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I Can See it All Over Your Face

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Presentation on theme: "I Can See it All Over Your Face"— Presentation transcript:

1 I Can See it All Over Your Face
Sari Goldstein and Jake Brown

2 Background Ekman and Friesen, 1971 Culture is a huge factor
Prior study showed facial pictures to college-educated people

3 Hypothesis The specific facial expressions that correspond with basic emotions are universal

4 Experiment #1 189 Adults, 130 children without Western culture and 23 adults with experience with Western culture Adults: 3 Photographs of different facial expressions with a brief description of a story corresponding to an emotion in one of the photographs Children had two photographs (1 Correct 1 Incorrect)


6 Results Higher in children than adults
Adult women were more hesitant and had less contact with Westerners than men No difference between Westernized and non- Westernized adults in correctly matching the photo and emotion

7 Historical Significance
Facial Expressions are universal and biologically "hardwired" at birth Helps address the evolution of humans: Expressions helped animals adapt to their environment Increased ability to survive

8 Further Discussion Studies used to diagnosis kids with autism
Which facial feature is the most crucial in recognizing facial expressions? Facial feedback theory Emotions Revealed

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