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Science as Inquiry Jessica Davis, Los Angeles Big Picture High School

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1 Science as Inquiry Jessica Davis, Los Angeles Big Picture High School

2 National Science Standards What is Science as Inquiry? -Understanding scientific concepts and developing abilities of inquiry -Learning subject matter disciplines in the context of inquiry, technology, science in personal and social perspectives, and history and nature of science. -Investigations over extended periods of time. -Using multiple process skills—manipulation, cognitive, procedural. -Using evidence and strategies for developing or revising an explanation. -Groups of students often analyzing and synthesizing data after defending conclusions

3 National Standards Cont. Students Will: -Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations. -Design and conduct scientific investigations. -Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications. -Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence. -Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models. -Communicate and defend a scientific argument.

4 CA Science Standards -Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations. -Select and use appropriate tools and technology to perform experiments. -Identify and communicate sources of error. -Identify possible reasons for inconsistent results. -Formulate explanations by using logic and evidence. -Solve scientific problems using math. -Distinguish between hypothesis and theory. -Read and interpret maps.

5 CA Standards Continued Investigate a science-based societal issue. -Recognize the usefulness and limitations of models and theories. -Analyze locations, sequences, or time intervals. -Recognize the issues of statistical variability and the need for controlled tests. -Recognize the cumulative nature of scientific evidence. -Analyze situations and solve problems that require combining and applying concepts from more than one area of science. -Know that when an observation does not agree with an accepted scientific theory, the observation is sometimes mistaken or fraudulent


7 Empirical Reasoning! This goal is to think like a scientist: to use empirical evidence and a logical process to make decisions and to evaluate hypotheses. It does not reflect specific science content material, but instead can incorporate ideas from physics to sociology to art theory.  What idea do I want to test? (essential question)  What has other research shown?  What is my hypothesis? How can I test it?  What information (data) do I need to collect?  How will I collect the information?  What will I use as a control in my research?  How good is my information?  What are the results of my research?  What error do I have?  What conclusions can I draw from my research?  How will I present my results?

8 At heart, science is inquiry-based Inquiry=projects And (in my opinion) Empirical Reasoning is the cornerstone of a good project THEREFORE! Science is project-based

9 Components of ER Project Work Essential Questions and Hypotheses Clear and Accessible Data Collection Methods Consistent Investigations Tie-ins Across Curriculum/Content Analyze Data and Compare to Other Research Look for Experimental Error Draw Conclusions & Create Final Products (Clear outcomes) Present Your Results: Lab Reports, Presentations, etc.

10 How I Incorporate ER in My Science Classes Long-term Class Projects Short-term Class Projects Long-term Individual Student-lead Projects Created a course for 9 th Graders that was an Introduction to Empirical Reasoning Class

11 The Smog Lab: Long Term Class Project Essential Questions: Is there a correlation between smog in LA and infrastructure? How can we measure air pollution? How does smog affect us physiologically? How can we decrease the effects of smog in our own homes? Data Collection/Investigation: Smog tests in many areas over a variety of weeks. Textbook and online research Final Products Creation of a website, products determined by students

12 Smog Lab Continued Science Content: Ecology (biogeochemical cycles), Physiology (respiratory system), Cell Biology (Photosynthesis), Investigation and Experimentation Cross-Curricular: History/Social Reasoning: research the connection between Industrialization and the rise of smog Government: involve students in the process for legislation regarding air pollution Communication/English: Write lab reports, publish website

13 The Radish Lab: Short-ish Class Project Essential Questions: How do different environmental factors affect the growth of plants? How can human actions affect the living world? Data Collection/Investigation: Test a variety of conditions for growth of radishes, compare to control radishes Final Products Charts, lab reports

14 Intro to ER Class: 9 th Grade A Scientific Investigation Course (Introduction to ER) that will include basic scientific concepts and tie into the 9 th Grade Health Class. Run by the Advisors, supported by the ER Specialist. Mini-labs to introduce ER Tie-in with Advisory Projects Mini ER Projects with Health Class

15 Independent Elective Courses Students with related LTIs could attain credit for an elective course (Marine Biology, Environmental Chemistry, Veterinary Science, Food Science, etc.), but need to work closely with mentors and an ER person. In these situations, courses must be developed with clear outcomes along with mentors in a scientific field.

16 Individual Student Projects 20% of their grade for the course comes from ER Integration in their projects Student designed Supported by both the Advisor and the Science Teacher/ER Specialist Usually one semester/trimester in length

17 QR/ER Proposal at BPFTA WHAT THE STUDENTS SHOULD PROPOSE BEFORE THE PROJECT BEGINS: Essential Question/Goal Hypothesis Procedures/Testing Methods: Calculations/Data/Observations: Presenting Results Classes the work will count toward Timeline

18 After research is completed… Results and Analysis: Was the goal met? Was the hypothesis correct? Why or why not? What does this show and why does it matter? A clear discussion. Errors: What errors or mistakes happened that affected the test or calculations? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Product Creation: Create final products involving/meeting all previous components.

19 Assessment: ER Rubric

20 Planning The project includes multiple essential questions that share common themes and hypotheses. Hypotheses and social or experimental tests are well developed and clear. Background research is thorough, documented, and connected to essential questions. Controls are identified and will accurately complement the experiment.

21 Testing Data collected through testing is organized, clear, and responds to a hypothesis. Methods for collecting data are pre- planned, organized, and consistent.

22 Analysis A discussion of how the student is confident of the quality of their information is clear and accurate. Results of research have been analyzed clearly and concisely state whether and how essential questions have been answered. Potential error in testing is clearly explained, as well as the effects on the experiment.

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