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Types of Government.

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1 Types of Government

2 Dictatorship Representative Systems of Power
Power is held by one person or a small group of people. Those who rule are not held responsible to the will of the people. Sovereign power held by the dictator Representative Power is held by the majority. Supreme authority rests with the people. Sovereign power held by the people

3 Autocracy Power to rule is in the hands of a single person such as a dictator.

4 Monarchy An autocracy ruled by a king, queen, or emperor.

5 Oligarchy Rule by a small group

6 Theocracy Rule by religious leaders

7 Democracy People rule directly

8 Republic Voters elect their leaders

9 Unitary System Federal System National government has ALL powers
- (no meaningful state or local governments) - Great Britain has a unitary government Federal System Power is divided between national and state or local governments - (state and/or local governments have their own substantial powers) The United States has a federal government

10 All Powers held by national government
Unitary System All Powers held by national government

11 Federal System National government has some powers
- - - Powers are divided up - - - City governments have some powers State governments have some powers County governments have some powers

12 Confederation An alliance, or loose union of independent states
Examples of confederations: - The United States under The Articles of Confederation - The Confederate States of America during the Civil War - The European Union

13 Chapter 1, Section 2

14 What is the role of the individual in a Democracy or Republic?
What does the individual give up? What does the individual gain?

15 American representative government rests on these basic notions:
(1) A recognition of the fundamental worth and dignity of every person; (2) A respect for the equality of all persons; (3) A faith in majority rule and an insistence upon minority rights; (4) An acceptance of the necessity of compromise; and (5) An insistence upon the widest possible degree of individual freedom. Chapter 1, Section 3

16 Majority v. Minority Rule
What are the hazards of strict populist (majority) rule? What are the hazards of strict minority rule?

17 Equality Thomas Jefferson writes “all men are created equal” in The Declaration of Independence. What two types of equality does he mean? Whose ideas is he borrowing directly? 1) Equal opportunity for all persons 2) Equal treatment for all persons under the law John Locke, from Two Treatises on Government

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