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NOT HAVE A PIANO OR ORGAN? Why Do You All…. Why Do You All Not Have A Piano or Organ? Because It Is An Issue of Authority Col.3:17, Rom.12:2, 2 John 9.

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Presentation on theme: "NOT HAVE A PIANO OR ORGAN? Why Do You All…. Why Do You All Not Have A Piano or Organ? Because It Is An Issue of Authority Col.3:17, Rom.12:2, 2 John 9."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why Do You All Not Have A Piano or Organ? Because It Is An Issue of Authority Col.3:17, Rom.12:2, 2 John 9 What God Wants in Worship? John 4:23-24 What God Asked For: Eph.5:19, Col.3:16, Heb.13:15 What About Psalm 150? Heb.8:6-13, Mt.17:1-5 Isn’t It Just An Expedient? Where Did God Say Not To Use Such? It’s For The Glory of God Don’t They Have Harps In Heaven?

3 The Plan of Salvation 1. Hear the Gospel of Christ, Acts 2:22 2. Believe in Jesus Christ, Rom.5:1 3. Repent and Turn to God, Acts 17:30 4. Confess Jesus Before Men, Matt.10:32 5. Baptized Into Christ, Gal.3:26-27 -----------------------------  Grow And Be Faithful, 1 Pet.2:2  If We Err As A Christian: Repent and Pray God Acts 8:22

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