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Theo van Veen, Koninklijke Bibliotheek The European Library: opportunities for new services.

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Presentation on theme: "Theo van Veen, Koninklijke Bibliotheek The European Library: opportunities for new services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theo van Veen, Koninklijke Bibliotheek The European Library: opportunities for new services

2 Open Archive Forum, Lissabon, 5-7 december 2002 2 Search and Retrieve via URLs (SRU) Initiative from Z39.50 implementers group to offer a low barrier alternative to Z39.50 Searching via: base-URL ? request with standard syntax Response: XML conform standard schema Example URL: http// zoek/ Demo With SRU clients/portals can be written as a simple HTML page with javascript and XSL.

3 Open Archive Forum, Lissabon, 5-7 december 2002 3 Mapping functions with metadata

4 Open Archive Forum, Lissabon, 5-7 december 2002 4 Functions and services Search: most fields contribute record retrieval (presentation,harvesting, linking) : record-id identification (retrieve object): identifier description (of object): title, author, subject, description linking (locate services): identifier, relation, source multilingual service (translation): title, description, subject authority service (find main entries): author, subject, type collection level: descriptive elements, target address, type navigation (between hierarchy levels): identifier, relation authorisation (permission criteria): rights administration (trace usage): dates, record-id software requirements (e.g.preservation): description copy cataloguing: all fields document ordering: identifier, record-id Functions require metadata ; the presence of metadata should generate access to services. demo

5 Open Archive Forum, Lissabon, 5-7 december 2002 5

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