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Antimicrobial Drugs Chemotherapy: Use of chemicals that do not harm the host yet kills others. Chemotherapeutic agent: substance that is used in medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Antimicrobial Drugs Chemotherapy: Use of chemicals that do not harm the host yet kills others. Chemotherapeutic agent: substance that is used in medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Antimicrobial Drugs Chemotherapy: Use of chemicals that do not harm the host yet kills others. Chemotherapeutic agent: substance that is used in medicine. Antimicrobial agents: Chemicals used to treat diseases caused by microbes.

2 Antibiotics: Produced by microbes to inhibit others
Synthetic drugs: Antimicrobials made in the lab Semi Synthetic: synthetic or natural that is modified in the lab.

3 History of Antibiotics
Paul Ehrlich- Sulfa that stains bacteria may be able to inhibit it as well. Predicted the rise of antimicrobials

4 1928 Fleming makes his observation
1940’s production of penicillin In order to keep up with microbial resistance we must continually discover new antibiotics, but this is getting harder to do

5 1928 – Fleming discovered penicillin, produced by Penicillium.
1940 – Howard Florey and Ernst Chain performed first clinical trials of penicillin. Figure 20.1

6 Drug Discovery Figure 20.1


8 General Properties of antimicrobials
Selective toxicity: Kills microbes not host Has a spectrum of activity Broad Narrow Which is better? Why?

9 Table 20.2

10 The Action of Antimicrobial Drugs
Foundation figure 20.2 Figure 20.2

11 Modes of action Inhibition of cell wall synthesis
Pen Disruption of cell membrane function Polymyxins Inhibition of protein synthesis Chloramphenicol Erythromycin Tetracycline Streptomycin

12 The Action of Antimicrobial Drugs
Figure 20.4

13 Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis
Rifamycin Inhibitors of enzymatic function of primary metabolism Competitive inhibition Noncompetitive inhibition

14 Competitive Inhibitors
Sulfonamides (sulfa drugs) Inhibit folic acid synthesis Broad spectrum Figure 5.7b

15 Figure 20.13

16 Side Effects Toxicity in host Allergy in host
Disruption of normal microbiota Birth defects in pregnancy

17 Resistance of microbes
When microbes no longer respond to an antibiotic Resistance is acquired by Non genetic means, basically evasion, grow in an area not exposed to antibiotic Tuberculosis Genetic resistance A change in the chromosome or gain of a plasmid.

18 Antibiotic Resistance
A variety of mutations can lead to antibiotic resistance. Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance 1. Enzymatic destruction of drug 2. Prevention of penetration of drug 3. Alteration of drug's target site 4. Rapid ejection of the drug Resistance genes are often on plasmids or transposons that can be transferred between bacteria.

19 We humans will always have to find or create new antibiotics as microbes become resistant

20 8 Attributes of an ideal antimicrobial agent
Solubility in body fluids Selectively toxic Toxicity not easily altered Not allergenic Stability in body Resistance not easily acquired Long shelf life Reasonable cost

21 Drugs with all 8 characteristics are very very rare.

22 Inhibitors of cell wall Synthesis
Ampicillin Cephalosporin Bacitracin Vancomycin

23 Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis
Streptomycin Tetracycline Clormphenicol Erythromycin

24 Plasma membrane Polymyxin B

25 Inhibitors of Nucleic Acid Synthesis
Rifampin ciprofloxacin

26 Competitive inhibitors of the Synthesis of Essential Metabolites

27 Antifungal Amphotericin B Griseofulvin Flucytosine

28 Antiviral drugs Acyclovir Ganciclovir Indinavir Alpha interferon

29 Antiprotozoan Drugs Chloroquine Diiodohydroxyquin Metronidazole

30 Antihelminthic Drugs Niclosamide

31 What are these drugs, modes of action and side effects?

32 Nucleoside and Nucleotide Analogs
Figure 20.16b ,c

33 Tests to Guide Chemotherapy
MIC: Minimal inhibitory concentration MBC: Minimal bactericidal concentration Antibiogram

34 Broth Dilution Test Figure 20.19

35 Resistance to Antibiotics
Figure 20.20

36 From Lab How do antimicrobials work How are they tested?

37 Effects of Combinations of Drugs
Figure 20.22

38 Effects of Combinations of Drugs
Synergism occurs when the effect of two drugs together is greater than the effect of either alone Antagonism occurs when the effect of two drugs together is less than the effect of either alone

39 Disk-Diffusion Test Figure 20.17

40 Future of Chemotherapeutic Agents
Antimicrobial peptides Broad-spectrum antibiotics Nisin (lactic acid bacteria) Magainin (frogs) Cecropin (moths)

41 Future of Chemotherapeutic Agents
Antisense agents Complementary DNA that binds to a pathogen's virulence gene(s) and prevents transcription Fomivirsen to treat CMV retinitis

42 Future of Chemotherapeutic Agents
siRNA Complementary RNA that binds mRNA to inhibit translation Figure 9.14

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