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Energy Where Energy Begins Types of Energy Forms of Energy Changes

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Where Energy Begins Types of Energy Forms of Energy Changes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Where Energy Begins Types of Energy Forms of Energy Changes

2 The Sun Sun = 100,000 trillion large power stations
All plant and animal life relies on the sun Responsible for all types of energy

3 What is Energy? Is the ability to do work Without Energy:
Nothing could live or grow No movement Energy is heat, light and sound

4 Two Basic Kinds of Energy
1. Potential Energy Stored energy In a position that is affected by a force Examples: Magnetic potential energy (magnets) Gravitational potential energy (skier) Elastic potential energy (rubber band) Strain energy (spring)

5 Two Basic Kinds of Energy
2. Kinetic Energy Energy of motion Faster is moves, more energy it has More speed and mass; more kinetic energy Examples: Running Hammer in to a nail Car in to a wall Brian Urlacher in to Brett Favre

6 Check Point!! The ability to do work is called?
The two kinds of energy are called? Stored energy is ________energy. Gravitational potential energy is energy of __________. Kinetic energy is energy of______. A diver on a diving board has ____________ potential energy.

7 Different Forms of Energy
Five Main Forms Mechanical Energy Electromagnetic Energy Heat Energy Chemical Energy Nuclear Energy

8 Mechanical Energy Things in motion Wind Water Falling rocks
Walk, run, ride a bike Sound

9 Electromagnetic Energy
Invisible, except for light Electricity Light Radio Television Microwave Gamma Rays X-Rays Ultraviolet Rays Visible Light Infrared Rays Microwaves Radio Waves

10 Heat Energy Energy of moving particles of matter
Faster they move = more heat Heat causes expansion (boiling water) Reflection: Give an example of your body working faster than normally. Explain what happens to your body when you work fast and why.

11 Chemical Energy Holds particles of matter together
Is released during chemical reactions Example: Matches Wood Coal Batteries Food Oil Gasoline

12 Nuclear Energy Stored in the nucleus of an atom
Energy is released as heat and light

13 Check Point!!! Where does you body get energy from?
How many basic forms of energy are there? What kind of energy is light? What is mechanical energy? What kind of energy is produced when you rub your hands together? What kind of energy is released when wood burns?

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