILEGE like "%ANY%"; SELECT * FROM DBA_SYS_PRIVS WHERE PRIVILEGE like '%SELECT_ANY_%'

17 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over System Privileges
Prevent granting of ALL privileges. The GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES must not be used; it gives full access to all tables, views and objects to the user or role it is granted to. SQL Command to Evaluate Control REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM <USER/ROLE> GRANT <SPECIFIC PRIVILEGES> TO <USER/ROLE>; SELECT * FROM DBA_SYS_PRIVS WHERE UPPER(PRIVILEGE) like 'GRANT ANY %' OR PRIVILEGE like 'GRANT ALL %';

18 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over System Privileges
Prevent granting of SELECT ANY TABLE. If application data is sensitive, and it is possible, revoke this privilege from the DBA accounts as well. SQL Command to Evaluate Control  REVOKE SELECT ANY <OBJECT> FROM <USER>; SELECT * FROM DBA_SYS_PRIVS WHERE PRIVILEGE like '%SELECT ANY %'

19 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over System Privileges
Prevent granting of privileges that have CREATE. Check for any user that has object creation privileges and revoke where possible. Excessive create privileges can allow an attack to create arbitrary objects, tables, and views. SQL Command to Evaluate Control REVOKE CREATE <PRIV> FROM <USER/ROLE> SELECT * FROM DBA_SYS_PRIV FROM PRIVILEGE LIKE 'CREATE %';

20 Schema Object Privileges
Privileges on tables, views, and stored procedures within a particular schema Typically used to control access to critical application data

21 Schema A schema is Schema database objects
a collection of database objects. owned by a database user and has the same name as that user. Schema database objects are logical structures created by users to contain, or reference, their data. include structures like tables, views, and indexes.

22 Examples of Schema database objects
Tables Indexes Views Synonyms Sequences Database links Packages Procedures Functions Etc.



25 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over Schema Object Privileges

26 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over Schema Object Privileges
Lock account access for application schema owners  Lock the account for the application schema owner. Users must not connect to the database as the application owner. SQL Command to Evaluate Control ALTER USER <USERNAME> ACCOUNT LOCK PASSWORD EXPIRE SELECT USERNAME, ACCOUNT_STATUS FROM DBA_USERS; SELECT USERNAME, ACCOUNT_STATUS FROM DBA_USERS WHERE USERNAME in (list of application schema owner accounts);

27 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over Schema Object Privileges
Review users access to various application data and determine if access is granted based on a need to know, need to use basis.

28 Parameters Updatable configuration settings for the database
Default settings populated during installation Typically stored in files on the host server, such as Unix

29 Parameter Risks Improperly configured parameters could allow
unauthorized access to sensitive data unauthorized control of the database Unauthorized access to configuration parameters could allow unauthorized modification of the database.

30 Parameter Controls Gain an Understanding of all configuration parameters for the database. The organization should develop a baseline defining secure parameter configurations. Default configuration parameters should be modified, Defaults Settings could lessen database security. Authorized Access to files or tables with configuration parameters The organizations should define those people who need access to these files or tables to perform their job duties.

31 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over Parameters

32 Evaluate Controls over Parameters
 SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT * FROM V$PARAMETER; Provides the runtime values of all the parameters

33 Key Parameters to Audit
Set REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT= FALSE to disallow a user that is authenticated to the network domain to access the database without DB credentials. SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT * FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE UPPER(NAME) LIKE ‘%REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT %’;

34 Key Parameters to Audit
Set _trace_files_public= FALSE prevents users from having the ability to read trace files which may contain sensitive information about the running Oracle instance. This is an internal Oracle parameter. (default: FALSE) SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT * FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE UPPER(NAME) LIKE ‘%TRACE_FILES_PUBLIC%’;

35 Key Parameters to Audit
Set REMOTE_OS_ROLES=FALSE to prevent Connection spoofing. Default is FALSE. SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT * FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE UPPER(NAME) LIKE ‘%REMOTE_OS_ROLES %’;

36 Key Parameters to Audit
Set REMOTE_LISTENER=’ ’ to prevent the use of a listener on a remote machine separate from the database instance. SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT * FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE UPPER(NAME) LIKE ‘%REMOTE_LISTENER%’;

37 Key Parameters to Audit
AUDIT_TRAIL = OS (recommended setting) AUDIT_TRAIL parameter ensures basic auditing is turn on. AUDIT_TRAIL to OS reduces the likelihood of a Denial of Service attack and it is easier to secure the audit trail. Any auditing information stored in the database is viewable and modifiable by the DBA if set to DB or DB_EXTENDED. SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT * FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE UPPER(NAME) LIKE ‘%AUDIT_TRAIL%’;

38 Key Parameters to Audit
Set OS_ROLES=FALSE OS_ROLES allows externally created groups to be used to manage database roles. This can lead to misaligned or inherited permissions. SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT * FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE UPPER(NAME) LIKE ‘%OS_ROLES %’;

39 Key Parameters to Audit
REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE=NONE Prevent remote privileged connections to the database. SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT * FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE UPPER(NAME)=‘REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE’;

40 Default User Accounts Default accounts are created during installation
These accounts own different features of the database

41 Default User Risks Initial passwords should be changed after database installation Default user ids and passwords are well known and could be used to allow unauthorized access to the database.

42 Default User Controls All initial passwords should be changed
Some default user accounts should be removed or locked as appropriate.

43 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over Default Accounts

44 Default User Account Audit Procedures
SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT * FROM DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD; (DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD not in versions prior to Oracle 11g) Note: the script was design to run on database versions 11g and prior. The error message above is what you should see if you are running this command on an Oracle database that is not 11g.

45 Sample Output From Script
SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT USERNAME, ACCOUNT_STATUS FROM DBA_USERS WHERE USERNAME in (list of default accounts); Note: the script looks for known default accounts, to determine if the accounts are locked.

46 Default User Account Audit Procedures
Check if Default Passwords are Changed Compare default password per hash values in Oracle white papers to password hash from database under audit to determine if default passwords were changed. USERNAME PASSWORD-HASH From Oracle Whitepapers PASSWORD-HASH From database under audit ACCOUNT_STATUS WKSYS 69ED49EE D OPEN CTXSYS 24ABAB8B06281B4C LOCKED MDSYS 72979A94BAD2AF80 EXPIRED & LOCKED WMSYS 7C9BA362F ORDSYS 7EFA02EC7EA6B86F

47 Profiles Oracle Profiles are used for resource and password management. Typically, a profile is created, then assigned to a user account. The profile contains the password settings, failed login attempt setting, password complexity etc. All user accounts are automatically assigned a DEFAULT profile. Specific users profiles are not explicitly assigned a user profile.

48 Profile Risk Improperly configured profiles could allow:
unauthorized access to sensitive data unauthorized control of the database passwords that never expire unlimited failed login attempts to the oracle database.

49 Profile Controls Organizations should define secure profile settings in a configuration baseline. Recommendation: Set three separate profiles instead of using the default profile: - application profiles, - system profiles, and - user profiles Rationale: User, System, and Application accounts require different resource and password settings.

50 Profile Audit Procedures

51 Key Profile Settings to Audit
Check the values of the following resources listed in the RESOURCE_NAME column, and compare to organization or statewide security standards: failed_login_attempts must be set to 3 (default 10 counts) password_life_time must be set to 60 or 90 days (default 180 days) password_lock_time must be set to 1 (default unlimited days) password_reuse_max must be set to 20 (default unlimited counts), limits the number of different passwords that must be rotated by the user before the current password can be reused password_reuse_time must be set to 365 (default unlimited days) sets the amount of time that must pass before a password can be reused;

52 Key Profile Settings to Audit
password_grace_time must be set to 3 (default unlimited days) to specify the number of days that the user is warned to change their password before their password expires idle_time must be set to a number (default unlimited minutes); limits the maximum length of time (in minutes) a session can be idle connect_time must set to a number to limits the maximum length of time (in minutes) a session can be held open (default unlimited minutes); password_verify_function Contains the password complexity The password verification function can be obtained from DBA_SOURCE table: SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT * FROM DBA_SOURCE WHERE TYPE='FUNCTION';

53 Roles A group of privileges that can be assigned to individual users
Oracle Databases have default roles already defined Roles make management of individual users easier to control

54 Roles Risks Default roles can grant excessive privileges
Careless assignment of roles may grant users excessive elevated privileges Changes in job assignments makes role maintenance difficult.

55 Roles Controls Passwords should be assigned to roles with important privileges Written maintenance procedures should exist Evidence should exist to support that maintenance procedures are followed Default roles should not be used

56 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over Roles

57 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over Roles

58 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over Roles
Determines if the persons in roles are appropriate. SQL Command to Evaluate Control Select * from DBA_USERs; Select * from DBA_ROLE_PRIVS; Select * from DBA_ROLES; Select * from DBA_ROLE_PRIVS WHERE GRANTED_ROLE='DBA';

59 Link$ Connections that allow one database to interact with another

60 Link$ Risks Unknown users in the remote database
Causes Clear text password to be stored in the data dictionary Multiple databases are at risk for unauthorized access Public links are not uncommon

61 Links Controls Public links should not be used
Access should not be granted to the data dictionary table may have passwords stored in clear text User permissions and/or executable procedures should restrict a users ability to use links Links should not exist from test or development databases into production databases

62 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over LINK$

63 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over LiNK$
Restrict Access to LINK$ Revoke access to the LINK$ table from all users and roles except for SYS and DBA accounts. SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT GRANTEE, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE TABLE_NAME in 'LINK$‘ SELECT * from DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE TABLE_NAME in 'LINK$',

64 Audit Trail Built-in facility to monitor activity that occurs within the database Logs are created of the activity that is audited Logs are kept either on the operating system or in the database. However, it is preferred to keep logs on the operating systems to avoid unauthorized modification from database administrators.

65 Audit Trail Risks Without an Audit Trail
No accountability is assigned to actions occurring within or to the database Data could be stolen without the knowledge of the database owners The database can be damaged or misconfigured without the knowledge of the database owners

66 Audit Trail Controls Policies and procedures should exist defining the auditing that should be performed Auditing should be enabled Audit logs should be monitored Audit logs should be secured within the operating system

67 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over Audit Trail

68 Audit Procedures to evaluate controls over Audit Trail
Restrict Access to AUD$ and USER_HISTORY$', Revoke access to the 'AUD$' table from all users and roles except for SYS and DBA accounts. Allowing users to alter the AUD$ or USER_HISTORY$ table can compromise the audit trail or integrity of the Oracle database Note: This is only applicable if the audit trail parameter is set to db or db_extended; SQL Command to Evaluate Control SELECT GRANTEE, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE TABLE_NAME in AUD$ SELECT GRANTEE, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE TABLE_NAME in USER_HISTORY$ SELECT * from DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE TABLE_NAME in AUD$ SELECT * from DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE TABLE_NAME in USER_HISTORY$

69 Discussion of Handouts
Oracle Scripts Sample Work papers Questions?? Sources: Oracle Whitepapers Oracle Website

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