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Jeopardy Nationalism Roots of War Russian Rev The Great WAR Outcome of WAR Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Nationalism Roots of War Russian Rev The Great WAR Outcome of WAR Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Nationalism Roots of War Russian Rev The Great WAR Outcome of WAR Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Nationalism What is nationalism?

4 $100 Nationalism Answer 1.Extreme patriotic feelings towards one’s country 2.Desire to seek independence based on common culture, language, customs/traditions

5 $200 Nationalism How did Italy unify?

6 $200 Nationalism Answer Led by King Emmanuel, Italy went from being independent city-states, to one nation – Italy.

7 $300 Nationalism What led to German unification?

8 $300 Nationalism Answer The German Confederation was created after the Congress of Vienna – established as a buffer city-states which reduced France back to its original border. Prussia – the largest German-state, unified Germany through a series of three wars

9 $400 Nationalism What is an example of Nationalism in Latin America?

10 $400 Nationalism Answer -Haiti -Central America -Mexico -Desire to have freedoms from foreign rule

11 $500 Nationalism How did nationalism lead to the Balkans becoming known as the “Powder Keg?”

12 $500 Nationalism Answer Nations wanted control over these regions for economic and political reasons. The Balkans was made up of several different nationalities – nationalities that wanted their own independence. As these nationalities fought for their independence, larger countries fought for their control.

13 $100 Roots of War How did militarism lead to war?

14 $100 Answer Roots of War Desire of countries to gain strength, to gain power, to gain more territories

15 $200 Roots of War How did alliances lead to the Great war?

16 $200 Answer Roots of War Countries made agreements to defend one another if another country invaded. This led the major countries of Europe to defend each other when one declared war.

17 $300 Roots of War How did nationalism lead to WWI?

18 $300 Answer Roots of War This was an age when all nations wanted to assert their power and independence. In Europe Slavs, aided by Serbia and Russia, wanted to be free of Austrian rule.

19 $400 Roots of War How did imperialism lead to WWI?

20 $400 Answer Roots of War All the great powers were competing for colonies / territory. The British feared Germany in Africa. The Austrians feared Serbia / Russia in the Balkans

21 $500 Roots of War How did the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand lead to WWI?

22 $500 Answer Roots of War  Large number of different religions and nationalities  Balkan Wars – struggle for control of the Peninsula  “Powder Keg of Europe”

23 $100 Russian Rev Who was Czar Nicholas II?

24 $100 Answer Russian Rev The last king of Russia. Forced to abdicate the throne in 1917

25 $200 Russian Rev Why did the people of Russia want a new government?

26 $200 Answer Russian Rev Some people were still living under peasant conditions. There was a food shortage, high poverty, and high unemployment

27 $300 Russian Rev Who were the Bolsheviks?

28 $300 Answer Russian Rev Radical group that demanded change. Gained support because promised the people equality. Communism Reds

29 $400 Russian Rev What did Lenin promise the people?

30 $400 Answer Russian Rev Promised “Peace, Land, and Bread” Withdraw from war, all peasants given land, everyone would have enough to eat

31 $500 Russian Rev What was the outcome of the Russian Rev?

32 $500 Answer Russian Rev Civil war – Reds VS Whites -Lenin and the Bolsheviks gain control by 1921 - Start of communism in Russia

33 $100 The Great War What countries made up the Triple Alliance and what countries made up the Triple Entente?

34 $100 Answer The Great War Triple Alliance – Germany, Austria-Hungry, Ottoman Empire Triple Entente – Great Britain, France, Russia

35 $200 The Great War How were the western and eastern fronts different? (battles)

36 $200 Answer The Great War Western Front – Trench war Eastern Front – battle lines more fluid/mobile

37 $300 The Great War What was the Armenian Genocide?

38 $300 Answer the Great War The Islamic Turks massacred the Christian Armenians. With the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Turkey was created.

39 $400 The Great War What new technology was introduced in WWI, and explain its impact on war.

40 $400 Answer The Great War Airplanes U-boats Poison Gas Tanks

41 $500 The Great War What were the three reasons that brought the US into the war?

42 $500 Answer The Great War Sinking of the Lusitania Zimmerman Note Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

43 $100 Outcome of WWI What is an armistice?

44 $100 Answer Outcome of WWI An agreement to end the war. Signed 11/11/1918

45 $200 Outcome of WWI What was the League of Nations? Why didn’t the US join?

46 $200 Answer Outcome of WWI International body of representatives from each country with the purpose of maintaining peace Congress feared it would drag us into another war

47 $300 Outcome of WWI What was the Paris Peace Conference?

48 $300 Answer Outcome of WWI 5 Separate Peace Treaties known as the Peace of Paris Central Powers not invited

49 $400 Outcome of WWI What was the Treaty of Versailles?

50 $400 Answer Outcome of WWI List of 8 laws/rules that Germany had to follow

51 $500 Outcome of WWI Explain the acronym R.A.W.

52 $500 Answer Outcome of WWI R.eparations – payments to victors for war damages ($33B) A.llied Punishments De-militarized Germany Took Germany’s colonies Gave Alsace Lorraine to France Took Saar Basin (coal supplies) Took Rhineland (buffer zone) Guilt – Germany had to accept total blame for the war

53 Final Jeopardy Why was WWI and the Treaty of Versailles a cause of WWII?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer It created anger and resentment among Germans. Economic disaster led for the rise of radical leaders…

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