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Not a Member of the eMA Join at this seminar and receive $25.00 off any membership category Associate Professional Corporate Details at the registration.

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Presentation on theme: "Not a Member of the eMA Join at this seminar and receive $25.00 off any membership category Associate Professional Corporate Details at the registration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Not a Member of the eMA Join at this seminar and receive $25.00 off any membership category Associate Professional Corporate Details at the registration desk


3 Welcome to Advanced Search Engine Marketing

4 Schedule There will be a break at 3:00. The seminar closes at 5PM. There will be an informal “no-host” networking reception in the lounge area following the seminar.

5 Seminar Format Workbooks are for reference only – they should not be read during the seminar unless the seminar leader refers to a particular section. This session is interactive you may ask questions and the seminar leader will on occasion stimulate discussion.

6 Return on Investment (ROI) for Online Chart courtesy of Overture

7 Return on Investment (ROI) for Online Advertising Methods

8 Do It Yourself or Pay a Professional The focus of this seminar is on the do it yourself approach Be careful if you are hiring a company to do SEO for you

9 2500 Submissions for $10. 90% of web surfers use the top 10 major engines and directories Not of much value Focus your efforts If you are not in the top 20 results you will not get much traffic from your listings

10 Your Product or Service Makes a Huge Difference Sell “air-plants” and you will have little competition for top listings Books, software and computer products will be much more difficult

11 Directory Edited by a human reviewer Meta tags are not as important Difficult to change once listed Most allow paid submission Quality of site very important

12 Search Engine Crawled by robot spider Meta and title tags are important HTML code very important Quality of site not as important

13 Top Search Directories Yahoo LookSmart Open directory AOL

14 Hybrid Engines Mixed results Favors one type of listing over another Yahoo! Favors its own directory over crawler based results (provided by Google), especially for more obscure inquires

15 Top Search Engines Google Alta vista Lycos HotBot Overture

16 How Do Search Engines Rank Pages? A ranking algorithm Formulas change frequently and are kept confidential All search engines have different methods for ranking

17 Your SEO Plan Site design and navigation Privacy policy Browser friendly colors Good contact page Good checkout process (for e-commerce sites) Fast loading graphics

18 Metrics WebTrends live Site log analysis In-house software solutions Analyze relevant actionable data – not everything

19 Example From WebTrends


21 10 Areas of Concern When Submitting Your Site 1.URL status 2.Frames 3.Keywords meta tag 4.Description meta tag 5.Title tag

22 10 Areas of Concern When Submitting Your Site 6.Head section 7.Page copy 8.Hidden text 9.Image tags 10.Spiderable

23 Site Design Problems Frames Flash Javascript Image maps Dynamic URLs

24 Frames Search engines do not index frames very well We recommend against them If you must use frames there are some solutions, although not using frames is better

25 Flash Often used on home pages as a “splash page Search engines cannot index Your splash page will not get listed If you must use it use as much page copy as possible

26 Keywords Metatags Think phrases not keywords Pay for click programs (overture) Your choices are critical Overture keyword generator

27 Much Too General Shoes Men's shoes Woman’s shoes

28 Much Better Imported Italian shoes Men’s leather penny loafers Woman's aerobic sneakers

29 Metatags,titles and Descriptions The title is the most important Hidden text (no-no) Page copy optimization Image alt tags Text hyperlinks Heading tags

30 Check Out Your Competitors Meta Tags Go to any website and right click your mouse on an open (not picture) area of the site. A menu will pop up – select “view source” and you will be able to see the HTML code for that page

31 Text and Graphic Hyperlinks Can help improve your listings Keywords around hyperlinks Text immediately surrounding hyperlinks

32 Search Engine Spam Background text Multiple title tags Duplicate site pages Submitting more than once in 24 hours Keywords that do not relate to your site

33 Pay for Inclusion Needs to be done manually Does not guarentte position SEO is important Usually guarentees frequent indexing

34 Pay for Click Get the number one position almost instantly without SEO PPC budget and strategy is important Listing descriptions are critical Keyword selection needs to be relevant

35 Advertisers' Overall Satisfaction 1.c 2.Jupiter Media Metrix: Online Advertising Effectiveness Study, August 2001

36 Linking Improve your search engine rankings with link popularity Find sites that link to your comptetion (page 90 workbook) Find sites that accept site submissions Outgoing links Link keywords

37 Reception in Hotel Lounge No host Informal Meet with fellow members and marketers 5:15

38 You have completed the Advanced Search Engine Marketing Seminar – Congratulations!


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