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Proposed IEEE-USA Energy Policy Committee Energy Education Project James Gover, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed IEEE-USA Energy Policy Committee Energy Education Project James Gover, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed IEEE-USA Energy Policy Committee Energy Education Project James Gover, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society

2 Unstable Energy Is A Global Issue Oil and other energy prices have become volatile Western Europe has insecure supplies of natural gas India will depend heavily on coal imports in coming decades Governments in most heavily energy consuming nations are insecure about their supply Largest energy suppliers are questioning whether demand is sufficiently certain to justify investments in new capacity Producers and consumers cannot agree on how best to finance and manage a more secure energy system – there are massive economic and political risks inherent in new energy projects Global warming is world-wide issue David Victor and Linda Yueh, The New Energy Order: Managing Insecurities in The 21 st Century, Foreign Affairs, January/February, 2010, pp 61-73.

3 State of US Energy Affairs Because of fear, misinformation and the isolation of technology from public understanding: – The public lacks the knowledge base in energy to make informed recommendations to legislative and executive bodies of governments – Educational institutions and news media are misinforming or, at best, under-informing students and the public on the pros and cons of energy alternatives – Governments find it difficult to craft effective, long-term energy policies that are non-partisan – In the absence of US national leadership in energy policy, states act independently – sometimes wisely, sometimes unwisely


5 Impact of Ethanol Policy of Midwestern States: Bad News States encouraged investment in ethanol made from corn. Outcomes: – Increased corn prices – Increased cost of farm land – Increased food costs – Idle ethanol plants – Subsidy-dependent ethanol – Onerous tariff on sugar cane ethanol from Brazil

6 Energy Output/Input for Corn Ethanol Data compiled by U.S. Corn Growers Association

7 Ways EPC May Influence Energy Policy Develop entity positions for US Increase knowledge of energy alternatives around the world – policy optimization will follow – Encourage IEEE conferences to sponsor energy policy sessions in which EPC members participate – Provide world with free information on energy alternatives peer-reviewed by IEEE energy experts

8 Ways EPC May Influence Energy Policy Develop Energy Policy Recommendations – Present to President; Congress; at IEEE conferences; IEEE Sections; Chapters and Societies; Civic Groups – Publish as High Quality Document – Post on Internet – Publish as IEEE Document Weaknesses – Traditional Political Focus – US Centric – Policy of Low Interest to Most IEEE Members & Societies – Effectiveness Limited by IEEE Political Clout Influence all IEEE Energy Related Societies to Include Policy Sessions in Conferences with EPC Participation. Develop Public Information on Energy – Presentation Materials – K-12 Teaching Materials Resources for teachers Resources for school speakers – BS Teaching Materials – Semi-technical Materials for Presentation at Civic Events, Economic Development Groups, State Legislatures, IEEE Chapters/Sections

9 Proposed EPC Education Project Vision 1.People around the world will understand energy sufficiently well to assure that their nations national, regional and local energy policies are optimized for their needs. 2.Youth around the world are highly motivated to pursue careers in energy related industries. 3.IEEE will be recognized to be the objective, unbiased authority on energy and its work will be the standard used to make world-wide energy policy decisions.

10 EPC Education Project Mission Develop education materials on energy that IEEE members around the world and others (retired engineers, executives, teachers, etc.) may use for public presentations at civic meetings, professional society meetings, legislature briefings, classroom materials (K- 12 to BS students) and other uses that benefit society.

11 Recommended Style/Principles of Presentations Make each presentation visually intense and sufficiently long so that users may delete materials and find it unnecessary to add materials that have not been peer reviewed. Notes included with presentations. When data are used, cite the source of the data and provide web link to source. Make briefing sufficiently technical for use in a BS level, university course or presentation to BS students. Technical content can be reduced by user based on audience. Peer Review: Each presentation will be developed in cooperation with relevant IEEE societies, other relevant professional societies, energy industry, NSF, NIST, DOE and DOE energy laboratories, but EPC will retain control of final content prior to distribution.

12 Candidate Presentation Topics Big Picture Topics 1.Introduction to Stationary and Mobile Energy Sources 2.Impact of Energy on Societies: the good, the bad and the ugly 3.The Sun as Energy Source 4.Overview of Electric Power Generation 5.Sustainability of Energy Sources 6.Global Warming: Pros and Cons 7.The US Electric Power Transmission Grid Including Smart Grid and Cybersecurity 8.Water Consumption in Energy Generation Detailed Topics 1.Coal-Fired Power Plants 2.Natural Gas Fired Power Plants 3.Nuclear Fission Power Plants 4.Introduction to Nuclear Fusion 5.Wind Power Generation 6.Photovoltaics Power Generation and Conditioning 7.Solar Thermal Power Generation 8.Wave Power 9.Geothermal Power 10.Tidal Power 11.Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles 12.Biofuels 13.Fuel Cells 14.Smart Grid 15.Energy conservation 16.Energy storage

13 Examples of Presentations Nuclear Fission Power 1.Basic physics of fission 2.Types of fission reactors 3.Fission reactors around the world 4.Technologies of fission reactors 5.Nuclear power plant design 6.Nuclear power plant safety 7.Nuclear power plant control systems 8.Nuclear fuel reprocessing 9.Breeder reactors 10.Nuclear waste storage 11.Nuclear weapons proliferation 12.Transportation of nuclear materials 13.Role of Nuclear Regulatory Commission in U.S. nuclear power 14.Economics of nuclear power 15.Nuclear power plant lifetime 16.Nuclear power plants of the future Electric Vehicles (EVs, HEVs, PHEVs and FCEVs) 1.Topologies of EVs, HEVs, PHEVs, and FCEVs. 2.Technologies of EVs, HEVs, PHEVs and FCEVs: batteries, power electronics, electric machines, cooling systems and control systems 3.Advantages and disadvantages of EVs, HEVs, PHEVs, and FCEVs 4.Economics of EVs, HEVs, PHEVs and FCEVs 5.Grid charging of PHEVs and EVs 6.Role of biofuels in HEVs and PHEVs 7.Major research challenges remaining for EVs, HEVs, PHEVs and FCEVs

14 Suggested Outline for Each Presentation Names of EPC members responsible for creating presentation Names of other IEEE societies, other non- IEEE societies and individuals who contributed to presentation. Reference sources on each slide Title Basic science (physics/chemistry/biol ogy) Historical perspective Essentials of engineering design and current status Economics Strengths and liabilities

15 Response of EPC Membership Russell Lefevre Mayer Sasson Adam Ward Bartosz Wojszczyk Tom Gentile Kenneth Lutz Mary Reidy Harold Adams Jim Fancher Clint Andrews Leonard Bond James Gover Al Gasiewski Stanley Klein Kalyan Sen

16 Action Items for Today 1.Vote to Pursue or Not Pursue. If Pursue: 2.Elect Project Director for development of presentation materials 3.Elect Marketing Director (Maximize ROI) 4.Make First Cut at Topics

17 Development of Resource Materials Select project director for research material development Select initial list of presentation topics Project director develop time-line for project Project director ask full EPC membership to recommend additional topics Present final list of topics to full EPS membership and solicit volunteers willing to contribute to presentation topics Compile list of EPC volunteers for each topic Each topic team selects leader Each team leader develop plan for developing presentation including collaboration with relevant IEEE societies, other professional societies, DOE and its energy Labs, NIST, energy companies and trade associations Team leaders report progress back to project director prior to each EPC meeting.

18 Marketing Director – Elect marketing director – Select project marketing team – Project marketing team develop marketing plan How materials posted? Who has access? How IEEE-USA EPC controls content? Who sent copies or web access? Where published? How advertized?

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