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Welcome Parents! Meet the Teacher September 18, 2014 Mrs. Theresa Paterson.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents! Meet the Teacher September 18, 2014 Mrs. Theresa Paterson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents! Meet the Teacher September 18, 2014 Mrs. Theresa Paterson

2  I will be teaching the following subjects: Reading, Social Studies, and Religion.  Mrs. Siviglia will be teaching Math and Science. Something New This Year…

3 Classroom Code of Conduct o I will be polite and respectful, and act responsibly at all times. o I will raise my hand when I want to speak. o I will cooperate and not disturb others. o I will listen courteously when others are speaking. o I will follow directions. o I will be truthful and honest. o I will be prepared for class everyday. o I will arrive to school on time. o I will “build up,” not “tear down” my classmates. o I will always TRY MY BEST!

4 Subject Overview  Reading  Social Studies  Religion In order to differentiate instruction, the reading program, learning centers, and learning packets will be used throughout the year.

5 Reading Reading is a crucial part of the school day. In third grade, we focus on the subject of reading in the afternoon. Miss Sottile and I will be working together to ensure the children are learning all they need to be a “well-rounded” reader. During reading class, the children will work on developing their vocabulary, comprehension skills, listening skills, grammar, and writing. In order to support proper reading habits, the children will be expected to read for 20 minutes every night. Last week, the children brought home their bi-weekly reading log.

6 Social Studies Throughout the year, we will review  local, state, country, and world communities.  citizenship and government.  culture and civilizations.  the United States map.

7 Religion  In class, there will be a focus on a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit, the Sacraments, Saints, and prayers.  The children will become more familiar with the Bible and how to locate different stories in the Bible.  The students will host the Mass on February 27 th.

8 Homework Policy Homework will be given every night and occasionally on weekends. I will sign the children’s assignment pads each day. Please sign your child’s assignment pad once his/her homework is completed. All assignments are expected to be handed in on time. Homework is expected to be neat, accurate, and organized. All homework will be posted on the third grade class page at

9 Book Reports GenreDue Date MysteryOctober 24th Science Fiction/FantasyNovember 21st Biography*February 6th Historical FictionMarch 13th PoetryApril 24th Free ChoiceMay 22nd * This choice will be used for Biography Day (the 3 rd grade assembly)

10 Tests are given in a variety of formats. Spelling tests are given every Friday. The children will also be asked to write sentences in addition to having to spell their assigned words. The children will take a weekly story quiz (Reading). Advanced notice will be given for any tests. Test dates and review pages (when necessary) will be posted on e-chalk. You can review your child’s grades on our Parent Portal. Mrs. St. John will be sending home more information regarding this. Your signature is required on all tests and they will be collected every Friday. Tests

11 Grades  Reports cards are given three times a year.  Everything counts (tests, quizzes, projects, class participation, and homework).  Our grading system follows the Diocese of Rockville Centre’s rubrics.

12 Books and Supplies o Textbooks must be covered. Three fabric book covers are needed. o Workbooks do not need to be covered, but it may keep the books neater. I would recommend a clear adhesive. o All children need a pencil case with the following supplies: at least 2 sharpened pencils, an eraser, glue stick(s), and crayons or colored pencils.

13 Field Trips  Our first trip of the school year will be to Safety Town (October 29 th ).  Educators from the WaterFront will visit our classroom on October 27th and January 12th. The class will visit the WaterFront on May 26th.  Other trips will be taken throughout the year.  Permission slips will be sent home before any field trip.

14 Snacks We will have a working snack every day. Please send in a simple, healthy snack and water (something that can fit inside their desk). No candy is allowed. Please be mindful of allergies (we are a peanut and tree nut free school).

15  Please let me know at least a week in advance if you would like your child to celebrate his/her birthday in class.  Drinks are not needed, but please send in napkins and plates.  Please send in the list of ingredients from the box mix. Birthdays

16 Miscellaneous Please label all sweaters, sweatshirts, and jackets. A note is needed if your child is normally a bus rider and will be picked up by you; or if your child is going home with another parent. Please send in an absent note if your child has missed a day of school. The school nurse must also be notified by a phone call on the day of an absence.

17 Thank you for coming! I know this will be a great year!  Please note that my extension is 6322.  My e-mail address is Have a great night!

18 Subject Overview Math Math Science Science

19 Math In Mathematics, students will learn about… Number sense Number sense Place value up to thousands Place value up to thousands Multiplication and division of whole numbers Multiplication and division of whole numbers Fractions Fractions Date and graphs Date and graphs Measurement and geometry Measurement and geometry

20 Science Curriculum Life Science and Earth Science (physical) Life Science and Earth Science (physical) 3 to 4 lessons per chapter 3 to 4 lessons per chapter Lesson assessment for each lesson Lesson assessment for each lesson Chapter test Chapter test Study guide Study guide Review day before test Review day before test Experiments Experiments

21 Thank You For Coming! I know this will be a great year! I know this will be a great year! Please note my extension is 6321 Please note my extension is 6321 My e-mail address is My e-mail address is Have a Great night! Have a Great night!

22 Subject Overview 4th Grade  Reading  ELA

23 Book Reports GenreDue Date MysteryOctober 24th Science Fiction/FantasyNovember 21st BiographyFebruary 6th Historical FictionMarch 13th PoetryApril 24th Free ChoiceMay 22nd

24 Reading/ELA  Spelling tests are given every week. The children will also be asked to write sentences in addition to having to spell their assigned words.  New stories will be introduced weekly.  There will be a story quiz on Fridays.  During class, the students will develop their vocabulary, comprehension skills, listening skills, grammar, and writing.  The children will be exposed to different examples of poetry to strengthen their vocabulary and creative writing skills.

25 ELA State Test Administered April 14 th, 15 th, and 16 th In addition to our regular studies, the students will also be preparing for the state test:  Day 1: reading comprehension with multiple choice questions.  Day 2: reading comprehension with multiple choice and written responses.  Day 3: reading comprehension with written responses. Practice tests will be given throughout the year.

26 Thank you for coming! I know this will be a great year!  Please note that my extension is 6322.  My e-mail address is Have a great night!

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