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Words for Production 1. construct [ k1n`str^kt ] vt. to build 建造 The city plans to construct a bridge connecting the two islands. 詞類變化 * construct = build.

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Presentation on theme: "Words for Production 1. construct [ k1n`str^kt ] vt. to build 建造 The city plans to construct a bridge connecting the two islands. 詞類變化 * construct = build."— Presentation transcript:


2 Words for Production 1. construct [ k1n`str^kt ] vt. to build 建造 The city plans to construct a bridge connecting the two islands. 詞類變化 * construct = build

3 construction [ k1n`str^kS1n ] n. [U] 建造 We cannot go that way; the road is still under construction. * under construction 施工中

4 Words for Production 2. premier [ `prImI2 ] adj. first in position or importance 首要的 Tiger Woods is one of the world’s premier golfers. * one of + 複數名詞

5 Words for Production 3. tourist [ `t5rIst ] n. [C] somebody traveling for pleasure 觀光 客 Grand Canyon National Park in America is a huge attraction for both tourists and adventurers. 詞類變化

6 tour [ t5r ] n. [C] 旅行,觀光 If I had money, I would go on a thirty-day tour of Egypt. * 此句為與現在事實相反的假設語氣句型 If + S + 過去式動詞 (were)…, S + should/ would / could/ might + 原型動詞

7 Words for Production 4. masterpiece [ `m8st2&pis ] n. [C] a piece of work which is the best of its type or the best a person has done 傑 作,名著 That sixty-square-foot tapestry on the wall is a real masterpiece of beauty.

8 Words for Production 5. soar [ sor ] vi. to rise quickly to a very high level 上 升 The moment Aladdin stepped onto the magic rug, it soared up into the air and brought him out of the tower.

9 Words for Production 6. structure [ `str^ktS2 ] n. [C][U] something that consists of parts connected together in an ordered way; something that has been built; the way in which the parts of something are put together 結構物;建築物 PS. The example sentences are on the next page.

10 Words for Production 6. structure [ `str^ktS2 ] n. [C][U] The old church in the downtown area will be replaced by a modern structure. Experts have studied the changing structure of families in Taiwan.

11 Words for Production 7. exhibition [ &Eks1`bIS1n ] n. [C] a public show of artistic works or objects 展覽會 The science museum is going to hold a special exhibition on the amazing life cycle of butterflies. 詞類變化 * on : 專題

12 exhibit [ IG`zIbIt ] vt. 陳列,展覽 The masterpieces of van Gogh, one of the greatest artists in the nineteenth century, have been exhibited in the best galleries in America, Europe, and Asia.

13 Words for Production 8. seemingly [ `simI9lI ] adv. as far as one can tell 表面上看起來 … To everyone’s horror, this seemingly innocent young boy turned out to be a murderer. * to one’s 情緒名詞 令 ( 某人 ) 感到 … * turn out to be 變成

14 Words for Production 9. functionless [ `f^9kS1n&lIs ] adj. without purposes 缺乏功能的,沒作 用的 This old train station is now empty but not functionless. It has become the perfect place for this town’s community activities. 詞類變化 * community activities 社區活動

15 function [ `f^9kS1n ] n. [C] 功能 The premier function of language is communication.

16 function [ `f^9kS1n ] vi. ( 機器 ) 運轉 The machine won’t function properly if you don’t oil it.

17 Words for Production 10. beat [ bit ] vt. to defeat 擊敗 Last week, the Los Angeles Lakers beat the Chicago Bulls by just two points, making it a very close match. * beat = defeat * by: 以 … 分之差

18 Words for Production 11. proposal [ pr1`pozL ] n. [C] a plan or suggestion 計畫,提案 His proposal to expand the customer service operation was not accepted by the manager. 詞類變化

19 propose [ pr1`poz ] vt. 提議,建議 Since there are many members absent today, I propose we cancel the meeting. * S + 建議動詞 + that + S + (should) + 原型動詞

20 Words for Production 12. initially [ I`nIS1lI ] adv. at first; at the beginning 起初 Initially, she opposed the plan, but later she changed her mind. 詞類變化 * initially = at first = at the beginning * change one’s mind 改變心意

21 initial [ I`nIS1l ] adj. 最初的,初期的 If not treated in its initial stage, cancer can easily lead to death. * If not treated in its initial stage, = If cancer is not treated in its initial stage, * lead to = result in = bring about 導致

22 Words for Production 13. summit [ `s^mIt ] n. [C] the top; the highest point 頂端 No one was able to reach the summit of Mt. Everest until 1953. * summit : top

23 Words for Production 14. critic [ `krItIk ] n. [C] a person who judges harshly 批評者 The government’s new construction project, once heavily attacked by critics, is now put on hold. 詞類變化

24 criticize [ `krIt1&saIz ] vt. 批評 Harold’s friends found it hard to get along with him, since he always criticized people around him. * 不完全及物動詞 + it + 受詞補語 + 真受詞 ( to V / that 子句 ) * get along with 相處

25 Words for Production 15. scrap [ skr8p ] n. [U] material which cannot be used for its original purpose but may still have some value 廢料,廢物 She respects her father very much even though he is just an old man collecting scrap in the neighborhood. * even if = even though 即使

26 1. Gustave Eiffel [ G^s`tev `aIfL ] n. the name of a French architect and engineer 艾菲爾 Words for Recognition

27 2. eyesore [ `aI&sor ] n. [C] something ugly or unpleasant to look at 礙眼的東西,難看的東西 Words for Recognition

28 3. Hitler [ `hItl2 ] n. the name of the notorious Nazi leader during World War II 希特勒 Words for Recognition * World War II = the Second World War

29 4. centerpiece [ `sEnt2&pis ] n. [C] the most important or noticeable part of something ( 整體中 ) 最重要而且醒目 的部分 Words for Recognition

30 5. Centennial Exhibition [ sEn`tEnI1l &Eks1`bIS1n ] n. (the ~) the 1889 Universal Exhibition and Centennial of the French Revolution 萬國博覽會暨法國大革命百年紀念 Words for Recognition

31 6. Chrysler Building [ `kraIsl2 `bIldI9 ] n. the name of a skyscraper built in 1930, located in Manhattan, New York 克萊 斯勒大樓 Words for Recognition

32 1. at a rate of at a speed of 以 … 的速率 My secretary is really amazing; she can type at a rate of ninety words per minute. Idioms and Phrases * at a rate of = at the speed of

33 2. speed up to move or happen faster 加速 This technology can speed up your Internet connection easily and, most importantly, it’s inexpensive. Idioms and Phrases

34 3. go up to be built 被建造起來 This small town has developed rapidly these years. Many tall modern buildings have gone up, replacing the old ones. Idioms and Phrases

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