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0-12 Mean, Median, Mode, Range and Quartiles Objective: Calculate the measures of central tendency of a set of data.

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Presentation on theme: "0-12 Mean, Median, Mode, Range and Quartiles Objective: Calculate the measures of central tendency of a set of data."— Presentation transcript:

1 0-12 Mean, Median, Mode, Range and Quartiles Objective: Calculate the measures of central tendency of a set of data.

2 Measures of Central Tendency  Numbers used to represent a set of data

3 Measures of Center Mean: The sum of the numbers in a set of data divided by the number of items Median: The middle number in a set when arranged in numerical order Mode: The number that appears most often in a set of data RANGE: The difference between the greatest and the least data values.

4 Find the Measures of Center 3, 6, 5, 2, 3, 7

5 You Try- Find the Measures of Center. 1) 33, 38, 29, 25, 41, 40 2) 74, 78, 79, 80, 78, 72, 81, 83, 76, 78, 76, 75, 77, 79, 72

6 P38, # 20 On her first five history tests, Yoko received the following scores: 82, 96, 92, 83, and 91. What test score must Yoko earn on the sixth test so that her average (mean) for all six tests is 90?

7 5- Number Summary  Minimum  Lower Quartile- Q1  Median- Q2  Upper Quartile- Q3  Maximum

8 Definitions of 5-number Summary  Minimum- Smallest piece of data  Lower Quartile- Divides the lower half of data into two equal parts, AKA- Q1  Median- Separates data into two equal parts- AKA- Q2  Upper Quartile- Divides the upper half of data into two equal parts AKA- Q3  Maximum- Largest piece of data

9 Example- Find the 5 Number Summary 8, 7, 5, 19

10 Find the 5 number summary 3, 11, 26, 4, 1

11 Class work Page P39 - # 9 – 14 even

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