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Assessment Literacy Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT1 Selected-response Tests.

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1 Assessment Literacy Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT1 Selected-response Tests

2 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Selected Response 2 Test-designer creates correct responses

3 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT3 Test-taker selects correct response Test-taker does not generate and answer

4 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Selected Response 4 Stand-alone items Item stem is linked to a stimulus such as: Reading passage Graph, table Photo, video

5 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Selected Response 5 Appropriate for either: Lower-order Knowledge Comprehension Higher-order Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

6 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Selected Response 6 Easier to write acceptable items (valid, reliable, unbiased) for… Lower-order Than Higher-order

7 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT7 Selected-response Types True-false Matching Multiple-choice

8 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT8 Challenging True-False Stem: Choice A: True or False Choice B: True or False Choice C: True or False Choice D: True or False

9 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT9 Advantages Selected-response items are Efficient Cover content breadth or depth more quickly Easier to score and analyze Easier to interpret and report

10 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT10 Disadvantages Difficult to write good higher-order items to distinguish between knowing and guessing to measure performance directly e.g., writing a persuasive essay

11 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT11 Disadvantages Selected-response format encourages Drill-and-kill

12 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT12 Use textbook end-of-chapter and end-of-unit SR items with extreme caution

13 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT13 Design and Development Steps 1.Know the material and learning progression 2.Create test blueprint 3.Write items 4.Develop answer key 5.Field-test items 6.Perform analysis of test, items, distractors 7.Revise/edit accordingly

14 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT14 How-to Write Good Selected-response Test Items Is This a Trick Question? A Short Guide to Writing Effective Test Questions

15 ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT Kansas State Department of Education ASSESSMENT LITERACY PROJECT15 Persistence Pays Off Persistence is to item-writing As ____ is to piano virtuosity. A.Practice B.Practice C.Practice D.Practice E.All of the above

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