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March, 18 1782 – December 28, 1832. Calhoun was a southern politician and a political philosopher from South Carolina. He was part of the Democratic-Republican,

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Presentation on theme: "March, 18 1782 – December 28, 1832. Calhoun was a southern politician and a political philosopher from South Carolina. He was part of the Democratic-Republican,"— Presentation transcript:

1 March, 18 1782 – December 28, 1832

2 Calhoun was a southern politician and a political philosopher from South Carolina. He was part of the Democratic-Republican, Democratic and Nullifier parties. He began his long “career” favoring war with Britain in 1812, as a nationalist. Calhoun was a major inspiration to the secessionists who created the Confederate States of America. Calhoun was honored by the federal government, by being placed on a one-cent postage stamp. As a graduate of Yale College and a very successful man, the “Calhoun College” undergraduate resident hall was named. Also… –Calhoun Community College in Decatur, Alabama –Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis, MN He was the first vice president to have his photo taken. He is one of only two United Sates vice presidents to serve under two presidents –George Clinton was the other John Calhoun as a young man

3 Vice Presidency His first term as the 7 th vice president of the United States was under John Quincy Adams. In the election of 1824, Calhoun forged an alliance between factions that made John Quincy Adams and Calhoun Vice President. During his second term of Vice presidency, under Andrew Jackson, he dealt with the Tariff of 1828. Calhoun supported the theory of concurrent majority through the doctrine of nullification (individual states could override federal legislation they found unconstitutional) Nullification Crisis – Carolina passed an ordinance that claimed to nullify federal tariffs in 1832. South Carolina believed the tariffs favored the northern manufacturing over southern agriculture. Congress passed the Force Bill which gave the president the power to use military force on states so they would obey federal laws but South Carolina also nullified this. Finally they agreed with the Compromise of 1833. Calhoun was the first Vice president in History to resign.

4 Secretary of War In 1810, Calhoun was elected to Congress and became a War Hawk who agitated for what became the war of 1812 He wanted to build a strong nation that could fight in future wars and had goals such as high protective tariffs and a national bank. In 1817 President James Monroe appointed Calhoun to be Secretary of War. He felt that Calhoun's management of Indian affairs proved his nationalism. Frustration was caused by the “Old Republicans” in Congress (with their Jeffersonian ideas for the economy) disagreeing with Calhoun and his ideas. This led Calhoun to create the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1824.

5 “ One of the five greatest senators of all time” Calhoun led the pro-slavery faction during the 1830’s. He opposed abolitionism and the attempts to limit expansion of slavery into the western territories. He disapproved the Fugitive Slave Law which made Free States return slaves who escaped. He said that slavery was a “positive good” and all societies are ruled by an elite group which feeds off the fruits and labor of the less fortunate. Calhoun’s defines of slavery played a role in depending the growing divide between the northern and southern states. Upon his return After a break as secretary of state, he produced the Compromise of 1850.

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