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Are you ready? Cells Central Dogma Enzymes Scientific Method Energy 10 20 10 20 30 40 50 Structure 20 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Are you ready? Cells Central Dogma Enzymes Scientific Method Energy 10 20 10 20 30 40 50 Structure 20 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:


2 Are you ready?

3 Cells Central Dogma Enzymes Scientific Method Energy 10 20 10 20 30 40 50 Structure 20 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50

4 If a cell contains a nucleus, it must be a(n) a. Plant c. prokaryote b. animal d. eukaryote Cell Structure

5 Both plants and animals have a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles.

6 Which of the following do not have cell walls? Cell Structure b. plants d. all prokaryotes c. all eukaryotes a. animals

7 Cell wall is not the same and plasma membrane. The cell wall helps provide structure for a cell. Plants and Prokaryotes have a cell wall. Cell Structure

8 Where does cellular respiration occur? a. chloroplast c. cytoplasmd. nucleus b. mitochondria Cell Structure

9 The mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell. Both Plants and Animals have mitochondria. Cell Structure

10 What is the purpose of ribosomes? a. To make DNA c. To transport materials throughout the cell b. To package materials d. To make proteins Cell Structure

11  Ribosomes make proteins by arranging amino acids according to instructions from RNA – location of translation.  Ribosomes are found in all cells. Cell Structure

12 What is the function of organelle N? Cell Structure b. Make proteins (cell’s work-force) a. Make ATP (a cell’s energy source) d. Make DNA (cell’s blueprints) c. Make glucose (a cell’s food)

13 Cell Structure Plants can do photosynthesis because chlorophyll can absorb the sun’s energy.

14 What is ultimately produced at the end of the processes of the central dogma? Central Dogma c. DNA d. RNAamino acid a. protein

15 DNA  RNA  Protein Central Dogma

16 What is produced in transcription? Central Dogma a. 2 identical DNA molecules b. tRNA c. protein d. Complementary mRNA

17 Central Dogma Transcription makes mRNA which gets decoded in translation to make proteins.

18 Central Dogma a. cysteine c. lysine d. glycine b. valine What amino acid is produced from the mRNA codon: GUC?

19 Codons represent amino acids Central Dogma

20 What does a mutation cause? Central Dogma a. Disease b. Inability to make the right protein d. superpowers c. Change in DNA sequence

21 Only mutations that change the amino acid sequence cause disease. Central Dogma

22 Determine the DNA sequence that codes for this polypeptide sequence: tyr pro Central Dogma a. UAU CCU b. No answer given c. TAT CCU b. ATA GGG

23 You work backwards: protein  mRNA  DNA Central Dogma

24 What is the shape of DNA? Structure c. Alpha helix d. helix b. Three stranded helix a. Double helix

25 DNA looks like a twisted ladder. Structure

26 What is the complementary sequence for the DNA strand? ATCGGC Structure c. AUCGGC b. UAGCCG a. CGGCTA d. TAGCCG

27 The two strands of DNA are complementary: They match up. Structure

28 What are the basic building blocks of proteins? a. nucleotides d. Nitrogenous bases b. tRNA c. Amino acids Structure

29 Amino acids are the repeating units in protein polymers. Structure

30 What is in RNA and not in DNA? structure a. sugar c. Phosphate group b. nucleotide d. uracil

31 Both DNA and RNA have 4 bases, but U replaces T in RNA. Structure

32 How does ATP store energy? a. When a phosphate is added c. When enzymes move ATP across a cell b. When amino acids connect d. When the bond between two phosphate groups get broken Structure

33 ATP becomes ADP and releases energy Structure

34 Enzymes are _____ that speed up chemical reactions. a. nucleotides c. Nucleic acids b. Energy molecules d. proteins Enzymes

35 Enzymes are proteins that catalyze or speed up reactions. Enzymes

36 What causes an enzyme to get denatured? Enzyme b. mutation c. genetics d. disease a. Extreme temperature and pH

37 Enzyme Denaturing changes the shape of an enzyme

38 What would happen to the reactions of life if enzymes weren’t there? Enzyme a. They would not occur. b. They would make the wrong material. d. They would occur too fast to get nutrients. c. They would occur too slowly to sustain life

39 Enzyme Enzymes lower the activation energy to speed up reactions.

40 Based on the graph, which of the following could be used to increase the reaction rate beyond point C? Enzyme a. decrease enzyme concentration b. increase the amount of substrate c. add more water d. increase the amount of substrate

41 Enzyme Increasing the temperature will increase the rate of reaction.

42 When will both enzymes be active? Enzyme a. 80 o C b. always d. never d. 45 o C

43 Enzyme Optimal is at max. When one enzyme is at its max, the other is inactive.

44 What is the independent variable in the data table? b. Number of Tadpoles c. Amount of water a. There is no independent variable d. pH Scientific Method

45 The independent variable is what you change. It is also called the manipulated variable. Scientific Method

46 What can you conclude from the graphs? Scientific Method b. Enzyme activity does not change as you change temperature and pH a. Enzyme activity increases when you increase the temperature and pH c. Enzymes work best at a specific temperature and pH

47 Temperature, pH and concentration affect enzyme activity. Scientific Method

48 What is a possible hypothesis for experiment summarized in the graph? Scientific Method d. A plant will grow best with lots of water c. Heat is damaging to plants b. Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis. a. Increasing sunlight increases plant growth.

49 Sunlight is on the x-axis so it is the independent variable. Scientific Method

50 Identify the variables: Scientific Method c. Control: 50 workers IV: staple DV: juice a. Control: juice IV: stacks DV: productivity b. Control: Group B IV: volume of special juice DV: number of stacks

51 Control is a comparison. Independent is what changes Dependent is what you look for. Scientific Method

52 In the experiment, what type of variable is the amount of light? a. Independent variable b. Dependent variabled. Constant c. Control Scientific Method

53 Constant and Control are not the same. Constants are things kept the same for each condition. Controls are comparisons. Scientific Method

54 Energy ____ is the molecule that stores energy for easy use within the cell. a. ADP d. RNA b. glucose c. ATP

55 Energy ATP is stored ENERGY

56 Which direction does energy flow? Energy a. Tree to deer to cougar b. Sun to bear to cougar c. Bird to skunk to insects d. Rodent to bird to bear

57 Arrows show the flow of energy, food and nutrients from autotrophs to heterotrophs. Energy

58 Which of the following equations best represents photosynthesis? a. 6C + 6H 2 O  C 6 H 12 O 6 c. C + O 2 + H 2 O  CO 2 + HOH d. C 6 H 12 O 6  6CO 2 + 6H 2 O b. 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O  C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 Energy

59 6 carbon dioxide + 6 water = 1 glucose + 6 oxygen 6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 0 = C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2 Energy

60 In which container is photosynthesis not occurring? a. 1b. 2d. 4c. 3 Container PlantPlant Part Light Color Temp (C) Increase in O2 1Geraniumleafred22120 2Geraniumleafgreen2215 3Geraniumrootred220 4Violetleafred2280 Energy

61 The table had a lot of extra information. There were two main ways to find the answer: no oxygen was made, sunlight can not reach roots. Energy

62 How are the chemical reactions of photosynthesis and cellular respiration related? a. Photosynthesis occurs in plants and cellular respiration occurs in animals. d. There is no relationship. b. Photosynthesis makes more ATP. c. Photsynthesis is basically the reverse of cellular respiration. Energy

63 Photosynthesis makes glucose that is needed in cellular respiration Energy

64 Nile Blue stain a nucleus but prokaryotes don’ t have one. Hodge Podge DyeTest acridine orangestains DNA and RNA osmium tetrozxidestains lipids Eosinstains cell cytoplasm Nile Bluestains cell nuclei

65 How much will you wager?

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