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Section A 3a 3b 3c 尧梭中学 唐 芳. Would you mind doing …? Would you mind not doing…? Sorry, I won’t do it again. Not at all. Certainly not. OK. I will do it.

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Presentation on theme: "Section A 3a 3b 3c 尧梭中学 唐 芳. Would you mind doing …? Would you mind not doing…? Sorry, I won’t do it again. Not at all. Certainly not. OK. I will do it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section A 3a 3b 3c 尧梭中学 唐 芳

2 Would you mind doing …? Would you mind not doing…? Sorry, I won’t do it again. Not at all. Certainly not. OK. I will do it right away / in a minute.

3 1 turn off the light 2 close the window 4 not play basketball here cook for me not fight here not walk on the grass 3 6 5 Review

4 slept late 3a Larry is sleeping late. His mother left a note on his door.

5 3a Larry is sleeping late. His mother left a note on his door. wash the dishes feed the dog cook dinner go to the librarydo his homework Larry’s tasks

6 What did his mother want him to do? She wanted him to wash the dishes feed the dog cook dinner go to the library do his homework

7 3a Larry is sleeping late. His mother left a note on his door. Look at the pictures and complete the note. Dear Larry, Your father is at a meeting and I’m going shopping. I need your help. 1. Would you mind __________________? 2. Could you please _________________? 3. Would you mind __________________? 4. Please _________________________. 5. Also, you have to _________________. If you finish these tasks, we can go to a movie tonight. Love, Mom washing the dishes feed the dog cooking dinner go to the library do your homework

8 Why don’t you/Why not +V 原形 … What/How about+Ving… You should +V 原形 … You’d better (not) +V 原形 … Please +V 原形 … Let’s +V 原形 … Would you like to + V 原形 … Could\Would you please +V 原形 … Could\Would you please not +V 原形 … Would you mind +Ving… Would you mind not +Ving… 表示建议与请求的句型

9 3b Pair-work A: Would you mind getting up? You have to help me in the kitchen. B: OK, I’ll get up right away. Do I have to wash the dishes? A: Yes, and you have to help me make dinner. B: OK. When I finish, could you help me with my homework? A: Sure.

10 A: Would you mind …? You have to … B: OK, I’ll … Do I have to …? A: Yes, and you have to... B: OK. When I …, could you help me with …? A: Sure. Orders Turn down the TV Wash the dishes Get up Babysit your little cousin Using “could you”, “would you”, “have to” 3b Pair-work

11 If Jim doesn’t finish his homework, Jim, would you your homework? If Tom copies others’ homework, Tom, would you others’ homework? If Lucy doesn’t listen to the teacher, Lucy, would you to the teacher? mind finishing mind not copying mind listening

12 If Lily sings in the dormitory… Lily, would you in the dormitory? If Alice doesn’t turn off the lights... Alice, would you ? If Ben plays basketball in the classroom, Ben, would you in the classroom? mind not singing mind turning off the lights mind not playing basketball

13 ( ) 1. Would you mind ____ the flowers for me? A. water B. watered C. watering ( ) 2. Would you mind ____ smoking here? A. not B. don’t C. didn’t C A ( ) 3. Could you _____ open the door? A. mind B. please C. do B

14 ( ) 4. Could you please____ the door ? A. opening B. opened C. open ( ) 5. ---Would you mind bringing me a cup of tea? A. OK, I’ll do it right away. B. Thank you very much. C. You’re welcome. ---_____. C A

15 ( ) 6. He has to _____ his housework now. A. does B. do C. did ( ) 7. Would you ____ not shouting at me? A. mind B. please C. do A B ( ) 8. Would you ____ not shout at me? A. mind B. please C. do B

16 明天是学校开放日,届时将会 有许多老师和家长来参观和听课。 集体讨论需要做哪些工作, 并将需 做工作列表。

17 Jobs Students Make posters ( 制作海报 ) … Clean the classroom Clean the blackboard Welcome people at the school gate Move chairs to the classroom Prepair ( 准备 ) food and drink

18 School Open Day make posters clean the classroom move the chairs sto the classroom clean the blackboard welcome the people Prepare food and drink Would you mind…? Could you please…? You have to…? You’d better…? Can you please…? Will you please…? A: Yan Ming, could you make some posters? B: Sure, that’s no problem. And could you clean the classroom,…?

19 Would / Do you mind + V-ing ? 都是礼貌用语,常译为 “ 你介意 … ? 用 do 比较直率,用 would 语气则比较 委婉。答语大致一样。 Would you mind opening the door? Do you mind opening the door? --- No, not at all./ I’m sorry. 拓展运用

20 【温馨提示】 Would you mind doing...? 句型中的逻辑主语只 能是谈话的对方 you 。 Would you mind opening the window? 请你打开窗你介意吗? 如果想要对方允许自己做某事,可用 Would you mind my doing...? 句型。 如: Would you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这里吸烟吗?

21 Would you mind ____ doing…? my Not at all Of course not Certainly not You’d better not 允许 不允许

22 区分 : Would you mind opening the window? Would you mind my opening the window? 你介意我关门吗? 你介意我唱歌吗? 你介意开窗吗? 你介意我开窗吗? Would you mind my closing the door? Would you mind my singing a song?

23 --You’d better not. play computer games keep a pet dog --Not at all / Of course not/ Certainly not. --Would you mind my doing…? smoke here

24 给你父亲写封信, 对他的健康提出要求。 提示句型 : Would you mind…? Could you please…? 提示词语 : smoke, play computer games too late, get up late, exercise, healthy food, do housework 要求 : 语言连贯, 60-70 词左右。

25 Dear father, I hope you are in good health. Would you mind … _______________________________ Love, XX


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