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Accounting and Finance. Vocabulary Liabilities: O bligations of the firm to outsiders or claims against its assets by outsiders (debts of the firm). Assets:

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1 Accounting and Finance

2 Vocabulary Liabilities: O bligations of the firm to outsiders or claims against its assets by outsiders (debts of the firm). Assets: R esources of the firm that are expected to increase or cause future cash flows (everything the firm owns) Owners’ Equity :The residual interest in, or remaining claims against, the firm’s assets after deducting liabilities (rights of the owners) Accounting : A process of identifying, recording, summarizing, and reporting economic information to decision makers in the form of financial statements. Annual report : A document prepared by management and distributed to current and potential investors to inform them about the company’s past performance and future prospects.

3 Accounting and Finance Accounting information is useful to anyone who makes decisions that have economic results.  MANAGERS  OWNERS  INVESTORS  CREDITORS  GOVERNMENT REGULATORS

4 Accounting and Finance The Balance Sheet The balance sheet equation: Assets = Liabilities + Owners’ Equity or Owners’ Equity = Assets - Liabilities In Accounting, An Itemized Statement of What one owns, What one owes, What one s worth is called a Balance Sheet

5 Accounting and Finance Balance Sheet Reports What a Business: Owns – Assets Owes – Liabilities Worth – Owners Equity

6 Accounting and Finance Income Statement reports How much you earned Last Year  Revenue  Expense  Profit

7 Accounting and Finance What is the need for Accounting & Finance in a Business: Assess Monitor Forecast Future

8 Accounting and Finance Expense Tangible Financial Statements Balance Sheet profitable. Intangible For a business enterprise, all the relevant financial information is presented in a structured format that is easy to understand. These are called ________. There are several important financial statements. Managers want to know if a new product will be _____________ An outflow of cash or other valuable assets from a person or company to another person or company is an ___________ In Accounting, An Itemized Statement of What one owns, What one owes, What one s worth is called a _______________ ________ assets are physical things, for example machines and property. ________ assets are not physical in nature, for example a company's reputation.

9 Accounting and Finance Match the balance sheet items on the left to their definition on the right: 1. Accounts receivable A. Borrowed money which the company must pay back within a year. 2. Prepaid expenses B. The money owed to a business by its clients 3. Account payable C. Intangible assets like a company’s brand name and established relationships with its suppliers 4. Stock / Inventory D. Costs paid in advance such as rent and interest 5. Plant & Equipment E. The money a company has received from outside investors for its shares 6. Share capital F. The money owed by a business to its suppliers 7. Goodwill G. The goods and materials that a business holds for the purpose of resale 8. Short-term debt H. What a company owns and uses to produce goods, such as factory and machinery.

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