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Post Hoc/Faulty Causality/ Non-Sequitur

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Presentation on theme: "Post Hoc/Faulty Causality/ Non-Sequitur"— Presentation transcript:

1 Post Hoc/Faulty Causality/ Non-Sequitur
By: Leah Thompson and Emily Baker-King

2 Definition: Post Hoc: afterward.

3 DEFINITIONS: Faulty Causality: bad relationship of cause and effect.

4 Continued.. Non-Sequitur: A statement containing
an illogical conclusion.

5 POPULAR CULTURE: This is an example of non-sequitur because the dolphin has nothing to do with the American Bank.

6 CRUCIBLE EXAMPLE Act One: Page 189: Mrs. Putnam:
“I knew it! Goody Osburn were midwife to me three times. I begged you, Thomas, did I not? I begged him not to call Osburn because I feared her. My babies always shriveled in her hands.”

7 CRUCIBLE EXAMPLE Act Three: Pages 224 and 225 Danforth:
“ Why can they only repeat you?... A little while ago you were afflicted. Now it seems you afflict others; where did you find this power.”

8 Citations: Zupan, Pete. Image of Non-Sequitur. Digital image. Center For Inquiry. Center For Inquiry, Sept.-Oct Web. Feb.-Mar Cham, Jorge. PHD Comics: Post Hoc vs. Post-doc. Digital image. Piled Higher and Deeper. PHD, Aug.-Sept Web. 15 Feb Marin, Lucian E. "Established « JazzRoc versus “Chemtrails”." JazzRoc versus “Chemtrails”. Word Press. Web. 15 Feb. 2012 "Dolphins." The Financial Brand: Marketing Insights for Banks & Credit Unions. Pettus Advertising. Web. 16 Feb Miller, Arthur. The Crucible, a Play in Four Acts. New York: Viking, Print.

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