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DIANNE-DOMINIQUE THEAKSTONE DISABILITY FORUM ON RESEARCH 15 TH APRIL 2014 “Imprisonment to Empowerment: to what extent does housing empower disabled people.

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Presentation on theme: "DIANNE-DOMINIQUE THEAKSTONE DISABILITY FORUM ON RESEARCH 15 TH APRIL 2014 “Imprisonment to Empowerment: to what extent does housing empower disabled people."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIANNE-DOMINIQUE THEAKSTONE DISABILITY FORUM ON RESEARCH 15 TH APRIL 2014 “Imprisonment to Empowerment: to what extent does housing empower disabled people in Scotland and Norway?”

2 Introduction Housing and empowerment of disabled people PhD Research Discussion

3 Housing and Empowerment Definitions More than bricks and mortar Empowerment is a tool of independent living; “Empowerment is often found in the details of the mundane world. It comes from controlling access to personal space, from being able to alter one's environment and select one's daily routine, and from having personal space that reflects and upholds one's identity and interests.” ( Ridgway et al, 1994)

4 PhD Research Design Building Inclusion: an international comparative study of disabled peoples’ access to independent living in Scotland and Norway Key Experts Organisational Case Studies Online Survey 4

5 Why Conduct International Comparative Research? Transference not the sole objective as contextual Expand knowledge of own culture, policies, practices, governance structures Expand knowledge of other countries too International networking Impart knowledge, experiences or ambitions 5

6 Why Scotland and Norway ? Aging populations Population size approx: 5M Land mass: 78,772 km 2, 385,252 Km 2 6

7 Why Scotland and Norway ? Justification of disabled peoples’ needs Welfare typologie; Both have coalition governments Contrast of housing systems 7

8 The Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living 2 centres for independent living in Scotland; Set up 1994; Around 30 employees; Service-lead organisation 8

9 GCIL Services How they fit 9 Self Directed Support Training Human Resources; Finance Services June 2012

10 Personal Assistants Model: Co-owners pay 1000 K as one-off joining fee, returned if leave Municipalities provide payment for personal assistance; Disabled people ask municipality if Uloba can be service- provider Uloba contract with municipality receive 3 months in advance of PA wages Co-owners have contract with Uloba to provide Personal Assistance service Co-owners have 2 accounts: contingency ( 5% of money, PA phone, advertising costs); other is pay role (10% towards Uloba administration) 10

11 Personal Assistants Model Continued: Personal Assistants receive 151 K per hour Above minimum wage and in line with category of nurses/health workers 40% extra for evenings, nights and main public holidays; Scales for experience and age, can earn up to 200 K per hour Co-owner submits monthly time sheets, monitor usage Standard Norwegian contract 2011 by municipalities surplus of hours by 31 st December means money sent back to them 11

12 Personal Assistants Model Continued: Uloba pays for an additional hours co-owners use so monitoring and advice important Uloba chose at general assembly to be a cooperative rather than International Commercial Company Change happened in law in 2013 and enabled any disabled person to become a co-owner 12

13 Disabled people and Scotland One of most vulnerable groups within society Aging populations with associated increase of acquired impairments Housing crisis Disabled people twice as likely to live in social-renting sector Benefits not always recognised as income for mortgages 13

14 Housing: Husbanken Bank provide assistance to vulnerable groups access home ownership Pensions (disability benefit), grants, loans for non- new built properties Universal design 14

15 Housing: 15 View outsideLift inside building

16 Summary International comparative PhD research illustrated the connections between housing and empowerment for disabled people Partial citizenship of disabled people Highlights more questions for future research

17 Contact Details Dianne Dominique Theakstone Mobile: 07920 480422 E-mail:

18 References Abberley P. (1987) “The Concept of Oppression and the Development of a Social Theory of Disability”, Disability Handicap and Society, 2 (1), pp: 5-19. Corker M., and French S. (1999) Disability Discourse. Buckingham: Open University Press. Crow L. (1992) Renewing the Social Model of Disability. Coalition News; Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People, 1992. Davis L. (2010) The Disability Studies Reader. 3d ed. New York: Routledge. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (c. 50). (n.d.). Office of Public Sector Information. Retrieved on June 13, 2012, from Esping-Anderson G. (1990) The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Cambridge: Policy Press. Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living. N.p., n.d. Retrieved on 13 June 2012 from Husbanken (2012) The Norway Housing Bank. Retrieved on 13th June, 2012 from Imrie R. (1996) Disability and the City. International Perspectives, London: Paul Chapman Publishing ltd. Reid Howie Associates (2007) Independent Living In Scotland: A Policy Scoping Study. Scotland: Disability Rights Commission. Sandvin J. H. (2003) “Loosening bonds, changing identities: Growing up with Impairments in Post War Norway”. Disability Studies Quarterly: Spring 2003, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp.5-19. Thomas C. (1999) Female Forms: Experience and Understanding Disability. Buckingham: Open University Press. Tossebro J., Gustavsson, A., and Dyrendahl U. (eds.) (1996) Intellectual Disabilities in The Nordic Welfare States. Norway: Norwegian Academic Press. Uloba (2012) retrieved on 13 June, 2012 from June 2012 Cementing Citizenship: An exposé of the interconnections between disability, housing and citizenship in Norway and Scotland. 18

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