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330 North Wabash EPA’S ENERGY STAR RATING ACHIEVED December, 2009  330’s Energy Performance is in the top 25% nationwide accomplished through:  No Cost.

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Presentation on theme: "330 North Wabash EPA’S ENERGY STAR RATING ACHIEVED December, 2009  330’s Energy Performance is in the top 25% nationwide accomplished through:  No Cost."— Presentation transcript:

1 330 North Wabash EPA’S ENERGY STAR RATING ACHIEVED December, 2009  330’s Energy Performance is in the top 25% nationwide accomplished through:  No Cost Low Cost Operational Changes:  Optimization of building automation system (BAS)  Operating hour changes based on exterior weather and temperature conditions  Implementing an energy audit  Engaged building staff to be individually responsible  Encouraging tenants to save energy within tenant spaces

2 330 North Wabash LEED CERTIFIED SILVER  Sustainable Sites  Building Exterior and Hardscape Management Plan  Integrated Pest Management  Light Pollution Reduction  Alternate Commuting Transportation  Reduced by 62.5%  Water Efficiency  Submetering  Water Efficient Landscaping  Water Efficient Plumbing Fixtures  Energy & Atmosphere  ENERGY STAR  System Level Metering  Emissions Reduction Reporting  Building Automation System  Materials and Resources  Sustainable Purchasing  Ongoing Consumables  Durable Goods  Waste Stream Audit  Reduced Mercury in Lamps  Recycling  Divert 60% of all waste  Recycled porcelain from old plumbing fixtures.  Indoor Environmental Quality  Environmental Tobacco Smoke Policy  Green Cleaning  Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control  Integrated Pest Control  Innovation in Design  Close the Loop Recycled Paper Purchase Program  Tenant and Staff Education

3 LEED CERTIFICATION TENANT BENEFITS  Environmental Benefits  Improved air and water quality  Reduction in solid waste  Conservation of natural resources.  Economic Benefits  Reduction in operating costs  Enhanced asset value  Improve employee productivity and satisfaction  Optimize life cycle performance  Health and Community Benefits  Improved air, thermal and acoustic environments  Enhance occupant comfort and health  Minimize strain on local infrastructures  Contribute to overall quality of life.

4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF OFFICE BUILDINGS IN UNITED STATES Office Buildings Account for:  72% of all electricity consumption  39% of energy usage  38% of all CO2 emissions  40% of raw materials use  30% of waste output (136 million tons  14% of potable water consumption. Green Buildings Reduce:  Electricity consumption by 25%  Energy Costs by 30%  CO2 emissions by 35%  Waste Cost Savings by 50% to 90%  Water Use Savings by 30% to 50%  Source:

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