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Test infrastructure and test programs at KEK-STF Kirk 2013/3/26TTC meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Test infrastructure and test programs at KEK-STF Kirk 2013/3/26TTC meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Test infrastructure and test programs at KEK-STF Kirk 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY1

2 superconducting rf test facility Accelerator tunnel EP Facility Test Infrastructure at KEK-STF VT Area CM assembly area 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY2

3 superconducting rf test facility Cleanroom (Class10/1000) CM assembly area Accelerator tunnel Test Infrastructure at KEK-STF 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY3

4 superconducting rf test facility History of CM test in KEK-STF Phase-0.5 (2007) Phase-1 (2008) S1-Global (2010) Phase-2 (2014~) Quantum Beam (2012) MHI-04 MHI-03MHI-04MHI-02MHI-01 MHI-12MHI-13 MHI-12MHI-13 MHI-14~22 (not included MHI-16)MHI-23~26 MHI-05MHI-06MHI-07MHI-09 AES-004ACC-11Z-108Z-109 1 cavity e–e– e–e– Q 4 cavities 8 cavities 2 cavities with beam (Injector Cryomodule) 14 cavities with beam Injector CMCM-1CM-2a S1-Global Cryomodule 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY4

5 superconducting rf test facility Linear type PDSTree type PDS 10 MW 1.5ms 67% efficiency Multi Beam Klystron (Toshiba E3736H) DTI Marx modulator (Collaboration with SLAC) 120kV, 140A, 1.5ms S1-Global Quantum Beam STF-2 History of HLRF system in KEK-STF 800kW (DRFS) Klystron 5MW Klystron T. Matsumoto Ground level Tunnel area Ground level 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY5

6 superconducting rf test facility Quantum beam to STF-2 Quantum-Beam STF-2 H. Hayano 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY6

7 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY7 Very recent situation in STF Only cryostat, not installed cavities

8 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY8 Test Programs for Injector Cryomodule in Quantum Beam Project in 2012

9 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY9 MondayTuesday Wednesda y ThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 272829 February/2012 Cool-down Coupler conditioning at R.T.

10 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY10 MondayTuesday Wednesda y ThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 262728293031 March/2012 Cool-down Low power measurement for MHI#12, 13 at 2K High power test for MHI#12 High power test for MHI#13

11 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY11 MondayTuesday Wednesda y ThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 April/2012 Dynamic loss for MHI#12, 13 LFD, Piezo comp. for MHI#12 Gate valve open Beam Operation starts short shut-down Dynamic loss for MHI#12&#13 High power test for MHI#13 Dynamic loss for MHI#12, 13 Beam Operation

12 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY12 Work items of Low power measurement (According to S1-Global experiment) datecontents Day 1tuner stroke test for MHI#12, #13 Day 2Q L stroke test for MHI#12, #13 Day 3Piezo stroke & hysteresis test for MHI#12, #13 Day 4Cable loss measurement Q t, Q HOM#1, Q HOM#2 measurement Day 5Motor tuner / Piezo drive check by remote control (PC) 400W amp. System setup Q L measurement by decay time Day 6Piezo response by single pulse Day 7Piezo response by multi pulse Day 8Mechanical vibration mode measurement by Piezo Mechanical vibration mode measurement by hammer

13 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY13 Detailed items of Low power measurement (According to S1-Global experiment) datecontentsDetailed items Day 1tuner stroke test for MHI#12 Check tuner performance, Set to 1300.0000MHz, f 0 v.s. Rotation, f 0 v.s. Load, Load v.s. Position, Position v.s. Rotation for one cycle and many cycles Day 2tuner stroke test for MHI#13 remote control of tuner by PC Check variable coupler, Set to Q L = 3 x 10 6, Q L v.s. Δℓ for one cycle Day 3Q L stroke test for MHI#12, #13 Piezo stroke & hysteresis test for MHI#12, #13 Check Piezo performance, f 0 v.s. V piezo, Load v.s. V piezo, Many cycles test (Static stability) Day 4Piezo stroke & hysteresis test for MHI#13 Cable loss measurement Q t, Q HOM#1, Q HOM#2 measurement Cable loss measurement for transmit, HOM#1 and HOM#2, Q ext (Q t, Q HOM#1, Q HOM#2 ) measurement

14 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY14 Passband measurement @6/Mar Cryomodule (E8363B) Cryomodule (E8363B) Cryomodule (E5061B) Last V.T. passbandMHI#12MHI#13MHI#12MHI#13MHI#12MHI#13 π1299.81811299.84461299.81781299.84441299.68421299.7074 8π/91298.99741299.02861298.99701299.02841298.87691298.9045 7π/91296.59621296.64391296.59581296.64371296.47001296.5133 6π/91292.94371293.00891292.94341293.00871292.81441292.8763 5π/91288.51631288.58791288.51591288.58771288.38311288.4508 4π/91283.82331283.91841283.82261283.91831283.68691283.7773 3π/91279.45041279.51521279.44971279.51501279.31001279.3697 2π/91275.89531276.03791275.89451276.03771275.75131275.8904 π/91273.53821273.71911273.53731273.71901273.38941273.5653

15 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY15 Result of tuner stroke check

16 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY16 Result of variable coupler stroke check

17 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY17 Result of Piezo stroke check

18 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY18 Result of f 0, Q L, Q ext, Δf for MHI-12 After cable calibration, this measurement was done using N.A. transmit HOM#1HOM#2

19 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY19 Result of f 0, Q L, Q ext, Δf UnitMHI-12MHI-13 f0f0 MHz1299.9999311300.000106 ΔfΔfHz406499 QLQL 3.19 x 10 6 3.02 x 10 6 Q t @C.T.1.40 x 10 11 2.24 x 10 11 Q t @V.T.1.69 x 10 11 2.25 x 10 11 Q HOM#1 1.33 x 10 14 4.52 x 10 14 Q HOM#2 1.15 x 10 13 2.09 x 10 13

20 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY20 Mechanical vibration mode search MHI#12 (center)MHI#13 (end) Mode #f Piezo [Hz]Δφ p-to-p [mV]f Piezo [Hz]Δφ p-to-p [mV] 196760?? 21801260171300 31931360?? 42061880216740 5332460334280 6351940365400 74811260445200 84961160490260 9??542220 Mode #4Mode #9 function generator Piezo output ΔφΔφ E acc

21 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY21 Mechanical vibration mode search

22 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY22 Mechanical vibration mode search by Hammer hitting MHI#13 25Hz 53Hz 148Hz 319Hz 87Hz 39Hz

23 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY23 Microphonic measurement by Piezo MHI#13 MHI#12

24 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY24 25Hz FFT result in previous page Microphonic measurement by Piezo

25 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY25 Log trend of vacuum @22/Mar

26 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY26 F.B. loop closed! @23/Mar

27 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY27 Example of F.B. / Piezo compensation for MHI-12 30.3MV/m (only F.B.)30.3MV/m (F.B.+Piezo)

28 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY28 LFD measurement with F.B.

29 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY29 Piezo compensation with F.B.

30 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY30 Arc sensor output during pulse-cut from MHI-13 32.0MV/m

31 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY31 Status of Quench for MHI-13

32 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY32 Log trend of helium @6/Apr

33 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY33 Notice of Dynamic/Static loss measurement  Dependence on Helium Level  Measure at same level change  Dependence on Elapsed Time  Static loss is always changing  Negligible small at least within one day  Stability/Reliability check for Static loss  Reproducibility of Static loss

34 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY34 Result of Dynamic loss measurement

35 2013/3/26TTC meeting 2014 @DESY35 Thank you very much for your attention

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