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IT-university in Kista May 2004 Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Countries Gunnar Landgren Rector IT-university in Kista.

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Presentation on theme: "IT-university in Kista May 2004 Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Countries Gunnar Landgren Rector IT-university in Kista."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT-university in Kista May 2004 Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Countries Gunnar Landgren Rector IT-university in Kista

2 IT-university in Kista May 2004 Purpose Promote ICT as a powerful means for poverty alleviation and human resource development Provide a contact point between the Swedish university community and foreign collaborators Establish a new link between development cooperation agencies, local public/NGO partners and industry

3 IT-university in Kista May 2004 Modes of operation establish close cooperation and partnerships with local organisations in the ICT for development field close collaboration within the Swedish partner network support a number of projects in carefully selected areas support the development of ICT strategies in developing countries contribute to academic capacity building and improved education play an active part in national telecommunication infrastructure projects

4 IT-university in Kista May 2004 Program Board Chairperson Sida, 2 IT - Univ., 2 Swedish Univ., 2 Management Committee Program Manager Host department Chief administrator Finance support International Reference Group Swedish Partner Univ. Foreign Partner Univ. Industry Governement agencies International organisations Swedish university staff PROJECTS Proposals from developing countries

5 IT-university in Kista May 2004 Research Alleviating the Digital Divide Technical challenges Socio-economic issues Services Consultancy services Special investigations Management Education International MSc. Graduate school Summer school Short courses Services Consultancy services Special investigations Public relations Foreign visits International committees Conferences Public seminars Program structure

6 IT-university in Kista May 2004 International MSc programs E-Government Flexible Learning and Distance Education Medical informatics Information System Management IT-Management Multi Purpose Community Tele-Programs Internetworking Low Cost System Development Computer Security Wireless Systems

7 IT-university in Kista May 2004 Short courses ICT policy planning ICT Master Plan design Telecom markets Internet connectivity Telecom regulations – role of the state Potentials for tele medicine Tools, requirements and support for distance education ICT-project management

8 IT-university in Kista May 2004 Research topics Bridging the digital divide Open universal access E-governement E-learning Tele-medicine Multi purpose community tele centers Natural language processing

9 IT-university in Kista May 2004 Public relations General awareness of the Program at universities and agencies in developing countries High visibility in the scientific and expert community and among financing bodies General appreciation among the Swedish public, companies and organisations

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