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IPCCC’111 Assessing the Comparative Effectiveness of Map Construction Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks Abdelmajid Khelil, Hanbin Chang, Neeraj Suri.

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Presentation on theme: "IPCCC’111 Assessing the Comparative Effectiveness of Map Construction Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks Abdelmajid Khelil, Hanbin Chang, Neeraj Suri."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPCCC’111 Assessing the Comparative Effectiveness of Map Construction Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks Abdelmajid Khelil, Hanbin Chang, Neeraj Suri IPCCC 2011

2 IPCCC’112 Maps  Maps are an intuitive data representation technique  provide a visual representation of an attribute in a certain area;  street map, typographic map, world map, etc.  Maps for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) applications  help users to understand sensed physical phenomena  help users to make a decision Sensor locationSensor value (112, 209)145 (218, 163)163 (617, 783)158 (530, 745)163 (477, 625)165 (936, 423)157 (745, 817)155 (653, 237)168... 0 200 400 600 800 1000 X Y 1000 800 600 400 200 0

3 IPCCC’113 Sink Map Construction in WSN Naive approach for map construction Energy-efficient approaches for map construction Data collection and processing centrally at sinkin-network Energy efficiency (Comm. complexity on sensor nodes) high comm. overhead Lower comm. overhead Map accuracy node-level accuracy, may decrease because of comm. failures may lose detailed information of each individual node Naive Approach Example of Available Approaches

4 IPCCC’114 Problem statement and Objectives Several approaches have been proposed. However,  Evaluation in carefully selected application scenarios  No assessment of the comparative effectiveness of existing approaches: Which is outperforming in Which application/scenario for Which network configuration?

5 IPCCC’115 Outline  Motivation  Classification of Existing Map Construction Approaches  Performance Comparison in a Wide Range Scenarios  Conclusions

6 IPCCC’116 Data Collection Scheme Classification of Map Construction Approaches Map construction approaches for WSN Region Aggregation Data Suppression Tree-based data collection eScan [9] Isobar [8] Iso-node based data collection Cluster- based data collection Isolines [14] Iso-map [10,11] Contour Map [18] CME [19] Cluster- based data collection CREM [7] Multi-path data collection INLR [16] In-network Processing Technique

7 IPCCC’117 Region Aggregation Class  Basic idea  Sensor nodes are ordered hierarchically (clusters, tree..)  Every sensor reports to a dedicated node (cluster head, parent..)  Dedicated node aggregates adjacent similar data to regions  3 Phases: Region Segmentation  At each sensor  Non-overlapping polygons  Vertex representation Data Collection  Aggregator determination Region Aggregation  At aggregator  Regions formation  Aggregation function, e.g. average m m+1 m+2 Tree-based Cluster-basedRing-based 3637 38 37

8 IPCCC’118  Basic idea  A subset of sensor nodes (iso-nodes) report their value to the sink  suppress similar data to be reported  2 Phases Iso-node Identification  what is an iso-node? has a neighbor with different value  how to identify? broadcast snoop Isoline Report Generation  iso-node based generated at Iso-node routed directly to the sink  cluster based generated at cluster-head Iso-node reports to cluster-head a local map Data Suppression Class 38 42 43 36 41 42 37 41 45 Isoline Nodes report to the sink Nodes suppress reports to the sink

9 IPCCC’119 Data Collection Scheme Classification of Map Construction Approaches Map construction approaches for WSN Region Aggregation Data Suppression Tree-based data collection eScan [9] Isobar [8] Iso-node based data collection Cluster- based data collection Isolines [14] Iso-map [10,11] Contour Map [18] CME [19] Cluster- based data collection CREM [7] Multi-path data collection INLR [16] In-network Processing Technique

10 IPCCC’1110 Selected Map Construction Algorithms  The eScan approach [9]  Nodes ordered as an aggregation-tree  Polygon regions  Aggregation function: Average  The Isoline approach [14]  Local flood to label border nodes  Each iso-node reports to the sink  Map constructed at the sink [9] Y. Zhao et al. Residual Energy Scan for Monitoring Sensor Networks. In IEEE WCNC, 2002. [14] I. Solis and K. Obraczka. Isolines: Energy-efficient Mapping in Sensor Networks. In ISCC, 2005.

11 IPCCC’1111 Outline  Motivation  Classification of Existing Map Construction Approaches  Performance Comparison in a Wide Range Scenarios  Conclusions

12 IPCCC’1112 Evaluation Framework: Methodology  Selected map construction protocols  Region aggregation class: eScan  Data suppression class: Isoline  Simulations using OMNet++  Network Area : 300 x 300 m² Topology: Grid or random  Tree-based routing protocol  Performance metrics  Map accuracy: The ratio of false classified sensors to all sensor nodes.  Energy efficiency: Network traffic

13 IPCCC’1113 Evaluation Framework: Comparative Studies Compare for a wide range of parameters:  Impact of physical phenomena properties  Hotspot effect range : limited vs. diffusive  Hotspot number : 1 vs. n  Impact of protocol parameters  Sensor value range [0, 60], classes: [0, GV[, [GV, 2GV[... Signal discretization (Granularity value: GV)GV=5…25  Impact of network properties  Node densityN=256(16x16)...1225 (35x35)  Communication failuresBER=0…10 -2  Communication rangeCR=60m

14 IPCCC’1114  Granularity increases  #Isolines and #Iso-nodes decrease -> lower msg overhead  Region size increase -> lower msg overhead  Accuracy  Isoline always outperforms eScan  Efficiency  Isoline outperforms eScan for lower granularities 50 40 30 20 10 50 25 (b) Step value = 25 unit Comparison: Impact of Granularity (a) Step value = 5 unit

15 IPCCC’1115 Comparison: Impact of BER  BER increases  Loss of messages -> lower msg overhead  Overhead reduction is higher for eScan  Higher BER decreases map accuracy  Loss of messages -> gaps in the map Higher accuracy drop for eScan

16 IPCCC’1116 Comparison: Impact of Node Density  Node density increases  #Iso-nodes increases -> higher msg overhead  #Region and “region border information” increase -> higher msg overhead  Node density has low impact on map accuracy  Region border precision increases -> provide a more detailed map

17 IPCCC’1117 Conclusions Region aggregation class Data suppression class + High accuracy with reliable comm. - Less suitable for less reliable comm. + high accuracy for reliable comm. + performs also well for less reliable comm. + accuracy increases with increasing granularity value + Small granularity value + Low density network - Small granularity value + low density network Accuracy Efficiency

18 IPCCC’1118 Thanks for Your Attention!

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