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September 8 th Safety is an attitude. We are looking at Safety. Today, we will watch a short video. Read Chapter 2 Safety Practices Complete a worksheet.

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Presentation on theme: "September 8 th Safety is an attitude. We are looking at Safety. Today, we will watch a short video. Read Chapter 2 Safety Practices Complete a worksheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 8 th Safety is an attitude

2 We are looking at Safety. Today, we will watch a short video. Read Chapter 2 Safety Practices Complete a worksheet and personal safety statement or plan.

3 Keys Develop a safe attitude Stay alert, be aware of your surroundings Take time to do the job right Follow manufacturer’s instructions for proper use and care of woodworking tools and equipment Keep woodworking tools and machines in good working order Keep your work are clean and neat Anticipate problems before they occur and do something to prevent them Dress for the job Follow the rules

4 September 9 th Safety is an attitude

5 Today in Woodworking Review worksheet from September 8 th, 2014 Select Notebook according to class Number Select a pair of eye protections from the cabinet. Clean you eye protection PTI Safety Workplace Setting – Keeping your work area safe – Electrical safety – Developing good personal work habits – Proper tool use and care.


7 Which type of fire extinguisher should be used in the wood shop and why? Type ABCWhy? ABC are most effective in a woodshop due to the nature of the hazard. Wood, oil, solvent, chemical, and electrical fires.

8 What is a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)? Ground fault interrupter outlets and plugs protect you by detecting leaks to ground and breaking the circuit. They should be tested monthly. Why is it important? Protects the operator from potential electrical shock or death.

9 What is the purpose of a Material Safety Data Sheet? Also called MSDS Sheets are required and outline all hazardous materials in the shop, what to do with them, where to store them, what to do if contacted or ingested. Even goes into details on ingredients found in product, flammability, detailed health hazards.

10 There are three types of personal safety protective equipment, what are they and why are they important 1Eye Protection 2Hearing Protection 3Dust mask or respirators. 4Gloves

11 Describe the setting for a good woodworking environment?

12 What is the procedure for removing a splinter? In this shop, it is a trip to the school nurse. Wash the area with soap and water. Sterilize a tweezers and/or needle. Nudge the splinter out with the needle until it can be gripped with the tweezers and gently pulled out. Wash area again with soap and water. If metal or cannot be taken out, seek medical attention.

13 Write out your personal safety plan for the shop at Auburn Mountainview High School Keys Develop a safe attitude Stay alert, be aware of your surroundings Take time to do the job right Follow manufacturer’s instructions for proper use and care of woodworking tools and equipment Keep woodworking tools and machines in good working order Keep your work are clean and neat Anticipate problems before they occur and do something to prevent them Dress for the job Follow the rules

14 PTC Safety Video Power Tool Accidents- They can be prevented Power Tool Accidents- They can be prevented 14.30 minutes

15 September 10th 3 rd Period Safety Video Short Ruler (Strategies for Reading a Ruler Ruler NEXT Step to Safety- Tour of the shop and complete shop map. Review clean-up procedures and expectations. Load Notebook: Pre-Test, Safety worksheet, shop map, safety handout (PTI), Journal page. Complete the shop map: Identify all machines, Exits, Fire extinguisher, emergency power switch, Shop Power switch, light switch, sink, lumber room, finish room, Tool cabinet, power tool cabinet, safety glasses cabinet.

16 Clean-up Chart Zone Coverage: All students will be actively involved in cleaning the shop, except the foreman, whose responsibility is to over see the process, checking off groups as they complete their areas. The shop is divided into four zones. You must have a clean zone to be checked off for clean-up. Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Foreman Groups will change throughout the semester, so will your zone. Know your zone, clean your zone.

17 September 11th Ruler (3 rd Period) Worksheet with Board Footage (Both Classes)Board Footage (Both Classes) Board footage-Ruler homework Safety In the Shop – Sliding Compound Miter Saw Demo- Jointer Demo- Handout Safety Check off Sheet.Sliding Compound Miter Saw Demo Review clean-up procedures and expectations. Load Notebook: Pre-Test, Safety worksheet, shop map, safety handout (PTI), Journal page.

18 September 12

19 September 12th Review: Sliding Compound Miter Saw Unit 25 Pages 331 to 339, Wood Textbook or website /documents /documents Complete the worksheet for the Sliding Compound Miter Saw. Handout in class.Handout in class. PTI Safety Video on PTI Site.

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