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Be Ready Take a Stand! Chapter 5 1 Thessalonians 3: 1-13.

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1 Be Ready Take a Stand! Chapter 5 1 Thessalonians 3: 1-13

2 A child must learn to stand before he can walk Next step in maturity: how the church needs to take stand The key word: establish (3: 2, 13) Paul performed 3 ministries to help those new believers to become firmly established He sent a helper (3:1-5)

3 –While Paul and Timothy were at Athens, he sent Timothy back to Thessalonica to help the young church which was going through tribulations Reasons: –Paul’s concern He was an evangelist and pastor. As a pastor they must be taught and established in the faith. To leave those new believers was like an experience of death. Therefore, it was his love that he couldn’t abandon them when they need the spiritual help

4 Lesson: Paul risked his life to return to them. He wasn’t hireling shepherd (John 10: 12-13) –Timothy’s character (3:2) Not every Christian is equipped to establish other Christians Mature and able to stand on his two feet Some Christians had forgotten the basic truth of God’s Word (Heb. 5:11-14). They need to be taught again. Troubleshooters are needed when church have problems What kind of a person can help younger believers to grow in the Lord

5 Timothy was a Christian himself –“Timothy, our brother…” (3:2) Timothy was a minister –Greek word deakonos means servant and deacon is derived from this word –Not afraid to work –Teaching requires love and patience –Timothy was a good team man A fellow worker with God, other workers, and other believers (Phil 2:20) –The church’s conflict (3:3-5) Trials & testings are not accidents, but appointments. Persecution is a normal part of the Christian life (1 Peter 4:12ff)

6 –We must suffer for His sake (Phil. 1:29). Satan is behind the persecution (3:5). He is a tempter who seeks to destroy our faith. As a roaring lion Satan stalks the believers and resist steadfast in the faith (1 Peter 5:8-9) Satan will use any means, or way, to attack Christian and weaken his faith in God. “Moved” (3:3) means to wag his tail Satan is dangerous when he flatters like with Eve It is faith in God that keep our feet on the ground (1 John 5:4)

7 –Timothy’s job was to establish the believers and comfort, or encourage, them in the faith while in afflictions He wrote a letter (3:6-8) –Timothy brought glad tidings that the believers at Thessalonica stood firm regardless of persecutions, did not believe the lies about Paul, and love and respect him. –Paul’s response: he wrote letters to them God’s Word as a tool to establish the new Christians in the faith (2 Thess 2:15)

8 Jesus used God’s Word to defeat Satan when He was tempted (Matt 4: 1-11). Paul encouraged the Ephesian believers to use “the sword of the Lord, which is the Word of the Lord” (Eph. 6:17). Bible is able to establish us because is it inspired by God (2 Tim. 3:16) –It is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness –Doctrine (teaching) tells us what is right –Reproof tells us what is not right –Correction tells us how to get right –Instruction in righteousness tells us how to stay right –Doctrines in 1 Thess: God the Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, sin and salvation, doctrine of the church, work of the ministry, and doctrine of the last things (second coming of Jesus Christ)

9 It’s important that you know what believe and why we believe A working knowledge of the Bible is necessary for spiritual growth and stability God’s Word: –Food to nourish (Matt 4:4) –Light to guide (Ps 119: 105) –Weapon to defend (Eph. 6:17) The reason God has established the local churches is that the believers might grow in the Word and, in turn, help other people to grow likewise. (2Tim. 2:2, Eph 4:11-16) He prayed for them (3:9-13) –The Word and prayer go together –In 1 Samuel 12:23 Samuel said, “God forbid

10 I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way.” –Peter said, “But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the Word.” Acts 6:4) –Paul said in Acts 20: 32 “And now brethren, I commend you to God and to the Word of His grace, which is able to build you up.” –Jesus prayed for His disciples (Luke 22: 31-32, John 17) –Paul prayed for 3 specific requests: That their faith might mature (3:10)

11 –“perfect”: adjust, furnish, equip –We grow from faith to faith (Rom. 1:17) –Example: Abraham –Faith is like a muscle need to be exercised –Faith is tried not to be destroyed, but to be developed. –2 Thess 1:3 – We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth. That their love may abound (3:12) –Persecuted people often become self-centered and demanding –Lesson of love is best learned in school of suffering –Examples of Joseph and Paul –Christian love is shown to the believers and “toward all men” (3:12)

12 Holiness of life (3:13) The return of Jesus Christ motivates the believers to holy life. Also a source of stability in Christian life Where there is stability, there can be sanctity. Where there is holiness, there is assurance Paul’s prayer –Prayed “night and day” and “exceedingly” –True prayer is a hard work –Prayer to the Holy Spirit in v. 12 »The Bible pattern of prayer: to the Father, through the Son, and in the Holy Spirit »Holy Spirit is the sanctifier of the believer –Paul prayed for the converts that they stand blameless and holy before God at the return of Christ

13 »Refers to the Judgment Seat of Christ. Sins aren’t remembered there (Rom 8:1, Heb. 10: 14- 18), but our works will be tested. »Conduct cannot be separated from character 1 John 3:3 – And every man that hath hope in Him purifieth himself, even as He is pure.

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