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Know the subject of the Annunciation- what is it about Gabriel telling Mary she’s pregnant- lily= purity.

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Presentation on theme: "Know the subject of the Annunciation- what is it about Gabriel telling Mary she’s pregnant- lily= purity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Know the subject of the Annunciation- what is it about Gabriel telling Mary she’s pregnant- lily= purity

2 2 GIOTTO, Lamentation, Arena Chapel,

3 3 LORENZO GHIBERTI, Sacrifice of Isaac, competition panel for east doors, baptistery, Florence, Italy, Why did this panel exhibit more humanist values?- naked Issac, contemplation of killing

4 4 Figure 21-34 FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, plan of the Pazzi Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence, Central plan style

5 5 Bruneleschi’s dome-Florence Cathedral (aerial view looking northeast), Florence, Italy, Know why this dome is innovative

6 6 MASACCIO, Holy Trinity, Notice symmetry created by the pyramidal composition. classical architecture, and combination of religion and humanism

7 7 PERUGINO, Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to Saint Peter, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome, How does this piece combine both Christian and Renaissance ideals?

8 8 ANDREA MANTEGNA, Foreshortened Christ, ca. 1500. What is new and innovative?

9 9 DONATELLO, David, Know why this is an important Renaissance piece First free-standing nude statue since antiquity. Notice the contrapposto Nudity used to portray a Biblical hero rather than as an allegory for sinfulness (Medieval mentality).

10 10 ANDREA DEL VERROCCHIO, David, be able to cite and explain the differences between this and Donatellos David

11 11 SANDRO BOTTICELLI, Birth of Venus,

12 12 LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI BERNARDO ROSSELLINO, Palazzo Rucellai, Florence, Know why this is renaissance? Whay building did Alberti use as his inspiration—what are the types of classical architecture are used- how are they changed?

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