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ABC’s of Behaviour Video Training Module #2

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1 ABC’s of Behaviour Video Training Module #2
BE PROACTIVE NOT REACTIVE Megan Delcourt, M.A., Behaviour Analyst Maria DeBrouwer, CYCW WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

2 What are the ABC’s of Behaviour?
Antecedent Behaviour Consequence WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

3 WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids
Antecedent An antecedent is a stimulus that cues an organism to perform a learned behavior Trigger Behaviour WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

4 WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids
Antecedent What happens before the behaviour occurs? An antecedent could be the following: A demand or a request has been made The student has been denied access to an object/item The student was alone (no peer/adult interaction) The student was engaged in a natural social situation (no demand placed) WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

5 WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids
Behaviour What are you observing? hitting kicking punching biting hair pulling running throwing head banging Other WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

6 Behaviour When we are recording behaviour, we are recording factual information See Action Hear Data should be recorded using minimal written information More information does not = good information Data does not contain assumptions, personal opinions or personal views on situations WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

7 WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids
Consequence What was the response to the behaviour? Verbal attention given? Physical attention given? Ignored? Activity/task reduced? Activity/task taken away? Change of location? Adult/s Peer/s Environment WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

8 Proactive Antecedent Strategies
They lesson the likelihood of the behaviour occurring They provide an effective “detour” They teach appropriate skill deficit WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

9 Proactive Antecedent Strategies
Challenging Behaviour - Runs from the room when asked “to do homework” or “take a bath” - Infant continuously pulls lamp off of the table - Continuously throws food at peers while eating in the cafeteria Proactive Effective Strategy - Provide a “choice”. Do you want to do your homework first, or take a bath?” - Remove the lamp from the table - Switch the seating arrangement to a family style configuration WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

10 Consequence Strategies
Does our reaction to a behaviour determine the likelihood of the behaviour occurring again? WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

11 Consequence Strategies
Your son decides to surprise you and clean his room. Because you are so delighted by his initiative, you reinforce him verbally and treat him to a movie. What is the likelihood that your son will clean his room again????? Initiative Antecedent Cleaning Room Behaviour Verbal & Tangible Reinforcement Consequence/ Behavioural Response WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

12 WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids
Consequence Consequence is not referred to as a punitive measure When we refer to a consequence, we are speaking to how the staff, peers and environment play a role in: Accelerating the Behaviour Maintaining the Behaviour Decelerating the Behaviour WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

13 WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids
Consequence Behavioural Response WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

14 WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

15 Repertoire of Behaviour
Track all behaviour that is observed Track all attempts and physical contact Select the target behaviour based on the following: Most Intense Most Severe WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

16 WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids
Purpose of ABC Data The purpose of collecting ABC data to establish clear patterns across various domains ABC data can assist in identifying Antecedent What were the triggers? What provoked the behaviour? What led the student to the behaviour Behaviour Repertoire of Behaviour Consequence Staffs response to the behaviour Peers response to the behaviour The environments response to the behaviour WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

17 Thank You! Module # 3 “Data Collection”
This module has been brought to you be the Behaviour Support Team Strategic Plan 2015 WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

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