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HR - Workshops Brief Introduction to Workshop and how districts are using it Talk about the benefits Hear from WSD and their W/S story Discuss future for.

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Presentation on theme: "HR - Workshops Brief Introduction to Workshop and how districts are using it Talk about the benefits Hear from WSD and their W/S story Discuss future for."— Presentation transcript:

1 HR - Workshops Brief Introduction to Workshop and how districts are using it Talk about the benefits Hear from WSD and their W/S story Discuss future for Workshops HR - 2nd Topic Evaluations

2 Workshops Define and post workshops Restrict workshops to certain employee groups Register Approve (auto email employee to let them know) Facilitator access Complete, Certify, E-File ** totally integrated Internal Workshops Maintenance Certifications DELTA uses it to book hearing tests RETSD downloads W/S from CIMS every night and updates their district Sharepoint scheduling calendar WSD has over 41,300 registrations online!

3 Workshops HUGE BENEFITS: Web Online search and register for attendees or mass assign based on PRO.300 (very cool) Ability to limit workshops to show only to appropriate staff (where appropriate) Integrated to AdminConnect for approval Immediate Web access by facilitators for class lists, attendance, completion Certification e-filed, credentials stamped into CIMS history

4 Workshops Keyword Search Ability to see in Calendar or List View View filters to just those available to you or to see all workshops

5 Workshops -Attach document to workshop posting -Download attendees to a spreadsheet -Print class list, attendance list -Mark attendance Currently completion certificates are generated by Main staff (not facilitator) … should this be a facilitator thing?

6 Workshops RETSD – 375+ W/S, 4000 attendees Brandon - 825 W/S, 12,000 attendees Seven Oaks – 240+ W/S, 5300 attendees Turtle Mountain – Not using Portage – Not using Delta – 50 workshops, 50 applicants Mystery Lake – Not Using Campbell River – Not Using WSD – 2000 W/S, 41300 attendees Fort McMurray - 61 W/S, 280 attendees

7 Workshops INTRODUCE: Janina – The Winnipeg School Division Started as internal tracking tool Rolled out with Employee Connect Opened up to one other department initially Professional Support (Consultant area) and Special Ed Currently have 12 people inputting workshops Challenges and future goals


9 Workshops Workshop naming/ID strategy is important. BSD Strictly numbers 10830927024 RETSD Type and number CURR 238-11 WSD Type, date, number PSSP11ART-FEB2 Ability to restrict departments to their own workshops based on that naming: WSD examples: WPSHWLNSPSSPSPED BLDGCGCCLSSWAISS SUPT

10 Workshops Potential Enhancements: How to handle mass assigning staff and then allowing them to RSVP so that you know they have acknowledged/accepted their participation. New Type on Workshop ‘M’ass assign New web feature - bulletin board indicates ‘Must RSVP’ New web feature - Register/RSVP for workshop Add email participants to facilitator tab Review keywords – consider a database How to more easily categorize mandatory workshops and be able to recognize those from regulars. Should we consider sending an.ics attach with email to auto- schedule workshop on personal calendar? Ability to limit W/S by locn, only allow x per loc Should approval/assignment of a workshop automatically generate a SUB record?

11 HR - 2nd Topic Evaluations Brief Introduction to Evaluation Process Opportunities Assign, Remind/email, complete, attach, acknowledge

12 Evaluations Assigning Evaluations (different methods for different groups and different evaluation criteria): Assign evaluation at time of PRO.300 line and add new evaluation when last evaluation is completed Mass assign evaluation (EIS.960) based on PRO.300 details (now also mass assign evaluator) List employees of a certain type (eg all teachers) show their last evaluation date(s) and use that to determine who should be evaluated (EIS.561) On occasion run EIS.562 as it confirms PRO.300 location and position of EMP matches location and position on Evaluation *Checks for evaluations left dangling as assignment is no longer active

13 Evaluations Reminding/Checking up on Evaluations: Run EIS.560 as a listing, email, letters Can track that follow-ups have been done using the followup fields! BUILD File EMSTRANS/PEIS560 N Page Break by Locn: N PRINT (P)rimary Assignment/(S)ub-Type? S Sort Order: P (A)lpha Employee Number? N OR Evaluator? Y (L)ocn Eval Comments ? Y Locn/(T)ype Letter Format EFile? Email to Evaluators? Y Locn/(P)osn Label None/Addr/Locn/Eval: N Type: 1 1(3x10) (E)valuator/Locn Label Starting Row : 2(2x10) UPDATE Auto Fill Follow-up Date with Today's Date? N Follow-up Code With Letter and eFile you can add something to the employee file indicating that an evaluation was completed. Letter EV? Means print letter plus evaluation details eFile = Y Means efile that letter into the employee folder (Optional)

14 Evaluations Receive Evaluations Evaluation DUE records will appear on AdminConnect dashboard! Evaluation document may be attached either at Admin Level or at Board Office using AdminConnect to attach. 7Oaks wanting evaluation attachment to occur in EmployeeConnect.. Thoughts? Potential to have right on Entry instead of using browse, attach..

15 Evaluations Verify Evaluation Document Evaluation and attachment will appear to Approver (based on Evaluation Code EIS.207 approver) *new flag on main.. They can review the details and “verify” … this will update Verifier date

16 Evaluations Complete/Report on Evaluations Date received must be updated in order to have that evaluation recorded as Done. Use EIS.560 to check on evaluation progress! It will indicate if *IMAGE is on file ‘I’ It will indicate whether evaluation has been verified ‘V’ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Primry Primry S Eval Evaluation Request Due Close*/ Follow Employee Assign Locn T Type Position Date Date Rec Date Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AFINOGENOV, CHERYL M. 1191 TEACH 007 Y ACTION Principal JAN01/11 MAR31/11 *ATTACH AFINOGENOV, CHERYL M. 1191 TEACH 007 Y ACTION Principal JAN01/11 MAR31/11 APR08/11 I AFINOGENOV, CHERYL M. 1191 TEACH 007 Y ACTION Principal JAN01/11 MAR31/11 APR08/11 V

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