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Grid, Smart grid, CURENT. Basic components of the Electric Grid Power Plant- Electricity generation Transmission- Transmit electricity to different areas.

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Presentation on theme: "Grid, Smart grid, CURENT. Basic components of the Electric Grid Power Plant- Electricity generation Transmission- Transmit electricity to different areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grid, Smart grid, CURENT

2 Basic components of the Electric Grid Power Plant- Electricity generation Transmission- Transmit electricity to different areas Distribution- Distribution to different loads Loads- Industries, Residences, etc.

3 Electric Grid ▫ Converts different forms of energy to electricity (generation)  Forms of energy conversion (??) ▫ Transmits electric energy from one place to another (transmission) (how??)  Challenges(??) a)Less lossesb)Long distancesc) No wire cut offs ▫ Distribute to residential and industrial loads (Distribution)  Challenges(??) 3

4 What are renewable and non-renewable sources of energy? Sources of Energy U. S. Energy Consumption by Source, 2010

5 Transmission and Distribution Transformer: Transmission: Step up voltage to kV Distribution: Step-down voltage to 120 V Lines

6 Smart grid 6

7 7 A collaboration between universities, industry and national labs. Center for Ultra wide Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks. Ultra wide ????A nation-wide or continent-wide transmission grid. Resilient???? Able to withstand and overcome overload or stressful/disturbed conditions How??? Develop a system that is fully monitored and dynamically controlled in real-time. Why?? high efficiency, high reliability, low cost. Electric Energy - renewable energy sources, energy storage Transmission Network

8 CURENT What we do not do ▫ Generate, transmit or distribute energy  That is what electric grid does!! What we do  Monitor grid data,  Analyse the various disturbances/overloads  Develop control methods to improve and make the transmission grid resilient 8

9 Solar and Wind Power

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