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 Homework: - Study Links : Pg 7- 9  Mental Math:  7/1 =  70/10 =  700/100 =  28/4 =  56/7 =  560/? = 8.

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Presentation on theme: " Homework: - Study Links : Pg 7- 9  Mental Math:  7/1 =  70/10 =  700/100 =  28/4 =  56/7 =  560/? = 8."— Presentation transcript:

1  Homework: - Study Links : Pg 7- 9  Mental Math:  7/1 =  70/10 =  700/100 =  28/4 =  56/7 =  560/? = 8

2  A rectangular array is an arrangement of objects into rows and columns  Row-   Column   Each row has the same number of objects and each column has the same number of objects

3  Read pg 10 in the student reference book.  Complete one of the Check your Understanding Problems  Draw a rectangular array from one of the factor pairs and write the number model that represent the array

4  Etiquette/ Duties  Recorder  Reader  Gatekeeper  Summarizer

5  Work in your group to build arrays. For each array, take turns rolling dice. The first die is the number of row. Write this number in the table under rows. The second die is the number of things in the each row. Write this under columns.  Show your work. RowsColumnsArray total

6  Math Journal pg 5,6,7  Extension : pg 8

7  Remember: Arrays, rows, Columns  Think about:  How will use arrays in real life?

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