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E e, B b, C c, D d, G g, P p, T t, V v e he, we, she, me ese these, Chinese, Japanese ee sheep, green, jeep, bee ea seat, tea, read, please, teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "E e, B b, C c, D d, G g, P p, T t, V v e he, we, she, me ese these, Chinese, Japanese ee sheep, green, jeep, bee ea seat, tea, read, please, teacher."— Presentation transcript:



3 E e, B b, C c, D d, G g, P p, T t, V v e he, we, she, me ese these, Chinese, Japanese ee sheep, green, jeep, bee ea seat, tea, read, please, teacher i ship, big, fish, sit, sister, Miss F f, L l, M m, N n, Ss, X x, Z z e pen, desk, bed, egg, ten, yes ea bread, heavy, head, ready, a fat, cat, man, glad, bag, map Period 1

4 d dad, day, red, hand, desk, old b bike, black, boy, baby, bag, bed t ten, two, Tom, time, it P pen, pig, cup, people, pencil k book, look, week, kite, Kate -ck chick, back, cock c (a, o, u) cake, come, cup, car, coat, colour g go, glass, dog, get, grade, good

5 u blue pupil ruler use excuse o do shoe two who oo too tooth school zoo ou you ew new o woman u put oo book foot good goodbye look Period 2

6 a water al all ball tall wall au daughter aw draw or for forty horse morning oar blackboard o box clock cock dog doctor a want wash watch what Period 2

7 v five have love vest f of f flag fat from four floor ph photo a ask banana class father glass pass ar are arm car park star au aunt s sea bus six glass sister c nice pencil circle z zoo s his is nose has please u bus cup duck fun hungry jump luck o brother colour come love Monday

8 th thin three mouth month th this that father with there sh she shoe wash fish short s pleasure television usually Period 2

9 word worker worse certainly bird Thursday earth learn early

10 hundred student open weekend China another woman breakfast second tonight somebody welcome dollar teacher Saturday

11 here mere hear dear near clear year deer beer

12 care dare hare bear pear wear swear air chair pair repair

13 Poor sure tour lure

14 right run read write very worry sorry great bright afraid

15 happy hurry hello behave who whole

16 mother make must many home Tom lamp humor

17 nurse new nose pen nine again kind shine children junior

18 ink think thank ring tongue English boring language

19 lake like lady little talk spell relay floor children ideal

20 A a, H h, J j, K k face, late, game, name, cake ai train, rain, wait, railway ay say, way, may, day, play I i, Y y i: bike, fine, nice, time, nine y: sky, my, why, July, try ie: lie, die, igh right, night, light, Period 4

21 oy: toy, boy oi: boil, point, coin O o o: go, no, so, over, cold oa: coat boat soap ow: borrow, bowl, know, yellow ou: loud, proud, house,out ow: how, now, cow, down

22 ch: Chinese chair cheap, lunch H h G g, J j j: job, jump, jeep, Jack g(e) large, orange, page ts kites, boats,coats sports ds kids, beds, hands, birds, friends

23 tr tree, trousers, trouble travel train dr dream, drink, drive, dress Y y W way, we, week, water want, wish, watch wh what, why, where when U u, y you,young, yes yellow, year

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