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Dianna Chiabotti Janelle Williams Melendrez Jesse Ortiz.

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Presentation on theme: "Dianna Chiabotti Janelle Williams Melendrez Jesse Ortiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dianna Chiabotti Janelle Williams Melendrez Jesse Ortiz


3 EthnicityPercentage White34% (613,444) Latino31% (543,632) Asian12% (206,900) African American 7% (130,404) Total Raw Number 1,794,904 students


5  A Chancellor and/or President- Superintendent of color is significant factor to having a more diverse- inclusive faculty.

6 College or District% of Diverse FacultyTotal # of Faculty 1. Compton CCD/Compton College69% 85 (Black male) 2. Peralta CCD/Laney College54%162 (Black female) 3. San Jose/Evergreen CCD53%249 (Latina) 4. Gavilan50% 80 (White male) 5. San Francisco45%764 (Black male) 6. Palo Verde43% 42 (White male) 6. Rio Hondo43%201 (Latino) 7.Foothill-DeAnza CCD41%507 (Martha Kantor, white) 7. Southwestern41%223 (East Indian) 7. Los Angeles CCD41%1,040 (Black Female) 7. San Diego CCD41%720 (Black Female) 8. San Joaquin Delta40%235 (Latino) 8. Contra Costa CCD40%468 (Black Female)

7  60% students of color in California Community College indicated they never have had a faculty member of own ethnic group.  48% of Faculty want to Diversify. (52% no)


9 High School Grad At Least Some College At Least a BA Degree Asian94%80%49% White93%62%29% African American 86%48%15% Latino61%31%7%



12  Raises new issues and perspectives.  Broadens variety of experience shared.  Confronts stereotypes on social and political issues  Allows broader variety of experiences to be shared.

13  When were you first aware that people were different racially or ethnically?  When were you first aware that you were a member of a racial or ethnic group?  When were you first aware of people being treated differently because of membership with a specific group?

14  Culture is a set of values, customs, traditions, beliefs, ways of being that are shaped by our race, ethnicity, SES, gender and life experiences.  When culture is ignored, students are at risk of not getting the support they need, or assistance can be harmful

15  Developing certain personal and interpersonal awarenesses and sensitivities;  Learning specific bodies of cultural knowledge; and  Mastering a set of skills that underlie effective cross cultural teaching and communication

16  Is a developmental process that depends on continual acquisition of knowledge;  the development of new and advanced skills; and  ongoing self-reflection and self- assessment!

17  The ability to think, feel, and act in ways that acknowledge, respect, and build upon ethnic, socio-cultural, and linguistic diversity

18  Cultural competence is the ability to successfully work with students who come from cultures different from our own

19  Recognize the broad dimensions of culture  Respect families as the primary source for defining needs and priorities  Increase sensitivity to alienating behaviors

20  Do you have close personal relationships with people who are culturally and socio-economically different?  Do you have the desire, knowledge, and skill to integrate culturally relevant considerations into your work?  What are some of your earliest memories of the values, beliefs, and attitudes of others that were different from yours?

21  How is Cultural Competence Important? Or, is it not?  Is it necessary to be a faculty of color to understand Cultural Competency?  Can you describe what Cultural Competency looks like in a classroom?  Does Cultural Competence improve student retention/achievement?

22  What might happen if all faculty were culturally competent?

23  Does Cultural Competence improve student retention/achievement?  What is the campus climate/culture today like for CA Community College students of Color?  Is there a correlation between a positive campus climate/culture and leadership/governance? How and why?

24  Staff development activities that focus on  self–reflection and bias  Developing competence  Only allocated what funding there is to professional development activities that support cultural competence building

25  Implementing hiring practices that include cultural competence  Do voluntary Cultural Competence assessments



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