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Shelter Cluster Vanuatu Meeting 23 July 2015 PWD Offices, Port-Vila.

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Presentation on theme: "Shelter Cluster Vanuatu Meeting 23 July 2015 PWD Offices, Port-Vila."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shelter Cluster Vanuatu Meeting 23 July 2015 PWD Offices, Port-Vila

2 1. Introduction 2. IM Update Wrap up of the 3W for the HAP period 3. Updates and discussion  Submission process to Recovery Framework status.  Building Back Safer TWiG feedbacks  Shelter Cluster Technical Guidelines process.  Completing Shelter distribution after 31 July  El Nino.  Shelter & Settlement vulnerability monitoring Agenda

3 4. Partners update and issues  PWD/UNDP multipurpose community building project & training component  PWD Building code project  ADRA/Habitat for Humanity shelter project  Disability Desk letter of shelter occupancy issue.  5. AOB Agenda

4 2. IM Update

5 3.1 Submission process to Recovery Framework status  7 projects, already started within the Humanitarian Action Plan and is fully funded.  4 projects, starting after 31 July and are fully funded.  3 projects, Already started or will start after 31 July but seek to Recovery Framework funding

6  Strengthening housing & settlement community resilience, which would encompass activities, initiated within the HAP and new planned projects aiming to:  (1) assist in the repairing, retrofitting and reconstruction of damaged houses,  (2) households and community safe shelter awareness,  (3) building back safer training of skilled and unskilled workers,  (4) assist in the repairing, retrofitting and reconstruction of damaged community building,  (5) local and traditional construction knowledge and capacity strengthening,  (6) building back safer knowledge dissemination, mass and affected population communication,  (7) Strengthening local and national capacity in post disaster shelter & housing

7 3.1 Submission process to Recovery Framework status  Following some partners request, deadline for submission extended for tomorrow Friday 11:30AM.  Analysis to prepare meeting on Monday 27 with PWD, DLA & DSPAC  Meeting outputs and analysis to be presented to the Housing Working Group on Tuesday 28 at 2PM @PWD  All to be sent to Recovery Committee before July 30

8 3.2 Building Back Safer TWiG feedbacks  BBS concept note agreed to be the BBS Shelter Cluster Guidance.  Will be circulated soon for comments.  To be presented to incoming SAG and to inform Housing Working Group.

9 3.3 Shelter Cluster Technical Guidelines process  As part of preparedness, this document will address: (1) The Technical response by the Shelter Cluster to Tropical Cyclone Pam. (2) The recommendations for further responses of the Shelter Cluster to natural disasters in Vanuatu, and (3) Shelter and NFI technical specifications. To be finalized end of August.

10 3.4 Completing Shelter distribution after 31 July  All shelter/housing activities after 31 July to be submitted to the Recovery Framework  Humanitarian activities after 31 July issue raised at inter cluster meeting on 22/07. Meeting was chaired by NDMO director.  For any shelter distribution after 31 July, need to be discussed with NDMO and PWD.

11 3.5 El Nino  El Nino issue raised at inter cluster meeting on 22/07. Meeting was chaired by NDMO director.  Decision to work on Action Plan, contribution by all cluster for first week of August.  WASH and FSAC clusters would be the 2 key clusters involved Do you think that El Nino impact need shelter activities and do Shelter Cluster need to be involved at this stage?

12 3.6 Shelter & Settlement vulnerability monitoring Shelter & Settlement Vulnerability Assessment done in April May 2015 Monitoring from 10 August till 7 September Main objective: To inform the (1) evaluation of the effectiveness of the shelter operational response detailed in the humanitarian action plan (2) on going recovery and preparedness strategies following the Cyclone Pam event that struck the Vanuatu archipelago in March 2015.

13 3.6 Shelter & Settlement vulnerability monitoring  Specific objectives 1.Monitor the sheltering conditions for families affected by TC Pam since the baseline assessment; 2.Evaluate the utility of various shelter interventions provided by Shelter Cluster agencies and others stakeholders to enable families and communities to recover 3.Determine if emergency shelter residual gaps and recovery needs exist 4.Inform future preparedness and contingency planning with respect to risk reduction, prepositioning of materials, and identification of vulnerable groups and sites

14 3.6 Shelter & Settlement vulnerability monitoring  Inter agency exercise:  Contribution of cluster partners.  Capacity building oportunity for cluster partners  Capacity building for Governement agencies NDMO & PWD Please contact the SCT if interested

15 3.7 Incoming events 1.Meeting with PWD, DLA & DSPAC on Recovery Framework submission for Shelter/housing on 27/07 2.Housing Working Group meeting on Recovery Framework submission & analysis for Shelter/housing 28/07 at 2PM @ PWD 3.No meeting on 30/07 due to Independence day 4.Shelter Cluster TWiG meeting on incoming monitoring of Shelter & Settlement vulnerability assessment (REACH 2 - TBD) 5.Shelter Cluster SAG, 05/08 6.Housing Working Group meeting on Thursday 06/07, with Shelter Social Club


17 4. Partner Updates & Issues  PWD/UNDP multipurpose community building project & training component

18 4. Partner Updates & Issues  PWD Building code project  Building Act in 2013.  Review and update existing code process interrupted by PAM  Next step Is to do workshops with all stakeholders, from mid August, at national and provincial levels.

19  Workshops will aim to finalize the code and to strategize its dissemination.  Finalizing the Building code will be the next step.  PWD is looking at financial resources to finalize these important tasks

20 4. Partner Updates & Issues  ADRA/Habitat for Humanity shelter project (canceled)

21 4. Partner Updates & Issues  Disability Desk letter of shelter occupancy issue.

22 5. AOB

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