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Today’s Agenda – 6/9 (B) Unit 5 & 6 checked & go over

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1 Today’s Agenda – 6/9 (B) Unit 5 & 6 checked & go over
Hand back project grades (Renaissance art, Explorer’s Twitter & Instagram) Pass out Q4 grade & current overall grade Go over Units 4 – 6 Go over Thematic Essay Packet

2 Unit 5 & 6 Final Review

3 The Byzantine Empire Justinian & Justinian Code Constantinople
Eastern Orthodox Church Influence on Russia Justinian reconquered Roman Empire - Justinian Code – written laws expanding Roman law Capital city moved from Roman Empire Major trading center btwn Asia & Europe Split from Western Catholic Church Hagia Sofia church Adopted Eastern Orthodox Christianity Cyrillic alphabet similar art & architecture Russia preserved Greco-Roman culture

4 The Tang & Song Dynasties
Dynastic cycle & Mandate of Heaven Dynasty given right to rule from heaven Dynasties rise & fall Civil Service Exam Based on Confucian vales Gov’t positions given to most qualified Accomplishments Porcelain Mechanical clocks Block printing  moveable type Gun powder Paper money Magnetic compass

5 Feudal Japan Influence of geography
Archipelago Irregular coastlines = natural harbors for trade Isolated from other nations Mountains Little farmland, reliance on trade Relationship between Japan, Korea & China Cultural diffusion based on trade Korea acted as bridge Geographically close locations

6 Japanese & European Feudal Classes
King Shogun (military ruler) Nobles/lord Daimyo (nobles/lords Knights/vassals Samurai (warriors) Peasants/serfs Peasants, artisans Merchants

7 Islamic Empires & Its Golden Age
Islam ecame divided when Muhammad died. Those two groups are the Sunnis and the Shi’ites. They split over the debate about leader/caliph. Islamic Golden Age Achievements Elaborate mosques Skilled calligraphy Created learning centers Translated classical philosophy medicine

8 The Middle Ages Feudalism – political & economic system
Developed after the fall of the Roman Empire Money Knights Money Knights Land Land king king Protection loyalty Protection loyalty Lord/noble Lord/noble Land Land Knight/vassal Knight/vassal Food services Food services Land & protection Land & protection Peasant/serf Peasant/serf

9 The Middle Ages The Manor A manor is “self sufficient” because
everything people needed was found on the manor (church, mill, blacksmith, etc) so there was no need to leave The church was the authoritative figure in all Medieval Europe. It was the only forced that united Europe during the Middle Ages Commercial Revolution End of bartering, use of money, banks, investing, rise of capitalism

10 The Crusades Two Sides of the Crusades - Muslims & Christians Impact
Religious hatred bwtn Christians & Muslims Increased trade bwtn Europe & Middle Ages Europe’s economy grows & leads to Commercial Revolution Encouragement of learning The goal of each side - Claim holy land (Jerusalem)

11 The Mongol Empire Mongol Impact on Global Trade Opened Silk Road up
How were the Mongols able to conquer so much territory? - Military skills & technology (strirrup) Mongol Impact on China - Took gov’t jobs from Chinese Mongol Impact on India - Blended Mughal, Muslim & Indian culture Mongol Impact on Russia - Isolated Russia from rest of Europe Served as absolute rule model How did the Mongol Empire delcine - Empire too big & diverse to control Resentment over Mongol rule Mongol Impact on Global Trade Opened Silk Road up

12 The Black Death Where & When did the Black Death occur?
14th century (mid 1300s) Spread from Asia to Europe How did it spread Rats on boats Trading Effects of the Black Death Pop. Loss across Asia & Europe Lost faith in church Decline of feudalism (serfs left manors) Decline of manoralism

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