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A computer is an electronic device used to process data, converting data into information that is useful to people.

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3 A computer is an electronic device used to process data, converting data into information that is useful to people.

4 A complete computer system includes four distinct parts : Hard wear Soft wear Data User

5 The computer system Defined: Hard wear Types of Hard wear: : * Processor * Memory * Input and Output (I/O devices ) * Storage devices

6 What is input Data or instruction entered into memory of computer Input device Is any hard wear component used to enter data.

7 What are the two types of input * Data : Unprocessed text, number, images and video * Instructions : 1/ programs 2/ commands 3/ user responses

8 How is the keyboard divided Typing area Numeric keypad Function keys, special keys

9 What is a mouse Pointing device that fits under palm of hand Pointing device / controls movement of pointer, else called mouse pointer Mechanical mouse Has rubber or metal ball on underside

10 What are common mouse operation *Point *Click / double click / triple click *Drag / right drag *Rotate wheel / press wheel button

11 What is a scanner Light-sensing device that reads printed text and graphics Used for image processing, converting paper document into electronic images


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