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Interrelation between Cosmic Rays, Magnetosphere particles and the Earth Atmospheric Phenomena- Prospects of Experimental Study from Satellites M.I. Panasyuk.

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Presentation on theme: "Interrelation between Cosmic Rays, Magnetosphere particles and the Earth Atmospheric Phenomena- Prospects of Experimental Study from Satellites M.I. Panasyuk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interrelation between Cosmic Rays, Magnetosphere particles and the Earth Atmospheric Phenomena- Prospects of Experimental Study from Satellites M.I. Panasyuk D.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2 Content. 1. Historical remarks. Scientific goals. 2. Plans for complex studies on satellites: - RELEC mission - Tatiana-2 mission. - TUS mission 3. Conlusion

3  Discovery of electron radiation belts onboard ELECTRON satellites in 60’s.  MAXIS (1996) experiment onboard balloons, Kiruna. High-energy electrons >500 keV precipitations: Flux - 5 х 10 25 particles for eight days was detected at low altitudes. Total number of trapped electrons – 2 х 10 25. History of the problem

4 L-shell Dst V solar wind Day of year, 1997 There are several cases with the dropouts of electrons from the belts during geomagnetic disturbances.

5 12345678 The X-rays (produced from ~1.7 MeV electrons) measurements showed that there are two main types of precipitation – long-term (~100 s) and short enhancements (~10 s) modulating the count rate. MAXIS measurements.

6 0 6 12 18 24 MLT Probability of microburst 97539753 L The short bursts (~100 ms) of precipitated electrons usually observed at the night-side of trapping boundary. (SAMPEX results).

7 Precipitation of ~100 keV electrons from radiation belts measured in SAMPEX experiment.

8 Scientific goals  Magnetosphere relativistic electron acceleration and precipitation research.  Study of high-energy particles acting in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.  of transient phenomena in possible connection with energetic particle interactions in the atmosphere  Search of transient phenomena in possible connection with energetic particle interactions in the atmosphere   Study of acceleration processes in the atmosphere as the possible source of high energy magnetosphere electrons

9 Crucial demands to detectors. -Simultaneous observations of energetic electron & proton flux and low-frequency electromagnetic wave intensity variations with high temporal resolution. -Fine time structure measurements of transient atmospheric events in optics, UV, X- and gamma rays.. -Monitoring of charge and neutral background particles in different areas of near-Earth space.

10 Demands to instrumentation  electron detectors: wide energy range (~0.1-10.0 MeV), temporal resolution ~1 ms, pitch-angle distribution measuring, wide dynamical range (from ~0.1 up to 10 5 part./cm 2 s).  detecting of protons with energies > 1 MeV,  low-frequency analyzer: measuring at least of two field components, frequency bands ~0.1-10 kHz.  X- and gamma-ray detectors: temporal resolution ~1 μ s, sensitivity ~10 -8 erg/cm 2 for burst.  Imaging of the atmosphere in optics, UV, X- and gamma-rays with resolution of ~km in wide FOV.

11 RELEC (Relativistic ELECtrons) mission.  DRG-1 & DRG-2 - two identical detectors of X-, gamma- rays and high-energy electrons of high temporal resolution and sensitivity  DRG-3 - three axe directed detectors of energetic electrons and protons  MTEL - optical imager  DUV - UV detector  BChK - module of charge and neutral particle detectors  NChA - low-frequency analyser  RChA - radio-frequency analyser  DOSTEL - dosimeter module  BSKU - module of commands and data collection

12 DRG-1 (DRG-2) instrument. Two identical NaI(Tl)/CsI(Tl)/plastic scintillator phosvich detectors, both directed toward the Earth. Physical parameters: X- and gamma-quantaelectrons energy range 0.01-2.0 MeV,0.2-10.0 MeV effective area ~200 cm 2 sr ~200 cm 2 sr (total ~800 cm 2 ) temporal resolution 0.1 μ s1.0 ms sensitivity ~5·10 -9 erg/cm 2 ~10 -1 part./cm 2 s


14 Photo- multiplier CsI(Tl) NaI(Tl) Al foil Plastic Detector unit

15 DRG-3 instrument Three identical NaI(Tl)/CsI(Tl)/plastic scintillator phosvich detectors, directed along three axe mutually normal (as Cartesian coordinate system) Physical parameters: electronsprotons energy range 0.1-10.0 MeV,1.0-100.0 MeV geom. factor ~2 cm 2 sr ~2 cm 2 sr temporal resolution 1.0 ms1.0 ms sensitivity ~10 part./cm 2 s~10 part./cm 2 s

16 To the sky Scintillation detectors Along the geomagnetic field line



19 MTEL instrument Optical imager based on MEMS mirror technology Physical parameters (see also the talk by I.H. Park, this workshop): Spectral band: 300-400 nm Angle resolution: 0.4 o. Angle of view:  7.5 o. Cells number: 4000. Photomultiplier channels number: 64. Time resolution: 100  s. Amplitude range: 10 5.


21 Energy range: E e : >300 keV; E P : >50 MeV; Gamma: 0.05 – 1 MeV; Neutron: 0.1 – 30 MeV E e : 0.1 – 5.0 MeV; E P : 0.1 – 60 MeV;

22 BGO CsI LBO Charged and neutral particles detector


24 Magnetic and electric field component meters

25 Electrons0.2 – 10 MeV > 10 MeV > 0.3 MeV Protons0.3 – 60 MeV > 50 MeV 3 – 150 MeV >150 MeV Gamma0.05 – 1.0 MeV Neutron0.1 – 30 MeV X-rays 10 – 100 keV UV300-400 nm Ranges of particles and quanta

26 TOTAL RELEC characteristics Mass35 kg. Power55 W. Data flow500 MB/day.

27 Tatiana-2 mission. Detector complex: 1. Temporal profile UV+Red detector. 2. Temporal profile electron flux detector of 400 cm 2 area. 3. MTEL short focus UV imager, covering area in the atmosphere 160×160 km with resolution 20 km. 4. MTEL long focus tracking UV imager, covering area in the atmosphere 56×56 km with resolution 7 km. 5. Temporal profile spectrometer.

28 1. UV-Red detector. Two PMTs covered by UV (300-400 nm) and red (600-800 nm) filters. Digital temporal signal profiles are available in time samples from 0.01 ms and up to 1 ms with duration of 128 time samples. Both PMTs has field of view (FOV)- 32º. Electronics selects TLE with the threshold of UV photons number in the atmosphere- 10 21 (UV energy-0.5 KJ).

29 Charge particle flux detector. Area- 400 cm 2. Digital temporal signal profiles in number of relativistic particles (r.p.) starting form several r.p. are available in time samples from 0.1 ms and up to 1 ms with duration of 128 time samples. Scintillation plate Light guide- convertor PMT For MTEL telescope see the talk by I.H. Park in this workshop.

30 Tatiana-2 mission. Scientific goals. 1. In nadir directon to observe different classes of TLE. How different kind of TLE are distributed in the world map? TLE correlation with continents or ocean. 2. In which kind of TLE electrons are accelerated to high energies so that they penetrate from the atmosphere to the Tatiana-2 orbit? 3. Are there millisecond electron flux flashes at the orbit? Are they occured at conjunctive points with TLE (statistical analysis)? 4. Verification of lunar effect on the rate and brightness of TLE. Which kind of TLE are really affected by the Moon? (See also the paper “UV data from Tatiana-1 and plans for Tatiana-2” in this workshop)

31 TUS Mission (2010-2012) Main goal is detection of Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays. For this goal a large mirror-concentrator is needed. Pixels cover 4000 km 2 of the atmosphere (orbit height 450 km). For detection of TLE a pinhole camera is incorporated. Satellite scientific payload: mass 60 kg, electric power 60 Wt, orientation to nadir ±3º mirror-concentrator area 2 m 2

32 In thunderstorm regions ionization of the atmosphere by EAS secondary particles, generated by EECR, may initiate TLE. Initial EAS will be detected by the main TUS detector and TLE will be detected by the pinhole camera. UV photon number in TLE is of the order 10 22 but the EAS UV photon number is ~ 10 15. EAS signal duration is ~10-100 μs and TLE duration is ~1-10 ms. EAS signal:

33 TLE signal. The main TUS detector will be saturated. Below: the TLE is “detected” by the 64- pixel pinhole camera. 0.3 ms 1 ms2 ms4 ms The pinhole camera event expected to follow in time the EAS event in the main TUS detector.

34 Conclusion. Complex satellite observations of particle flux at the orbit (heights of 400-1000 km) and of different kind of radiation from the atmosphere will give key evidence for the interrelation between atmospheric phenomena, magnetosphere particle flux and cosmic rays.

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