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Ms. Virginia Diederich Ms. T. Stewart Mrs. Jennifer Cogdill Mrs. Laura Gunter.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Virginia Diederich Ms. T. Stewart Mrs. Jennifer Cogdill Mrs. Laura Gunter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Virginia Diederich Ms. T. Stewart Mrs. Jennifer Cogdill Mrs. Laura Gunter

2 *Please sign your child’s AGENDA and BEHAVIOR FOLDER NIGHTLY. *Please review the Red Take Home Folder every night. *Homework is always written in your child’s agenda. *Graded papers go home every TUESDAY.

3 History refers to examining United States history from the Civil War to the present. Geography refers to locating important places in the United States and to explaining the impact of geography on economic development. Government/Civics refers to evaluating concepts and rights as outlined in amendments to the United States Constitution and why the Constitution is amended. Economics refers to analyzing how economics affects historical events, society, and individuals. Foldable Notes, Interactive Notebooks, Videos, Simulations, Arts Integration…..

4 SCIENCE Ms. Taylor StewartRm. Life ScienceEarth Science Physical Science Weathering/Erosion Human Interventions 3 RD -4 TH NINE WEEKS Plant and Animal Cells Classification Genetics/Heredity 1 ST -2 ND NINE WEEKS Electricity and Magnetism Physical and Chemical Changes 2 ND -3 RD NINE WEEK Vocab. Quizzes—QUIZLET.COM Student Data Binders

5 Fifth Grade ELA Content & Standards Your child's year in language arts will be made up of: Writing: Opinion, Informative, Narrative, Response to Literature, Research Write 2 Learn – Online writing and assessment program Conventions of Standard English: Grammar, punctuation, sentence construction Vocabulary: Using context clues for word meaning, Greek and Latin Affixes and roots Georgia Standards of Excellence –

6 Fifth Grade Reading Content and Standards Your child's year in reading will be made up of: Reading Strategies & Elements of Fiction Literary Text: Novel Studies & Short Stories Informational Text Poetry & Drama Teacher will utilize literature textbook, novels, as well as online resources to teach the 5 th grade curriculum. Georgia Standards of Excellence –

7 AR Program Both fiction and non-fiction books from their independent reading levels / Lexile levels. (Sticker in agenda shows level & range) We visit the library for check out every other week. Assessments for books read: AR tests (Can be taken in class or in the media center daily) Your child should be reading every night!! Weekly or bi-weekly reading logs are assigned for homework – due on Fridays!

8 Georgia Standards of Excellence divides 5 th grade Math into the following Units: Order of Operations, Place Value 1/10 th Rule, Powers of 10/Zero Patterns, Multi- Digit Multiplication and Division Addition and Subtraction of Decimals Multiplication and Division of Decimals Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of Fractions 2D Figures Volume and Measurement Geometry and the Coordinate Plane Preview 6 th Grade

9 C ONSTRUCTED R ESPONSE : Constructed Response refers to the expectations regarding word problems. Students must not only solve the problem correctly, but they must also be able to explain their thinking in a short paragraph. We follow the RACES strategy, and students will practice often throughout the year. F LIPPED C LASSROOM : A Flipped Classroom refers to a classroom in which Students receive instruction at home through videos, and then practice what they learned in the classroom with teacher support. In my class, students will be asked to watch videos once or twice a week. The videos are housed on my website. However, if watching the video off-campus is a problem for any student, we will be sure s/he has the opportunity to watch it at school. N UMBER T ALKS : Number Talks are exactly what they sound like—a time for us to talk/think about numbers and how they relate to each other. Researchers are finding that many students do not have “number sense”—that is, students do not always understand how numbers work together to make patterns and/or other numbers. Once or twice a week, we will spend 10-15 minutes in math class thinking about and then discussing different ways to solve math problems. The goal here is not that every student always gets the correct answer, but that each student develops a greater understanding of the relationships numbers have with each other.

10 Grading: Grades will be weighted according to the following scale: o Tests/Writing assignments: 35 o Quizzes:30 o Homework:10 o Classwork: 25

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