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SIMPLORER´s software structure

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Presentation on theme: "SIMPLORER´s software structure"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Power Factor Correction Circuit Simulation and PFC Inductor Design with SIMPLORER® and PExprt®
SIMPLORER´s software structure Each language (domain) is handled on a specific simulator. Circuit Simulator the circuit simulator works using similar algorithms than SPICE but it is not SPICE source code based. The algorithms were optimized for very stiff differential equation systems and therefore can handle frequently switching systems easily SIMPLORER´s circuit simulator is extremely stable and has usually no convergency problems Simulation speed can be up to 10 times faster than SPICE, depending on the modeling Block Diagram Simulator Different implementation than Matlab/Simulink. SIMPLORER´s block diagram simulator State Machine Simulator

2 The Integrated Simulation and Design Tools: SIMPLORER® and PExprt®
Draw the schematic in SIMPLORER environment System engineer creates a design idea SIMPLORER´s software structure Each language (domain) is handled on a specific simulator. Circuit Simulator the circuit simulator works using similar algorithms than SPICE but it is not SPICE source code based. The algorithms were optimized for very stiff differential equation systems and therefore can handle frequently switching systems easily SIMPLORER´s circuit simulator is extremely stable and has usually no convergency problems Simulation speed can be up to 10 times faster than SPICE, depending on the modeling Block Diagram Simulator Different implementation than Matlab/Simulink. SIMPLORER´s block diagram simulator State Machine Simulator Obtain the design parameters needed for magnetic components Send to the Prototype shop Input into PExprt and get the optimized design per designer’s option priorities Test and adjust parameters to achieve the specs

3 Currents Drawn from Power Line without Power Factor Correction
SIMPLORER´s software structure Each language (domain) is handled on a specific simulator. Circuit Simulator the circuit simulator works using similar algorithms than SPICE but it is not SPICE source code based. The algorithms were optimized for very stiff differential equation systems and therefore can handle frequently switching systems easily SIMPLORER´s circuit simulator is extremely stable and has usually no convergency problems Simulation speed can be up to 10 times faster than SPICE, depending on the modeling Block Diagram Simulator Different implementation than Matlab/Simulink. SIMPLORER´s block diagram simulator State Machine Simulator

4 The Parameters Needed to Input into SIMPLORER
SIMPLORER´s software structure Each language (domain) is handled on a specific simulator. Circuit Simulator the circuit simulator works using similar algorithms than SPICE but it is not SPICE source code based. The algorithms were optimized for very stiff differential equation systems and therefore can handle frequently switching systems easily SIMPLORER´s circuit simulator is extremely stable and has usually no convergency problems Simulation speed can be up to 10 times faster than SPICE, depending on the modeling Block Diagram Simulator Different implementation than Matlab/Simulink. SIMPLORER´s block diagram simulator State Machine Simulator

5 Power Factor Correct Circuit Simulation and Magnetic Design Parameters Obtained
SIMPLORER´s software structure Each language (domain) is handled on a specific simulator. Circuit Simulator the circuit simulator works using similar algorithms than SPICE but it is not SPICE source code based. The algorithms were optimized for very stiff differential equation systems and therefore can handle frequently switching systems easily SIMPLORER´s circuit simulator is extremely stable and has usually no convergency problems Simulation speed can be up to 10 times faster than SPICE, depending on the modeling Block Diagram Simulator Different implementation than Matlab/Simulink. SIMPLORER´s block diagram simulator State Machine Simulator

6 Input the Parameters into PExprt

7 Specify the Optimize Priority for the Design Option List

8 Design List per System Engineer’s Design Priorities

9 Selected Design from the List

10 Magnetic Component Performance for a Selected Design

11 Create SIMPLORER Model from PExprt

12 Create SIMPLORER Model from PEmag

13 Create SIMPLORER 1D-Model from PEmag

14 Create SIMPLORER 2D-Model from PEmag

15 Put Magnetic Model Back into SIMPLORER

16 Add SMPS6 Diode Bridge

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