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Joe D. May President Louisiana Community and Technical College System.

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Presentation on theme: "Joe D. May President Louisiana Community and Technical College System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joe D. May President Louisiana Community and Technical College System

2  43%The Opportunity to Succeed  37%The Good Life  34%The Pursuit of Happiness  22%The American Dream  17%A Fair Shake  13%To Be Left Alone  9%A Fresh Start  9%Everything I Can Get  8%A Fighting Chance  8%A New Beginning Dr. Frank I. Luntz, What Americans Really Want... Really, 2009

3  For many, the barriers keeping them from achieving their desires for a middle class lifestyle are significant  While there are many educational, personal, social, and financial barriers, the most troublesome ones are policy based  How many of you can think of at least one bad law, policy, or rule that has prevented at least one person from being able to earn a valued credential at IVY Tech?

4  IVY Tech is on the forefront of creating a new future and new models of community and technical college education  The leadership has made a commitment to be champions from the inside-out  Too many college leaders across the country do not have a clear vision of the future, thus, they often find themselves being managed from the outside-in  The middle class is depending on us to remove the barriers that are intentionally, or unintentionally preventing them from earning credentials with value in the marketplace

5  Funding models that recognize both access and success  Facilities that enable colleges to offer programs that align with workforce needs  Articulation and transfer  Common course numbering

6  Since 2007, the LCTCS has been responsible for passing 26 separate pieces of legislation including: Creation of a $170M fund for 23 construction projects aligned with regional workforce needs Creation of a $170M fund for 23 construction projects aligned with regional workforce needs Creation of $10M Workforce Training Rapid Response Fund Creation of $10M Workforce Training Rapid Response Fund Passed two bills requiring the overhaul of funding formulas to reflect Community and Technical College’s role and mission Passed two bills requiring the overhaul of funding formulas to reflect Community and Technical College’s role and mission Passed comprehensive transfer and articulation legislation Passed comprehensive transfer and articulation legislation Moved Adult Education from the K-12 to LCTCS Moved Adult Education from the K-12 to LCTCS Passed two bills to enable the expansion of e-learning Passed two bills to enable the expansion of e-learning Increased tuition and fees Increased tuition and fees

7  Colleges do not have needs – individuals, employers, and communities have needs  Boards and leadership must be looking up and out, not down and in  Our sole purpose for existing is to solve the problems of individuals, employers and communities

8  A story of self -- why I have been called  A story of us -- why we have been called  A story of now -- the urgent challenge on which we are called to act Marshall Ganz Harvard University

9  Story of Self – Joe May  Story of Us -- Lori Rosette

10 1. You: A character is in a zone of comfort 2. Need: But they want/need something 3. Go: They enter an unfamiliar situation 4. Search: They adapt to it 5. Find: They find what they want 6. Take: They pay the necessary price 7. Return: Go back to a zone of comfort 8. Change: Character is now changed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Comfort Order Discomfort Disorder You Need Go Search Find Take Return Change Adapted from Dan Harmon’s Story Structure

11  Develop and tell your story of self  Develop and tell a story of us

12  A story of betrayal and misuse of funds

13  Power mapping: a structured process that helps identify the people who should hear the stories (in order of importance): 1. Community influence leaders 2. Internal faculty and staff 3. Legislators 4. Business, Industry, and Good Government Groups 5. Civic clubs 6. Media 7. Others

14 I N F L U E N C E HIGH LOW HIGH LOW High Influence, High Interest Low Influence, Low Interest

15  Both the message and the messenger (champion) must have credibility  The story must be backed by data and pass the common-sense test  The story should be compelling, and incite both outrage and a desire to act  The story should provide a solution (a policy change) to the problem and create a heroic vision in the minds of the audience

16  Most people view higher education from their own perspective, they do not understand the students served by IVY Tech  The policy changes needed to improve access and student success are not obvious and often counter intuitive  In fact, most people believe that the existing policies are not only appropriate but that they are correct  Therefore, if you want to succeed in changing policy, you must make your case with the non- elected influence leaders

17  For non-elected influence leaders and legislators, the setting should be intimate and informal  For all others, the setting should be as large as possible

18  Once you have developed the story of now, identify and equip internal champions to tell the stories of self, us and now  The story has credibility if others within the institution are telling it

19  “Everyday is Community College Day at the Legislature”  LCTCS students and faculty visit the Louisiana Legislature every day throughout the legislative session  An effective way for students and faculty to tell their stories of self and us

20  When you tell the story of now, your “ask” should be clear, direct, and unambiguous, without being “political”  If, upon leaving the conversation or presentation, a listener says to you, “This is great, just let me know how I can help...” YOU HAVE FAILED!

21  Develop, practice, and continually use your most important and effective leadership tools: The Story of Self The Story of Self The Story of Us The Story of Us The Story of Now The Story of Now  Deliver these data-backed stories to the right audience, and you can change Indiana forever

22 Questions/ Discussion

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