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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 1 802.11 TGac Editors Report Date: 2012-07-16 Authors:

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 1 802.11 TGac Editors Report Date: 2012-07-16 Authors:"— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 1 802.11 TGac Editors Report Date: 2012-07-16 Authors:

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 2 Abstract This document summarises editorial activities on the TGac Draft since the last meeting Status of the draft Status of the comments This document is cumulative, newer data at the front – i.e., it will be revised per meeting to show updated status.

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission July 2012 (San Diego) March 2012 Slide 3 Robert Stacey, Apple

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Draft status At the May session, the WG approved a 20 day LB: –Should P802.11ac D3.0 be forwarded to sponsor ballot? LB188 closed 25 June 2012 273 votes: –233 yes (90.7%) –24 no (+2 without comments) –14 abstain Motion passes We received 855 comments March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 4 LB187: 271 votes: -223 yes (88.8%) -28 no -19 abstain

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Comment break down 855 comments: –261 editorial –18 general –576 technical The general and technical have been assigned to ad- hocs March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 5

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Status following July 11-13 ad-hoc March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 6 See 12/752r5 (LB188 comments TGac D3.0) Duplicate of CIDDraftCID All state1state UnresolvedOtherGrand Total UnassignedAssignedAd-hoc NotesTotalResolvedApprovedDuplicateTotal LBOwning Ad-hocComment GroupCount 187 14866 1492 188COEX(Blank) 12 COEX-2012-07-12 4 44 Total12 4416 EDITOR(Blank) 1 11 Editorial 2564 260 Total2565261 GEN(Blank) 4 44 GEN-2012-07-12 15 Total4415 19 MAC(Blank) 37203 240 MAC-2012-07-11 33 MAC-2012-07-12 27 Total3720324060 300 MU(Blank) 836 89 MU-2012-07-12 14 Total8368914 103 PHY(Blank) 12610 136 20120711_f2f_SP_passed 8 88 20120712_f2f_SP_passed 12 Total1261013620 156 Total 29343316742113 855 Grand Total293433167421131486616052347

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Comment assignment (unresolved comments) Duplicate of CIDResn StatusMotion Number (Blank) Owning Ad-hoc COEXGENMACMUPHYGrand Total AssigneeCount of CID Adrian44 Adrian Stephens145 Allan Zhu, Liwen Chu32 Bo Sun12 Brain Hart, Kaz11 Brian Hart118221 ChaoChun77 Dan Harkins, Brian Hart22 Eldad Perahia20 Eric Wong35 James Wang88 Kaiying66 Liwen Chu9110 Mark Rison167 Matt Fischer112 Minho28 Nihar11718 Osama257 Reza711220 Robert Stacey18 Sandhya99 Sandyha11 Simone Merlin26816 Vinko Erceg32 Vish22123 Yong Liu13738 Yongho Seok37 Youhan66 Youhan Kim66 Yusuke Asai13 Grand Total12420389136444 March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 7

8 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission May 2012 (Atlanta) No report March 2012 Slide 8 Robert Stacey, Apple

9 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission March 2012 (Hawaii) March 2012 Slide 9 Robert Stacey, Apple

10 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Draft status At the January session, the WG approved a 30 day LB: –Should P802.11ac D2.0 be forwarded to sponsor ballot? LB187 closed 18 February 2012 271 votes: –223 yes (88.8%) –28 no –19 abstain Motion passes We received 1492 comments March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 10

11 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Initial comment break down 1492 comments: –655 editorial –59 general –778 technical The general and technical have been assigned to ad- hocs Some editorial comments have since been reclassified technical and assigned to ad-hocs March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 11

12 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Status following March 7-9 ad-hoc March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 12 Duplicate of CIDDraftCID All state1state UnresolvedOtherGrand Total UnassignedAssignedAd-hoc NotesTotalResolvedDuplicateTotal LBOwning Ad-hocComment GroupCount 187COEX(Blank) 242 26 COEX_2012_03_09_adhoc 4 44 COEX_2012_03_10_adhoc 3 33 Total242267733 EDITOR(Blank) 21 33 Editorial 398 2404 244642 Total398 2425247645 GEN(Blank) 1 11 PICS 22 Total23 MAC(Blank) 826420 292 MAC_2012_03_08_adhoc 90 MAC_2012_03_09_adhoc 55 MIB 112 13 Total927620305145 450 MU(Blank) 481 49 MU20120308+09 5 55 Total481495554 PHY(Blank) 917310 192 40+40 4 44 PHY_20120308_adhoc_SP_passed 72 PHY_20120309_adhoc_SP_passed 19 Total91771019691 287 Total 4165483399749054951492 Grand Total4165483399749054951492 Corresponds to 12/223r7 (LB187 comment TGac D2.0)

13 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 13 January 2012 (Jacksonville)

14 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Draft status At November session, the TG instructed the editor to produce a D2.0 for ballot based on resolved comments and a few motions (y/n/a=59/1/4=98.3%) However, the WG motion to take the draft to ballot failed (y/n/a=33/12/9=73.3%) As a result, D1.4 (instead of D2.0) was released following the November session D1.4 is effectively the draft motioned by the TG for D2.0 at the November session March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 14

15 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Expectation for D2.0 D2.0 = D1.4 plus the following –Incorporate revised resolution for CID 3398 in 11/1566r1 (Antenna Indication in VHT Capabilities Info) Editor missed this when preparing D1.4 –Any additional changes approved this session March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 15

16 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 16 November 2011 (Atlanta)

17 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Database status LB All state UnassignedAssignedResolvedApprovedEditorial UnresolvedDuplicateEditorial ApprovedEditorial ResolvedGrand Total Owning Ad-hocCount COEX 45 9 EDITOR 1260564214712627 1613 MAC 2594161 127 MU 320 23 PHY 18127 46 Grand Total 3842655652260126271818 March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 17

18 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Comment status Comments resolved since the September session: 260 Unresolved comments: –GEN: 0 –COEX: 4 –MU:3 –PHY: 18 –MAC: 59 See 11/1430r2 LB178 D1.0 comments for motion March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 18

19 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Process for motioning resolutions Change from what we did last time A single document, 11/1430 LB178 D1.0 comments for motion, will contain resolutions ready for motion 11/1430r2 reflects resolutions through end of ad-hoc last week Tabs in the spreadsheet list comments awaiting motion Tabs labeled with ad-hoc name (GEN, MU, COEX, MAC, PHY) and the date the resolution was strawpolled March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 19

20 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Draft status D1.2 was released 7 October 2011 –Reflects resolutions that passed motion during the September 2011 session D1.3 is available in the members area –Reflects resolutions that passed strawpoll during the telecons since September and a few resolutions from November ad-hoc at Cisco –See spreadsheet in 11/1430r2: Look for non-blank Edit status –I = implemented, N = not implemented Also, look at Edited in draft column –Indicates draft revision where change was made March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 20

21 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 21 Sept 2011 (Okinawa)

22 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Current Database Status March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 22 LB All state UnassignedAssignedResolvedApprovedEditorial UnresolvedDuplicateEditorial ApprovedEditorial ResolvedGrand Total Owning Ad-hocCount COEX 20118 39 EDITOR 1218236391161587 1000 GEN 282042 54 MAC 715610776 346 MU 682321 112 PHY 21667029 267 Grand Total 384322332363925215871818

23 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Resolved Comments At the ad-hoc in Seoul we resolved: –4 GEN comments see 11/1236, GEN-2011-09-15-AD-HOC tab –76 MAC comments see 11/1132, MAC-09-14-ADHOC and MAC-09-15-ADHOC tabs –23 MU comments See 11/1245, MU-Seoul-20110915-20110916 tab –10 COEX comments See 11/yyyy, Coex for Motion 201109 tab –40 PHY comments See 11/yyyy, PHY_09_14_11 and PHY_09_15_11 tabs These will be motioned this week March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 23

24 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Unresolved: GEN 28 Security (GCMP) 18 PICS 2 Misc March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 24

25 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Unresolved MAC (assignees) Matt: 21 Hongyuan: 28 Illsoo: 16 Peter Loc: 13 Osama: 12 Jae Seung: 14 Chao-Chun: 10 Reza: 6 Liwen: 6 Mark Rison: 3 Simone: 4 Robert: 4 Tianyu: 2 Minho: 2 David Yang: 1 Kaiying: 1 Yongho: 1 Yong Liu: 1 Unassigned: 7 March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 25

26 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Unresolved PHY (assignees) Minho: 65 Sean: 30 Vinko: 24 Roy: 19 Youhan: 3 Brian: 8 Mark Rison: 6 Raja: 5 Reza: 5 Yongho: 5 Illsoo: 3 Peter Loc: 2 March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 26

27 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Unresolved MU (assignees) Yong Liu: 18 Illsoo: 14 Brian: 11 Joonsuk: 7 David Yang: 5 Wei Shi: 3 Robert: 2 Osama: 1 March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 27

28 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Unresolved COEX (assignees) Yongho: 8 Peter Loc: 5 Jae Seung: 5 Brian: 2 March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 28

29 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 29 Sept 2011 Ad-hoc (Seoul)

30 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Current Database Status LB All state UnassignedAssignedResolvedApprovedEditorial UnresolvedDuplicateEditorial ApprovedEditorial ResolvedGrand Total Owning Ad-hocCount COEX 3118 40 EDITOR 1217236391161587 999 GEN 28242 54 MAC 72333176 347 MU 9121 112 PHY 22251128 266 Grand Total 38606602363925115871818 March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 30

31 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Resolved Comments At the July meeting we adopted resolutions to 237 comments The editor has resolved a further 587 editorial comments The motioned and resolved editorial comments are captured in D1.1 On the subsequent teleconferences, we have resolved a further –31 MAC, 11 PHY, 1 COEX March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 31

32 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r5 Submission Unresolved Comments EDITOR –42 comments GEN –28 comments on GCMP restriction (unassigned, TG discussion) –17 comments on PICS assigned to Osama –7 others assigned MAC –240 comments (7 unassigned) PHY –227 comments (2 unassigned) MU –91 comments COEX –31 comments March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 32

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