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“Marketing to Muslims Food, Fashion and Faith” As featured in The Economist Summarized by Kylie Millender and Ryan Ashbaugh.

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Presentation on theme: "“Marketing to Muslims Food, Fashion and Faith” As featured in The Economist Summarized by Kylie Millender and Ryan Ashbaugh."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Marketing to Muslims Food, Fashion and Faith” As featured in The Economist Summarized by Kylie Millender and Ryan Ashbaugh

2 Western Perceptions Tend to tiptoe around Muslims as a distinct market segment Why? Fits nicely with Christianity and Judaism Cultural divide just seems to be too wide

3 Facts America’s Muslim population (6 million) are richer and better educated 2/3s of Muslim households make over $50,000 while 1/4 earn over $100,000 2/3s have a degree compared to less than half the general population Muslim families tend to have more children

4 Needs Food, finance and packaged goods are most affected by Islamic law Halal market is worth $580b annually 16% of U.S. kosher industry comes from halal options

5 Reaching Out McDonald’s serves halal McNuggs, but advertising is restricted to the store Coca-Cola runs ads focused on charity during Ramadan

6 Recently Florida-based, family values organization called for advertising to be pulled from TLC’s All American MuslimAll American Muslim Firms included were: Lowe’s, Bank of America, Cambell’s, Dell, GM, McDonalds, Sears, and Wal-Mart

7 Your Perceptions as a Marketer More than a decade after 9/11 this segment is still treated differently than Hispanics, African Americans or Asians What would you do?

8 Sources 2007-09-19-voa31-66586877.html 2007-09-19-voa31-66586877.html 2/12/lowes-pulls-ads-from-tlcs-all-american- muslim-and-the-us-military-wages-a-drone- war-in-afghanistan/ 2/12/lowes-pulls-ads-from-tlcs-all-american- muslim-and-the-us-military-wages-a-drone- war-in-afghanistan/ muslim muslim

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