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Behavioral Ecology Ch. 51. Behavior Response of a muscle or gland under control of the nervous system in response to a stimulus.

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Presentation on theme: "Behavioral Ecology Ch. 51. Behavior Response of a muscle or gland under control of the nervous system in response to a stimulus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Behavioral Ecology Ch. 51

2 Behavior Response of a muscle or gland under control of the nervous system in response to a stimulus

3 The study of how animals behave –Particularly in their natural environment Ethology

4 How Questions vs. Why Questions Proximate causation –how does a behavior occurs? Ultimate causation –why has a behavior evolved?

5 Innate Behavior Fixed behaviors in a population

6 A simple behavioral process that is triggered by a sign stimulus –Ex: aggressive behavior in ♂ sticklebacks Fixed Action Patterns

7 Orientated Movement Kinesis –Random movement in response to stimulus –Ex: Paramecium slow down and turn more often in the presence of bacteria (food)

8 Orientated Movement Taxis –Direct movement toward/away from stimulus –Ex: American Cockroach hides from light

9 Migration Regular long distance change in location –Sun (moves) or North Star (clouds) –Magnetic Field Magnetite in brain or Visualize magnetic field

10 Communication Honeybees perform the waggle dance to communicate the location of food sources

11 Communication Pheromones –Ex: alarm or reproductive

12 Learned Behavior Modification of behavior based upon specific experiences

13 Habituation A loss of responsiveness to stimuli that convey little or no new information –Ex: prairie dog alarm call in human presence

14 Associative Learning Ability to associate one environmental feature with another –Ex: Mouse associates color/taste

15 The process of recognizing and following the first moving object encountered during a “sensitive period” of life (learned/innate) Imprinting

16 Scientists often wear costumes to prevent human imprinting with endangered species

17 Cognition & Problem Solving The process of knowing by awareness, reasoning, recollection & judgment. –Ex: primates learn how to use tools

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